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ESPECIALLY Tanksin. Their survivability is WAY higher then ours and they have WAY better CD's then we do and do almost as much dps as us in tank spec. But because we stand out with our 2 lightsabers ppl freak out.

Sorry, mate, u r wrong. Tankasins doesnt have even close dps compared to marauder or pyro powertech.

though that discussion is overbeaten allready, i wanna remind that damage, accumulated at the end of wz is a sum of all damage done. So if marauder or pt could stay (think survive) at combat the same ammount of time tankasin does - then marauders damage delt will be mountains higher. Dps of tankasin is subpar to marauder in the same quality of gear, they just stay in fight much longer, continuing to spray their lower damage. get the dummy and torture it with both ACs.


marauder in his ways is ment to be destructive and for dueling purpose it seems to be very tough. but there are counters to him. people just didnt get it yet. ravage? move away, cc him. bleeds\burns? pff. healers wash it away. And the damage is crap. Dont fill dualwielder's resolve untill he goes 99% invul.

Edited by Akfourtys
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Lets be honest here, Marauders level of OPness even outshines Deathknights in s5, its absolutely repulsive how strong Marauders are atm.


Aw, the good old /castrandom-macro.

Everyone who trys to defend Marauders/Sents and claims that they are fine just plays one himself.

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I'm sorry that you lack common sense when it comes to countering a melee class and then choose to ignore facts when they are thrown at your face. I'm sorry that you are incapable of adjusting and learning how to get around class abilities. I'm sorry that good players are beating the snot out of you and you feel the need to come to these forums and QQ about our 31/31/31 spec while ignoring much more dominate classes such as a Tanksin and PT Pyros, ESPECIALLY Tanksin. Their survivability is WAY higher then ours and they have WAY better CD's then we do and do almost as much dps as us in tank spec. But because we stand out with our 2 lightsabers ppl freak out.


I'm not talking about a frakking 31/31/31 spec, every one of your gosh darn specs has a 12s 50% slow and a mez and a charge and a choke and a combat cloak, if that isn't enough to break kiting on a PT inside 10 meters who is slowing you for 2s every GCD, and will thus lose his slow for at least 1s EVERY TIME HE USES ANY OTHER ABILITY, and has to save his stuns for your defensive CD's, then I don't know what to say.


I've killed hordes of Marauders, and hordes of them there are, in every frakking warzone nowadays.

I've also faced enough of them to know you can't kill the good ones like that, period. So if you're the one getting killed by PT's, you might want to re-evaluate your line of thinking, and realise that you might just be a mediocre player at best yourself.


This thread is about Marauders, not about tank assassins, they too have their unbalances, but please don't use that as an excuse for a class that has both some of the best offensive tools as well as THE MOST defensive tools in the game. That simply does not compute when talking about balance.

Bad marauders can do good now, and good ones are near unbeatable in the right team.


But whatever, go on ahead, I simply don't care, the endless nerf circle will come for you and move on to the next class, it's inevitable.

Edited by Fdzzaigl
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Lets be honest here, Marauders level of OPness even outshines Deathknights in s5, its absolutely repulsive how strong Marauders are atm.


Oh come on, that's not fair lol

Nothing beats early WotLK DK's XD

We are undoutable really really strong right now, but nothing compared to a blue geared DK whipping everyones ***.

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I'm not talking about a frakking 31/31/31 spec, every one of your gosh darn specs has a 12s 50% slow and a mez and a charge and a choke and a combat cloak, if that isn't enough to break kiting on a PT inside 10 meters who is slowing you for 2s every GCD, and will thus lose his slow for at least 1s EVERY TIME HE USES ANY OTHER ABILITY, and has to save his stuns for your defensive CD's, then I don't know what to say.


I've killed hordes of Marauders, and hordes of them there are, in every frakking warzone nowadays.

I've also faced enough of them to know you can't kill the good ones like that, period. So if you're the one getting killed by PT's, you might want to re-evaluate your line of thinking, and realise that you might just be a mediocre player at best yourself.


This thread is about Marauders, not about tank assassins, they too have their unbalances, but please don't use that as an excuse for a class that has both some of the best offensive tools as well as THE MOST defensive tools in the game. That simply does not compute when talking about balance.

Bad marauders can do good now, and good ones are near unbeatable in the right team.


But whatever, go on ahead, I simply don't care, the endless nerf circle will come for you and move on to the next class, it's inevitable.


I'm not a FOTM player. I've been a sentinel since launch when they were considered "bad" and I will be one if they get nerfed. Regardless, your theories are all based on "if" all their CD's are up, and 9/10 all their CD's are burned quickly now due to the higher damage output. I lived 10x longer pre 1.2 and personally hate 1.2 pvp atm but I still dominate pretty much every warzone.


