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While I agree mara/sentinels need few nerfs I also think alot people were just used to facerolling in Huttball as ranged and spamming knockbacks/killing melee before they could make it back to them.

I still see ranged trying to hard cast vs marauders when they pop master strike/ravage and then crying on forums. I play few different classes not only marauder but when I'm on him I almost never see people using knockbacks/stuns/CC when I pop my CDs. Most will just tank me in melee range because that random knockback didn't work.


Sorc/sage were never overpowered. Mara/sent on the other hand are clearly not balanced and I will be suprised if they do not get adjusted in some way. Same gos with sorc, it is far from an effective class since 1.2, and you have to work harder than the melee classes in the game to be competitive since they go down like a sack of **** and have no defensive cooldowns other than a crappy shield that breaks on a few hits and a 2 second speed buff. That is the truth.


All this stuff about maras being hard to play is just laughable. There is not a class in the game that is hard to play, its just keybinds, situational awareness and timing.


If you think having 26 binds makes it difficult welcome to mmos. Anyone with a clue about pvp will use keybinds understand cc, how to focus out players etc. Maras/sents defensive cooldowns need a second or two of shaving off, or the damage to be reduced while they use it. At the moment im seeing warzones with 4-5 mars, all with that survival skill.


Now sage/sorc was nerfed because they "stack well" together - so do maras, and sorc didnt have the defensive cooldowns or dps that this class is capable of. Most people complaining about sorc were **** geared, this is not the case now. So rebalance this class please, since it's exactly the same situation as before 1.2 with sorc except maras are actually ott.

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Nerf Sentenals,Vanguards,Commandos,Guardians,Vanguards,Smugglers,Gunslingers and Shadows.

Buff Sages:cool:

I want a god mode button,cover so I can't be charged,some decent burst damage and an insta kill aoe ability,oh and I also want stealth and heavy armor.


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Nerf Sentenals,Vanguards,Commandos,Guardians,Vanguards,Smugglers,Gunslingers and Shadows.

Buff Sages:cool:

I want a god mode button,cover so I can't be charged,some decent burst damage and an insta kill aoe ability,oh and I also want stealth and heavy armor.



Well you wont get that will you?


Nice atempt at satire though.


Do you think sages are in a good place right now? Really?

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Well you wont get that will you?


Nice atempt at satire though.


Do you think sages are in a good place right now? Really?


They are doing pretty damn well on my server. Maybe you should just go back to pve?

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Well you wont get that will you?


Nice atempt at satire though.


Do you think sages are in a good place right now? Really?


Nope,they are in terrible place right now.The most viable spec is Balance,but most of the attacks are dots,which can be cleansed if you are againstt a competent healer.Our best burst damage is 3k when it crits.We have no defensive cooldowns and light armor.We are a Glass Cannon without the cannon :D

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What a bunch of hogwash.


If there's even an issue with Sentinel/Marauder, it's the same it always has been......5-stacked-Juyo-7.5s-CD Merciless Slashes, which are now even more deadly with the new Expertise values. They ruin my day as much as yours (I am a Combat Sentinel, full BM gear at the moment). Thank GOODNESS for Pacify, but it works pretty effectively ON me as well.


Don't even start on Guarded by the Force, if you're whining about a Sentinel getting healed during it then you were attacking the wrong guy. If you're whining about using a med-pack during it, I wasn't aware med-packs were a Sentinel-specific ability.


We don't get any stuns or knock-backs (Force Stasis basically stuns me for 3 seconds too), our AoE CC is situational and breaks on the slightest damage, and outside of Watchman's insignificant DoT-crit heals we get no self-healing. You guys thinking the Ataru Sentinels with the speed boost and roots are the same as the Juyo Sentinels with the Merciless Slashes and DoT-heals are just ignorant.


I have yet to meet ANYBODY of approximately equal gear who is an easy kill in a 1v1 situation who actually uses the tools at their disposal, and players who are just better than me typically kill me regardless of gear.

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Its really funny how every marauder believes that its other players lack of skill because they didn't run away from them.


Its like crushing a motorcycle with your truck and saying to the police that he didn't move away so it was his fault.

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Its really funny how every marauder believes that its other players lack of skill because they didn't run away from them.


