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I put the downtime to some use and have collated the first batch of our idiot recruitment messages into one screenie http://roostercogburn.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/as-swtor-recruitmessages-01.jpg - Have a giggle instead of seething, its better for your nerves :D

Learn what PI is really all about.




ok...that was F*ckn funny


^^ Agreed! That's a great set of recruitments!

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I doubt I'll be playing this game much longer...


Oh yes, your so angry you'll go to another game that will give you some more server downtime, and people wonder why the rest of the world thinks Americans are stupid.

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I just bought the game last night. Was so excited to play. I can understand downtime and that issues can occur. Waiting patiently for them to come back up. I do think it is a strange time to put through a patch though. Since patches are fickle beasts and as shown today, can quickly fubar things.


Is there no set times of the week for patches to be released, or is this one an exception?

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I'm sure they have the 1.2 Maps and things stored elsewhere, but it looks like it will be a bit of work for them replacing all of the things currently in Guild Banks, etc.

I think they just reload the last know database backup (probably when 1.2 went live) and then apply the redo-logs to it, and that is what takes time.


On the other hand it gives the devs a bit more time to make sure that the version they upload to all servers is really the one they should have done today.

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you ppl that demand that a newer game out-shine an older game that has had the benefit of a huge marketing, maintenance, support staff are sure spoiled to the facts that not every company is blizzard. and although wow was a great game, before bc, that blizzard basically crapped all over the long time players by making available to anyone the stuff that was grinded for months on end to achieve without so much as a "sorry, but your loyalty means nothing" vanity pet for a consolation prize. you paid to play there, and you will pay to play here, because it isnt wow, you were sick of wow when you started playing this, and your still sick of it now. this game, even with its downtime, offers you something that wow threw out the window, something actually new. its unfortunate that the game is down atm, but it will be back up again.......*waves hand, downtime is not the reason you are dissatisfied with life, search your feelings, they betray you.*


Not every company is Blizzard. They enjoyed a huge marketing budget indeed. So? As if EA is not a major player in the gaming market with a huge budget.


Yes I admit I got sick of WoW at some point. But I also am sure that I will be one of the first to buy their new MMO. As it is once again confirmed that Blizzard excels.

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I was annoyed like many others about the additional downtime today but you have to take this into perspective. For instance; why are people annoyed? It's because they obviously like the game and therefore want to log back in to continue - so rage quitting seems like an odd choice to make when a little patience will see you back where you want to be. We're getting a free day's subscription and in the interim we can just do something a bit different (I've really enjoyed playing Mass Effect for instance). A little patience and the game will be back up and this downtime will be consigned to history... and insignificance. 'Chins up' - better to get the game fixed than play a broken game
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Servers down but we're still playing. Light side says, "problems could be happened. be paitend. don't be aggressive. bla bla bla" Dark side says "i paid i want to play. you idiots. what a terrible service. bla bla bla"


On game client or forums, no matter, war continues.


Yeah man! I love this game! :D

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Servers down but we're still playing. Light side says, "problems could be happened. be paitend. don't be aggressive. bla bla bla" Dark side says "i paid i want to play. you idiots. what a terrible service. bla bla bla"


On game client or forums, no matter, war continues.


Yeah man! I love this game! :D


Totally true i guess. But I also sense that some "can happen" posts are from BW employees.

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Even if they tested it on PTS and it had no issues that doesn't mean it wont have issues when it's uploaded. Virtually every patch in existence on any MMO ever has had issues at start up even when it was pre tested on the PTS's.


Again, I do not understand the QQ here.

The QQ is from lonely, basement dwelling, hot pocket scarfing losers who are so addicted to MMO games that when their "crack" is taken from them, they have to pitch a fit. If they get this upset about a game, it makes you wonder how they handle real life stresses. Oh, wait. This IS real life to them!


I was looking forward to playing SWTOR on my day off today. Woke up, servers down. Meh, w/e, go do some springtime yardwork. Come back, servers still down. Meh, w/e, go for a hike with the dog.


All you clowns threatening to unsub need to do it. This thread would be that much shorter.

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Anyway chaps. If any of you are like me, you'll be smart and use the Downtime to take care of RL things that you need to take care of. For instance, I am doing my full laboratory report, and going to write my 12 page research paper, so that when the servers come back up I can play all weekend.



...College is nice : P

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Anyway chaps. If any of you are like me, you'll be smart and use the Downtime to take care of RL things that you need to take care of. For instance, I am doing my full laboratory report, and going to write my 12 page research paper, so that when the servers come back up I can play all weekend.



...College is nice : P


Finished that part 5 years ago :D Worked all week and want to chill. Chill = gaming for me. What to do?

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Everyone ************ about wow is great... they obviously haven't played that long. WOW was notorious in releasing patches that were broken. example Wrath patch 3.1 when northrend would crash every two hours when wintergrasp would reset. took them a week to fix and day of patch most servers were down for 8 hours + same thing with 3.2.. and who can forget when gates finally opened.. they also have constant issues during resets when you get extended maint for 2+ hours. at least they are giving us a comp day to make up for failing if this was blizz we would all be sitting around butt hurt and the server trolls would be crying about paying for something they cant use
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Everyone ************ about wow is great... they obviously haven't played that long. WOW was notorious in releasing patches that were broken. example Wrath patch 3.1 when northrend would crash every two hours when wintergrasp would reset. took them a week to fix and day of patch most servers were down for 8 hours + same thing with 3.2.. and who can forget when gates finally opened.. they also have constant issues during resets when you get extended maint for 2+ hours. at least they are giving us a comp day to make up for failing if this was blizz we would all be sitting around butt hurt and the server trolls would be crying about paying for something they cant use

You forget to mention their maintenance time window. It was not on Friday, Saturday or Sunday. It was in the night, morning or afternoon during midweek.

Edited by xmyth
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all these people who are moaning about downtime will u say thank you to bioware if they get it up and running early or are you all take take take?


Thank them for the downtime? Thank them for fixing what they broke? What is the logic in that?

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why would they get fired? the patch roll out hasn't gone according to regression testing plan. no one loses money from it, they already have it.


They gave one free day away to add along to the one free month they already gave.


Having the game revert back to 1.15 in some parts of the servers is a major screw up IMO. Someone didn't dot the Is and cross the Ts while going through a checklist. Not sure how something that damn big could happen.

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