I steamroll marauders on my sentinel and kinetic shadow and I steamroll sentinels on my pryo merc. They are easy kills and fact is without the CD's sentinels have they would be unplayable as they would walk into a fight and blow up on contact. However I'd gladly give up guarded by the force and saber ward for a hard stun. I mean damn, its pretty much the same thing, just instead of us stunning you we get 99% dmg reduction but you can still stun us,root us and use a knockback. The ability is so over rated its not even funny. Most sentinels would trade it for a hard stun or force pull.

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If you stand there long enough for a full ravage/MS to go off you've got what's coming to you. And I don't even play a Sent/Mara.


Clearly- or you'd know the marauders with the hard hitting ravages have a root that you can't move from ravage during it's effects, on top of doing 10k damage total.


But, since you don't play a sentinel, I'm sure you can now tell us noobs to use our interrupts, oh wise one who doesn't play the class but knows oh so much.


Wait, I know you... weren't you the one asking for sorc nerfs because you were tired of how they keep turning invisible and getting super high damage and protection numbers?



Trick question- saying you're the one would imply there was only one person saying that.

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the 99% is the most powerful defensive cooldown ingame. If you think its overrated, more power to you, but I woulc not trade it for any ability from any other class.


Pacify off global took a bit of skill out of the class. If you want to nerf sents, :pput cooldowns like rebuke and saber ward and pacify ON the global. Then they will have to be used preemptively again and not just as another counter.

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the 99% is the most powerful defensive cooldown ingame. If you think its overrated, more power to you, but I woulc not trade it for any ability from any other class.


Pacify off global took a bit of skill out of the class. If you want to nerf sents, :pput cooldowns like rebuke and saber ward and pacify ON the global. Then they will have to be used preemptively again and not just as another counter.


Tankasin bubble says hello and begs to differ.

Edited by Raansu
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Funny. 40k views on this thread (thats more than 10 times any of the others except stickies on the first page) and no reply from the devs. I guess we guys who actually spend a lot of time playing notice things their 'metrics' (which is a stupid name for statistics imho) doesnt show.
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Clearly- or you'd know the marauders with the hard hitting ravages have a root that you can't move from ravage during it's effects, on top of doing 10k damage total.


Only if they are spec'd Combat/ Carnage do they get a root on MS/Ravage.


Oh wait...the infamous 31/31/31 spec, right?

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u have to spec it to 5 sec (unlike sentinels) and doesn't protect you vs white dmg. (can't even run trough fire with it)


And it also doesn't take half your current life to use, right? Also, if you don't think Shadows/Assassins have a way to pass through flames, taking only minimal damage, you're crazy!

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Maras/Sents haven't ruined PvP, but they make it worse. It just isn't fun to walk into a WZ and die in a few seconds. It's a more difficult class to play correctly and is why we didn't see too many of them doing good numbers pre 1.2. Now the bad Maras/Sents are good and the good Maras/Sents are unbelievable.
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u have to spec it to 5 sec (unlike sentinels) and doesn't protect you vs white dmg. (can't even run trough fire with it)


Removes dot's and the likes and makes you immune to stuns, i'd say thats hardly worse for no other cost on the skill lol

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Maras/Sents haven't ruined PvP, but they make it worse. It just isn't fun to walk into a WZ and die in a few seconds. It's a more difficult class to play correctly and is why we didn't see too many of them doing good numbers pre 1.2. Now the bad Maras/Sents are good and the good Maras/Sents are unbelievable.


A "few" seconds implies "two to three" and if you are dying in 2-3 seconds by a Mara/Sent, you obviously need better gear! Or are you...you know...exaggerating? Funny thing about QQ posts is there is always exaggeration and/or just pure BS in them.

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A "few" seconds implies "two to three" and if you are dying in 2-3 seconds by a Mara/Sent, you obviously need better gear! Or are you...you know...exaggerating? Funny thing about QQ posts is there is always exaggeration and/or just pure BS in them.

You mean like using words like 'imply' or 'always' :)

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My most invested toon is a madness sorc. and all I can say is that Marauders/Sents seem to actually pose less of a threat to me (regardless of their spec) now compared to pre 1.2. Madness sorcerers are typically considered a joke in pvp (minor nuisances due to DoT's, low damage, squishy), so Maras/Sent are usually brazen enough to attack me 1v1. Well, I no longer lose to them 1v1 anymore. Maras/Sents pose an issue when there are 2 of them and they both focus a single target. But hey, this is also true for many classes. Hell, 3x 31 point Madness Sorcerers that are coordinating targets to DoT and staggering creeping terror (particularly against melees) can hold their own against every AC with the exception being shadow/sin (due to their bubble - which is superior to the marauder bubble by far). Marauders/Sentinels aren't OP'd - they do what they're supposed to do - and people are currently QQ'ing about them only because they're very popular to play right now - they were fun to play pre 1.2 and many people rolled maras/sents since they thought 1.2 would make them godly with the spec changes from 1.2 (which didn't - it's the expertise changes that have made high damaging attacks for every class gain a significant increase in damage). Powertechs/Vanguards, Mercs/Commandos (whom are still hitting for ~6k even after yesterday's fix), Ops/Scoundrels (despite their "nerfs" from 1.2), and Shadows/Assassins all pose greater threats than Marauders/Sents.
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yah there just op im a shadow tank and if 4 of them hit for anything ubove 4k for just a sweep and i get stuck in the middle il be dead and i have almost 20k health il have just enough health to get hit by them 1 more time
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u have to spec it to 5 sec (unlike sentinels) and doesn't protect you vs white dmg. (can't even run trough fire with it)


