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List of New bugs found since 1.2 update.


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Everyone else is making their posts about their findings, so I figure I would post one with the majority of what I have found, and hopefully you guys can add to it and have it all in one place for the devs to delete.. er read and fix.


Reply system bugged - Multiple people message you, your auto reply (Shift + r, OR just R) will say it is going to one person's name, but in fact send it to another person. Also can get the point where reply doesnt work, or just leaves the chat box open and you cant do anything (can't hit enter w/ a blank box during this box) and have to type something out to attempt to fix it.


Can't Log out..? - Hit escape, then choose logout. Confirmation comes up, if you X out of it or choose no, you are now stuck. You can not log out anymore and have to quit the game entirely to continue.


Game Freezing- I dont mean like.. it froze and I have to reset it, I mean 1-2 second freezes when doing certain things. Game runs smooth as butter, as it has for me since launch, but this update now is kind of like the problem that has been around when opening and closing your inventory. If you are running and hitting I over and over to open and close your inventory, you will see the type of freeze/skipping I'm talking about, This is now present when choosing a new location to fly to, or buying items from a vendor, or opening a door.. or a lot of things (I believe accepting a completed mission from companions as well). VERY annoying.


Quickbars are showing abilities avilable/in range of your targets even if they are 500 meters away. Obviously that is a huge exageration, but in the past it would grey out if you were too far away, but not anymore (At least on my Merc BH).


Skill Reset - A few classes that were listed as getting a free skill reset did not get them. I can't remember who else, but I know Merc was one of them. Not a bug, just an oversight.


Lots of items not showing whether you can or can't RE them - Tons of implants dropped in the new flashpoint, not one of them let me know if I could RE them on my Biochem. Maybe I can't... maybe I was just expecting too much?


Galactic Market Bug - This is a good one. Try to do a search for... let's say Miscellaneous Items. Nothing will come up. You have to have your Catagory AND subcatagory. If you are looking for something that does NOT have a subcatagory, it will display no results. There are a few differen't things that don't have subcatagories, so try it yourself.


Set Bonus of Current PVE - PVP Gear - Wasn't the set bonus suppose to be attached tot he armorings?... well it's not.


Color Scheme - Other people have already reported this a few times, I'm sure devs are aware of it now.


Twi'lek Hood/helmet - Helmet showing up going through the hood? Awesome clipping.


Training Dummy - If you attack it with your companion, and decide to stop, your companion will continue to attack it, and leave you stuck in combat.






That's all I got for now, I need to go to work. Pretty good for only a few hours played though. There were plenty more, but I am drawing a blank currently.

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Set Bonus of Current PVE - PVP Gear - Wasn't the set bonus suppose to be attached tot he armorings?... well it's not.


Training Dummy - If you attack it with your companion, and decide to stop, your companion will continue to attack it, and leave you stuck in combat.

First one was already announced. T1/2/3 will not be changed, only the new Campaign and Black Hole Gear has set bonus on the armorings. Search for a yellow post, you will find it.


Just like the patch notes says

Players can now remove Armoring modifications that have set bonuses from items and transfer those set bonuses to Custom (orange) items. These modifications can only be transferred to an item that is equipped in the same slot. This does not apply to all items with a set bonus, only those where the set bonus is attached to the Armoring modification.



Secend one is not a bug, its a feature... If you stop attacking an enemy, your companion will still continues to attack. Just hit strg+2 to send him passiv, he will stop attacking and you will be out of combat

Edited by mezen
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First one was already announced. T1/2/3 will not be changed, only the new Campaign and Black Hole Gear has set bonus on the armorings. Search for a yellow post, you will find it.


Just like the patch notes says




Secend one is not a bug, its a feature... If you stop attacking an enemy, your companion will still continues to attack. Just hit strg+2 to send him passiv, he will stop attacking and you will be out of combat



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@OP - Since you're compiling a list, you might also add that chat windows other than the primary window do not properly resize the font. Example: I have 3 windows total, and only the primary window properly resizes the font to anything above or below 12pt.


You can try to change the font in the other two windows (in the screenshot below, the private and guild windows), but the font doesn't actually change.


Screenshot of UI: http://forthewarclan.com/forums/download/file.php?id=137&mode=view


Already reported the issue ingame, and it's relatively minor in comparison to other bugs as of 1.2, but thought I'd mention it ;P

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iv bugged the secondary chat windows dont resize fonts at all


Sound: gone weird. its like a badly implemented 3d sound environment. Selling items in fast succession sounds different, and in space battles im still hearing ships after blowing them up


But in warzones, voidstar, i no longer hear the msg about the door being bombed. some sounds have gone silent.


The UI: my head will explode before this week is out. I love it. It would be nice though if the map sat on top of chat windows so changing the key (ie show vendors, travel points etc) didnt use the chat window instead if it overlaps.

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Just found that 1.2 is gone now? (lawl?) where some people are saying guild bank, new bird nest, and blackhole are inaccessable/gone and those that logged in those areas can not get back.


Pretty sweet I think this update takes the cake.

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Speeder sound seems to be fixed but now it doesnt sound right when you mount or accellerate


also conversations now seem to be majorly bugged with lots of lines missing from them

& just heaps of random game sounds missing


traveling to planet surface cutscenes are also majorly bugged, im getting heaps of missing models or sometimes you can see the glow but the planet itself is completely missing

Edited by LucasEighty
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Another bug for you to add... companion gear is not registering. Every time you summon your companion you have to unequip/reequip a lot of its gear to get the stats to register. This is *highly* annoying!


edit:: correction - it seems to be ony the earpiece and implants that need to be unequipped/reequipped which is a little less taxing... although if you change the mods in any companion item while they are wearing them then that item will also need to be reequipped.

Edited by FrankSpencer
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