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A Healer's 1.2 Grievances: The story of why healers are upset


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And this whole thread together with all these lame cry posts arent worth even the slightest attention to Bioware because in the end YOU and the rest of these pro healers in this thread are one thing that really wont change




You can all deny it as much as you want the whole bunch of you.


In the end the rest of you will disappear and the good bunch of healers in this game (who are adapting) will remain


Yes, because logically the last 12 players on the server when a game dies, are the uber skilled ones.....


My opinion, is that those 12 people keep a fanny pack with flavored lube in it. And are ready to lick Biowares boot on command. In the end, Bioware will realize the shareholders ain't happy with just the 12 peoples money. Please though, carry on trying to convince people that useless healers are best for the community.

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You cant solo BG's and expect to win just because your the one pumping out all the heals.


As a healer, against a group with even a grain of common sense, you will be marked, and the enemy team instructed to keep on yo butt untill its in tiny pieces all over the floor.


Your team, should they have even a grain of common sense also, would realise that without you there healing, they're all stuffed.



I only play SWTOR with my partner.


I'm a Jugg, he's a Sorc.


Hes allways guarded. He's allways my focus.


He can generaly handle people beating on him. If the person beating on him is starting to cause damage (interupting his heals, keeping him locked down preventing him from doing his job..)


do you know what he does?


He tells me!


You know what i do?


Turn around and beat the mucus out of whomever is causing the problem.


Do you know what the end result is?


He can keep healing, doing his job, staying alive and keeping everyone else alive.








Its the same as PVE in a way. Mobs on the heals? You know whats going to happen. Healer dies, everyone else dies from no heals, wipe.


PvP is no different.


If you dont want to spend a majority of your pvp time bashing your head against a wall because your getting swarmed, shout out on your server. "Heals LFM to PvP with, people whom work as a team"


Explain the basic rule - If i call for help you NEED to assist me, if you dont, i will die, then you will die shortly after.


You will be surprised how many people out there WANT TO TEAM UP AND WORK AS A TEAM in pvp, but just CBF being the one to organise the group.

Edited by HurrDurrCur
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Yes, because logically the last 12 players on the server when a game dies, are the uber skilled ones.....


My opinion, is that those 12 people keep a fanny pack with flavored lube in it. And are ready to lick Biowares boot on command. In the end, Bioware will realize the shareholders ain't happy with just the 12 peoples money. Please though, carry on trying to convince people that useless healers are best for the community.


Healers aren't useless. Bad healers have always been useless.


Coming from the perspective of a perpetual pugger/duo queuer. My sorc partner has never been happier with the game, we are pvping more, enjoying it more, and winning more than before. I can tell you they definitely do *not* feel useless.


Mostly because they didn't throw in the towel as soon as they read about the incoming changes.

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Healers aren't useless. Bad healers have always been useless.


Coming from the perspective of a perpetual pugger/duo queuer. My sorc partner has never been happier with the game, we are pvping more, enjoying it more, and winning more than before. I can tell you they definitely do *not* feel useless.


Mostly because they didn't throw in the towel as soon as they read about the incoming changes.



*high 5*





The only thing that seems to ruin games for me and my mate is when the other team is a PREMADE.


Meaning two 4man groups queing at the same time and getting in the same game 80% of the time. *cough warcry on Master Dalwhatsit*

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Healers aren't useless. Bad healers have always been useless.


Coming from the perspective of a perpetual pugger/duo queuer. My sorc partner has never been happier with the game, we are pvping more, enjoying it more, and winning more than before. I can tell you they definitely do *not* feel useless.


Mostly because they didn't throw in the towel as soon as they read about the incoming changes.


Well get your Sorc buddy with all this skill on here, and lets hear him explain why he is so happy! Apparently us "unskilled healers" just dont know how to be effective or useful. So please, have him enlighten us.


I dont really care to hear another class telling me I am bad, cause through hearsay you think were fine.


If you like Call of Duty type 13 year old PVP with zero survivability, I don't for a second doubt that you will love this kind of combat.

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I think people that were getting trashed prior to the patch, love it now, because they are dying just as fast as everyone else. And now they feel equal. Whats the diff if you die in 3.58 seconds instead of 3.76, no one will notice that you suck right?
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Well get your Sorc buddy with all this skill on here, and lets hear him explain why he is so happy! Apparently us "unskilled healers" just dont know how to be effective or useful. So please, have him enlighten us.


I dont really care to hear another class telling me I am bad, cause through hearsay you think were fine.


If you like Call of Duty type 13 year old PVP with zero survivability, I don't for a second doubt that you will love this kind of combat.