Strange... many attacks from classes that deal non force-base/tech-based white damage aren't actually dealing any damage when shadows/sins bubble (and of couse, they don't apply any debuffs that might be attached). Now I have seen several occasions where a shadow/sin has bubbled and still taken minimal damage, but I thought this only came from the rare chance to ignore resistances for people that actually bother to stack accuracy (every special attack has 100% base accuracy without ANY accuracy bonus). My carnage marauder has 106% base main-hand accuracy (which becomes 116% with special attacks) and I've never seen Deadly Saber/Vicious Throw/Gore/Battering Assault/Force Charge/Rupture/Visious Slash/Massacre (including Ataru Procs) connect for damage. I've seen a force shrouded (bubbled) assassin take maybe ONE hit from a full ravage every 10 times I've used it with them remaining in melee range the entire time and pretty sure deflection's 12s duration/3m cooldown isn't always up. Furthermore, I've only seen retaliation actually land on a bubbled assassin maybe once every 5 attempts (this happens to be a "guaranteed hit" weapon-based ability). The only attack my marauder seems to land for damage against a bubbled assassin is Assault (the normal attack) - which has 10% less accuracy than all those other white damage dealing (non force-based) attacks, and it does negligable damage. Same thing proves true for my sniper - only thing that lands consistantly is Rifle Shot (again, normal auto-attack). Hell, when I'm on my tank assassin and I force shroud, this also proves true since the highest damage I've taken (ever) with force shroud active was ~1200's.

Edited by SinnedWill
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My most invested toon is a madness sorc. and all I can say is that Marauders/Sents seem to actually pose less of a threat to me (regardless of their spec) now compared to pre 1.2. Madness sorcerers are typically considered a joke in pvp (minor nuisances due to DoT's, low damage, squishy), so Maras/Sent are usually brazen enough to attack me 1v1. Well, I no longer lose to them 1v1 anymore. Maras/Sents pose an issue when there are 2 of them and they both focus a single target. But hey, this is also true for many classes. Hell, 3x 31 point Madness Sorcerers that are coordinating targets to DoT and staggering creeping terror (particularly against melees) can hold their own against every AC with the exception being shadow/sin (due to their bubble - which is superior to the marauder bubble by far). Marauders/Sentinels aren't OP'd - they do what they're supposed to do - and people are currently QQ'ing about them only because they're very popular to play right now - they were fun to play pre 1.2 and many people rolled maras/sents since they thought 1.2 would make them godly with the spec changes from 1.2 (which didn't - it's the expertise changes that have made high damaging attacks for every class gain a significant increase in damage). Powertechs/Vanguards, Mercs/Commandos (whom are still hitting for ~6k even after yesterday's fix), Ops/Scoundrels (despite their "nerfs" from 1.2), and Shadows/Assassins all pose greater threats than Marauders/Sents.


That's pretty much it. As a Marauder I laugh when I see other Marauders/Sentinels, because at the end of the day they're all generally icky bad because they thought that rolling the FOTM was a great idea. Good player > bad player any day.



yah there just op im a shadow tank and if 4 of them hit for anything ubove 4k for just a sweep and i get stuck in the middle il be dead and i have almost 20k health il have just enough health to get hit by them 1 more time


So don't get stuck in the middle of 4 Marauders. If I get stuck in the middle of any 4 dps then they'll burn me down faster than I can saw "Faaaaak!". Point being is, you want to be an invincible tank that can solo anyone is PVP and probably solo any SWTOR boss. Yeah buddy, that's not really how things work. You can tank, you can guard, but you can't soak up everyone's dps and live at the same time. That would be... what's that word that keeps on getting thrown around here... oh yeah... OP!!!

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Tankasin bubble says hello and begs to differ.


huh, I guess others have already responded to this.


a lot of sentinels predicted this a while back. I much preferred when we were harder to play.


Id like to add I still like playing my healing sage in pvp. Throughput is so balls though.

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That's pretty much it. As a Marauder I laugh when I see other Marauders/Sentinels, because at the end of the day they're all generally icky bad because they thought that rolling the FOTM was a great idea. Good player > bad player any day.





So don't get stuck in the middle of 4 Marauders. If I get stuck in the middle of any 4 dps then they'll burn me down faster than I can saw "Faaaaak!". Point being is, you want to be an invincible tank that can solo anyone is PVP and probably solo any SWTOR boss. Yeah buddy, that's not really how things work. You can tank, you can guard, but you can't soak up everyone's dps and live at the same time. That would be... what's that word that keeps on getting thrown around here... oh yeah... OP!!!


then how am i suppose to fight in the thick of it?

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