Its like crushing a motorcycle with your truck and saying to the police that he didn't move away so it was his fault.

Well, when the motorcycle is driving on the wrong side of the road.......
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Well you wont get that will you?


Nice atempt at satire though.


Do you think sages are in a good think that sages are in a good place?


definitively in a good place. A good sage healer still pump out more healing than the top dpser, and a good sage dps is still competeing for most damaged done in a wz.


Bad sages are bad, but good sages are fine.

Edited by LiveandDieinLA
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  • 1 month later...
So I am full BM and yesterday with the release of 1.2 I get 1 shot now with master strike/ravage abilities. Mar/Sents were fine before the buffs. Now they are way better than any other class. They have more single target dps and with their defensive cd's they have more durability than any other class.


That is a blatant lie.

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That is a blatant lie.


Way to be over a month late to a topic. It was first day of 1.2. Yes BW has tuned this dumb class down. Yes they will tune it down more. No your crying won't save you. Everyone figured out your one trick pony class already anyway.

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Thank goodness they only can pop five defensive CDs in a row.


Rebuke, Saber Ward, Force Cloak, and Guarded by the Force?


For one... That isn't even 5... For two... Say what? We know that you hate Maras and Sentinels, every post you make is about how horrible they are and how those CD's need to be nerfed. Most good players have adapted and can now more than deal with us. Maybe you should adapt.


It is only a couple of diehards now screaming for Mara nerfs. This game will never go back to Sorcerer/Sage domination. Ever.

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We all knew Mara/Sent was going to be the new FOTM before this patch was released. I'm not surprised. As a Pyro Powertech, I used to melt the bad ones and put up a good fight against the better ones.


Now I just get owned.


I rolled a mara and its more than a match for most classes in the game. However with that said it has the most keybindings in the game also. I use each skill plus a bunch of others 17 keys bound just for abilities alone including adrenals and med packs. If have to know how to play a marauder or you get smoked. They are pretty easy to beat one on one. Just cc them during master strike. I am tired of all the qq about classes. I had my valor ranked 78 commando nerfed into the ground. I almost stopped playing because I was a straight healer, I spent all the time and energy to get my combat medic gear and bam you babies cried about nerfing healing and damage on the class. I say deal with it now and learn how to play against a class that does good dps thats up in your face. They are a easy class to cc and interrupt.

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Rebuke, Saber Ward, Force Cloak, and Guarded by the Force?


For one... That isn't even 5... For two... Say what? We know that you hate Maras and Sentinels, every post you make is about how horrible they are and how those CD's need to be nerfed. Most good players have adapted and can now more than deal with us. Maybe you should adapt.


It is only a couple of diehards now screaming for Mara nerfs. This game will never go back to Sorcerer/Sage domination. Ever.


We don't care there is barely anyone playing the game. Stop stating how bad you are. By always crying that the class is good and doesn't need nerfs. I don't play anymore and I could care less about class balance when I rotted on a dead server for over a month. You must be the worst player in ToR though. All you have done since 1.2 is say how the class is due and not op. You must not play it right...

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We don't care there is barely anyone playing the game. Stop stating how bad you are. By always crying that the class is good and doesn't need nerfs. I don't play anymore and I could care less about class balance when I rotted on a dead server for over a month. You must be the worst player in ToR though. All you have done since 1.2 is say how the class is due and not op. You must not play it right...


Dude, I say if you don't play don't post. You have no reason to even be here!

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Crazy imba classes make this game unfun.


I can post that sentence in many games' forums and I'd be correct. I honestly thought Bioware might make a decent fist of it, but I didn't have my hopes up since they were new to MMOs. Oh well, let's hope Arenanet get it right - or at least, better!



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So I am full BM and yesterday with the release of 1.2 I get 1 shot now with master strike/ravage abilities. Mar/Sents were fine before the buffs. Now they are way better than any other class. They have more single target dps and with their defensive cd's they have more durability than any other class.


Most people run away from my final hit on master strike because they have brains, even when I stun them before hand with force leap.


Apart from that, leave my OP class alone

Edited by Lordgeneral
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Dude, I say if you don't play don't post. You have no reason to even be here!


Why I unsubd because of server population. My sub hasn't run out. Plus this post was started by me and I can still read the forums? I don't normally post anymore. Don't post on a thread I start.

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