Just an FYI, FPS games are the most competitive, fair and balanced PvP systems out there. The fact that you are making fun of them just proves that you don't know anything about competitive gaming. The best MMO PvPers I know came from FPS games.


Oh, and I will ask my friend brysa to come teach you how to heal... this is from the other night:



do you know why our team won? Because we had 2 healers..and they only had 1. AKA healers are still very useful

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You can take this however you like, but here are some undeniable truths about healing in the game today:


-Prior to 1.2 healing was too easy. One healer could keep up another player against 3 DPS almost indefinitely.

-Healing after 1.2 is underpowered, Damage Mitigation is considerably insufficient. Damage is overpowered. The Time to Kill (TTK) has decreased so significantly that PvP is almost unrecognizable from pre-1.2 levels. Two assisting damage classes can kill anyone and there is really nothing to stop them. The damage is coming so quickly now that even someone who is being freely healed by two characters will die.

-A single competent DPS can take down a single competent healer. This is an imbalance. Consider this: a DPS character is a target for damage and can, while being attacked, continue to serve his function as a damage dealer. So, if this DPS character is attacking a healer and someone is attacking him, he is essentially occupying two or more players at a time, as he can effectively neutralize a healer from performing his/her duties or kill them outright without assistance. A healer on the other hand, while being attacked, is completely removed from his/her role as a support character and is then forced to focus on staying alive. RPG archtypes have usually held that healer characters can effectively keep themselves alive through moderate damage from a single target. That is not the case, presently.

-Given Time to Kill rates it is preferable to travel with no healers as a DPS character. With the extreme imbalance presented with the current Expertise dichotomy, it is much more effective to pump out as much damage as possible as quickly as possible. With the extremely powerful cooldowns that the Jedi Knight and Sith Warrior classes have, heals are even less important.

-There was no reason to inflate the expertise bonus to damage in relation to mitigation. Had they maintained it at the same level as mitigation and just reduced the healing portion (as they did), the game would be in a much better state right now.


The game is broken right now. It could be that with the addition of War Hero gear that this dynamic changes. I am willing to stick it out to see. If, however, the game stays in its current state with the out of control DPS, I will happily unsub and allow the insta-gibs to insta-gib each other. I have no idea what BW is thinking here, but they obviously didn't think hard enough about the implications.

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Just an FYI, FPS games are the most competitive, fair and balanced PvP systems out there. The fact that you are making fun of them just proves that you don't know anything about competitive gaming. The best MMO PvPers I know came from FPS games.


Oh, and I will ask my friend brysa to come teach you how to heal... this is from the other night:



do you know why our team won? Because we had 2 healers..and they only had 1. AKA healers are still very useful


Teach me to heal for the same or less per match? I think I will pass thanks. If you read any of my posts, you will see I havent once complained about output. I still top charts, for healing. That didnt change. However, the fun factor in regards to spawning over and over with stupid TTK issues.


And thats not why you won buddy. Again, you and your direct comparison crap. Lets not consider the 500 other variables like skilled team mates setting up for passes etc. No, let just compare raw numbers and take them as fact......




And yes, FPS are balanced because one shot kills are kind hard to unbalance. But, a lot of people dont like the respawn over and over type play. Typically, the average MMO player will not like Call of Duty type survivability. At least I would hope so, for the sake of my gaming future.


Geez, all these number crunchers out in full force. Wheres the grammar nazi's? I am sure I used an apostrophe wrong somewhere(ok, all over the place).

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Just an FYI, FPS games are the most competitive, fair and balanced PvP systems out there. The fact that you are making fun of them just proves that you don't know anything about competitive gaming. The best MMO PvPers I know came from FPS games.


Oh, and I will ask my friend brysa to come teach you how to heal... this is from the other night:



do you know why our team won? Because we had 2 healers..and they only had 1. AKA healers are still very useful


I can post screenshots from the past week of 600+, even a couple 700+. It means nothing. We still dominate bad teams, but any melee assist train that is halfway decent can kill me 8 times to get that 700k+. Luckily there are only 2 on the server. Still, I am looking ahead at rated and I don't see the value over an extra dps class.


BTW: It is funny that you think 542k healing is great.

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Healers are in a terrible place. Sorc, Op and Merc healers are laughable and a liability to their team. Even the poorest of DPS can zone them from helping their team if no outright kill them.


If you think "healing is fine", we arent playing the same game. I watch healers get 3 shot regularly, hell i can take em down in like 5 or 6 globals with very easy interrupts and im rocking like 8 pieces of recruit gear as a sorc.

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<< And yes, FPS are balanced because one shot kills are kind hard to unbalance. But, a lot of people odnt like the respawn over and over type play. Typically, the average MMO player will not like Call of Duty type survivability. >>


It sounds a lot like you're upset that you aren't invulnerable now. It doesn't mean you're a bad player if your character dies.

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You already added the protest remarks: "You are exaggerating" etc. So I will try to refrain from using those.


But. I think the healing role has changed. Yes. THe fact that healers stop healing will only make life harder for your faction / team. You say Tank/healer combio is still strong, you cant kill anything, but you wont die either. Well. I dont see the problem with that.


As a dps player, it is frustrating that you cant defeat a healer. In my opinion, a dps vs healer fight should come down to skill, all things equal.


It used to be impossible for a dps to defeat a healer. Who would be able to heal himself and others a little bit while doing so. You still can. I saw it happen yesterday. THe difference is this: If you heal others while trying to stay alive, you will be eaten by someone who tries hard, and is skilled at, killing you.


Imagine the frustration for dpsers pre 1.2 - Youd need at least two good dpsers to take down a healer. And it wouldnt necessarily happen in 10 seconds.


Many classes die in ten seconds if focused by 2-3 people.


healers should be protected by tanks and their team. In my opinion, people need to look at healers value more strongly after this and not just mark enemy healers for quick zerg kills, but protect their own.


I feel your pain, but I think skilled healers will still be invaluable after this. Personally, I am even more determined to level my own healer fast so I can start healing in this game. I was fulltime healer in WoW, and I miss it.



^Words of Wisdom^


The main reasons Healers are upset about 1.2 is the fact they are killable now in 1v1 and can no longer use a single cast to go from 30% to 80%.


Pre 1.2 and still today I always find myself as the only DPS ever trying to focus down a healer only to have my team (Republic :rolleyes:) go for a DPS that is getting healed and then to have the intelligent enemy team (Imps) tear me a new one.


If people don't want this game to become WoW then open your mouth (or your chatbox) and COMMUNICATE WITH YOUR TEAM.

Edited by TalkingDinosaur
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Notice how all the healers that are whining in these posts are centred around themselves, how well they can heal SOLO.



Totally ignoring the fact that PvP is heavily teamwork dependant.


Please feel free, to quote the whiny healers that feel entitled to being overpowered while healing solo. We will wait right here while you collect up those quotes to back up your comments. I think whatever side of the debate your on, you will find your comment to be ridiculous. Just saying....


Or perhaps I missed some goof balls post where they make a solo argument?

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The game is broken right now. It could be that with the addition of War Hero gear that this dynamic changes. I am willing to stick it out to see. If, however, the game stays in its current state with the out of control DPS, I will happily unsub and allow the insta-gibs to insta-gib each other. I have no idea what BW is thinking here, but they obviously didn't think hard enough about the implications.


It's hard to see what they were thinking because when you make so many changes to a complex and dynamic system, there's no tracking cause and effect. It not only wrecks the current change, it also leaves developers without a functioning reference point for the next change. If the next significant patch is just as sweeping, expect similar results.

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^Words of Wisdom^


The main reasons Healers are upset about 1.2 is the fact they are killable now in 1v1 and can no longer use a single cast to go from 30% to 80%.


Pre 1.2 and still today I always find myself as the only DPS ever trying to focus down a healer only to have my team (Republic :rolleyes:) go for a DPS that is getting healed and then to have the intelligent enemy team (Imps) tear me a new one.


If people don't want this game to become WoW then open your mouth (or your chatbox) and COMMUNICATE WITH YOUR TEAM.


A quick review of the forum posts reveals that most healers expect the WoW model.


1 DPS on you? LOL - NO PROBLEM

2 DPS on you? lol - no problem

3 DPS on you? Meh, I can heal to full after they burn their cooldowns

4 DPS on you? Woah, This might be close but I can probably get a big heal off near the end, maybe.

5 DPS on you? Damnit, I'm going to have to run away and burn my cooldowns or I'm gonna die.



Leave the WoW model in WoW. Healers are not invincible just because they can heal. Its simple logic that if healers have heal spells and DPS they will beat DPS every single time. If you want to be invincible find a tank (or team) to protect you.

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I don't understand what all the fuss is about. Im a sith DPS jugg and get thrashed by almost any class, including healers. On my server pub smugglers can litterally out heal two marauders and me. On top of stealthing. I find that kind of stupid. I don't think you guys are realizing this, but as pre-made groups become more and more, its common for everyone to attack the healer, because they are pretty much the key to sucess.


Healers are pretty much the factor determining win or loose. Or at least on my server, we keep getting these pre-made pub groups. Usually with only one healer, and they heal everyone on the team to full instantly. I really don't think they have been nerfed at all... If your being pumbled, it's because your a threat. I find it stupid that a fricken smuggler out DPS's me and can stealth, heal pop out and do nearly 3K points from a super shot, and then keep on shooting me. Lets not even talk about a jedi sage...

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A quick review of the forum posts reveals that most healers expect the WoW model.


1 DPS on you? LOL - NO PROBLEM

2 DPS on you? lol - no problem

3 DPS on you? Meh, I can heal to full after they burn their cooldowns

4 DPS on you? Woah, This might be close but I can probably get a big heal off near the end, maybe.

5 DPS on you? Damnit, I'm going to have to run away and burn my cooldowns or I'm gonna die.



Leave the WoW model in WoW. Healers are not invincible just because they can heal. Its simple logic that if healers have heal spells and DPS they will beat DPS every single time. If you want to be invincible find a tank (or team) to protect you.


please quote where people are saying this? your assumptions are absurd...


first off... if you think 2 dps on us before 1.2 couldnt kill a healer... you are so thwarped in the head. 2 can easily kill a healer before 1.2... if they couldnt... i would say they are like most of the posters here who love 1.2.... crappy players.


its so ironic that most of the players who are dps that love 1.2 were the ones who couldnt kill a healer prior to 1.2 and claiming how GOD mode we were... yet the extreme irony is that it took teamwork prior to 1.2 and now they are telling healers to do teamwork....LOL


the irony....




anyway, play a healer... play a sorc/sage healer... and come back and tell me how you do....


As I have posted before... I play both sides.. DPS and healer... both of which are BM... I have shelved my sage... and went back to full time on my dps...


WHAT A JOKE... i am burning down tanks so fast now... in fact I am burning anybody and everybody...


I dont even need to target squishies anymore... i can just target anybody. They will die....


P.S. prior to 1.2... I can burn a healer down by myself... you just need to know how with the tools you got.

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^Words of Wisdom^

The main reasons Healers are upset about 1.2 is the fact they are killable now in 1v1 and can no longer use a single cast to go from 30% to 80%.


No that's not the case. For the most part, our heals still do the same burst. Eg I can still crit for 6k or 7k heals (with relic+adrenal)+ 3k emps. There is absolutely nothing different (maybe a percent here or there) relative to prepatch.


The difference is in the wz burst that people can output. Mara/Sentinels/Juggs/PTs/Mercs and Snipers can hit for outrageous crits and drop people faster than a healer could ever respond too.


This is broken, and needs to be fixed. The same bs was happening back in January with mixed wzs, where you had relic+adrenal crits in the 8 or 9k territory that would drop players in 2 GCDs. It removed all skill from the game, and ultimately makes for a boring experience.

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A quick review of the forum posts reveals that most healers expect the WoW model.


1 DPS on you? LOL - NO PROBLEM

2 DPS on you? lol - no problem

3 DPS on you? Meh, I can heal to full after they burn their cooldowns

4 DPS on you? Woah, This might be close but I can probably get a big heal off near the end, maybe.

5 DPS on you? Damnit, I'm going to have to run away and burn my cooldowns or I'm gonna die.



Leave the WoW model in WoW. Healers are not invincible just because they can heal. Its simple logic that if healers have heal spells and DPS they will beat DPS every single time. If you want to be invincible find a tank (or team) to protect you.


Because you couldn't do what any good dps could do prior to 1.2, this is your opinion. So you love the change, cause now you can faceroll a win against a healer.


Half of you ******s say we should have to depend on a tank to guard us, so we dont die. Yet you expect to single target us down with ease. Wheres your all so important teamwork factor here? Shouldn't you have to have others fighting with you, just like the healer apparently HAS to have a pocket tank? It would at least be nice if the goons writing this stuff had some consistency.


Again, all your silly arguments do, is further cement the fact that healers should respec dps. And just realize, you puggers are going have a hard time getting heal specs in your instances. You cant have your DPS cake, and eat it too:)

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^Words of Wisdom^


The main reasons Healers are upset about 1.2 is the fact they are killable now in 1v1 and can no longer use a single cast to go from 30% to 80%.


Pre 1.2 and still today I always find myself as the only DPS ever trying to focus down a healer only to have my team (Republic :rolleyes:) go for a DPS that is getting healed and then to have the intelligent enemy team (Imps) tear me a new one.


If people don't want this game to become WoW then open your mouth (or your chatbox) and COMMUNICATE WITH YOUR TEAM.


Actually, we can still do that. Your post shows how uninformed you are.

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I must have missed the part where this game stated that pvp was a team only thing - but only if you are a healer. I also must have missed the part in my class definition that said healers are supposed to die to every other class. I know that if I would have read that, I would have rolled a dps and played solo with no problem.


I have never played an mmo where the healer was supposed to die to every other class.

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