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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Companion HP


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Hi there,


I have noticed that my companion has a really low HP now (a lot less than pre-1.2) and i just did a little math on the gear and endurance and this is what i got:


On the companion tab it shows 1046 End (226 Base + 821 Bonus) but from gear i have:


Ear: 129

Imp1: 72

Imp2: 90

Wrist: 52

Weapon: 138

Off Hand: 83

Head: 110

Chest: 97

Gloves: 97

Waist: 50

Legs: 97

Feet: 97


TOTAL: 1112. So the total endurance should be 226 Base + 1112 Bonus = 1338.


this is a huge difference. Anyone know if it's intended or a bug? If it's intended then my bad (please enlighten me), if it's a bug then BW please fix it, it's kind of serious.

Edited by Urdnaxela
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It's a bug. Not all of your companion's gear is being factored in. In my experience, it's been the earpiece and the implants. Current workaround (assuming it's not being fixed with this patch) is to remove the earpiece and implants then reinstall them.
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I have the same problem.


All my companions lost about 2500 hitpoints with 1.2 - they also seem to be a lot weaker in attacks. I suspect its the legacy system.


But it could also be another ninja nerf, since my agent also lost 7% of his hitpoints and 4% of his damage - go figure.

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It's a bug. Not all of your companion's gear is being factored in. In my experience, it's been the earpiece and the implants. Current workaround (assuming it's not being fixed with this patch) is to remove the earpiece and implants then reinstall them.


hmm, you might be right.


i'll unequip all items and then reequip them all. thank you, had no idea about this.

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There have been HP nerfs, but this one is definetily a bug. If you re-equip the ear pieces and implants of your companion, he will have the HP again.


Actually, the legacy should increase you presence so you companions get stronger.

Still not sure, but maybe you should re-euqip them too and see what changes.

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Whenever i un equip the implants and earpiece from my companions the HP doesnot drop, no stat changes, but when i re equip the implants and earpiece, the stats go up! And the difference is HUGE!! :p


I did the math Urdnaxela, and if u subtract the implants and ear, u get the stat of 1046, but if u add them then u get 1338


I wrote a ticket and they replied that this is not a bug but a design, which is very very weird! :o


I am Protocol Droid Y0-W7, Human-Cyborg Relations.


Thank you for contacting us to report this issue.


We have investigated the error you reported, and have confirmed with our specialist team that in fact this is not a bug, and is working as designed.

If you feel that this aspect of the game could work differently, we strongly recommend posting your feedback on our “Suggestion Box” forum, located here:



Keep an eye out on all your equipment, most will have performance modifiers.


Enjoy and game on...


Our Development team actively monitor our forums, and are constantly looking for feedback from our players. The thoughts and opinions of our community play a key role in helping them to improve the Star Wars: The Old Republic experience and to shape new features and content.


Thank you again for contacting us to bring this issue to our attention, we apologize for any confusion or inconvenience it may have caused.


Galactic Support is our speciaity…




Protocol Droid Y0-W7 (aka Mel)

Star Wars: The Old Republic Customer Service.


Gotta be a bug! I dont know why they said its designed to be this way!!?? :eek:

Edited by bilalkhan
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Whenever i un equip the implants and earpiece from my companions the HP doesnot drop, no stat changes, but when i re equip the implants and earpiece, the stats go up! And the difference is HUGE!! :p


I did the math Urdnaxela, and if u subtract the implants and ear, u get the stat of 1046, but if u add them then u get 1338


I wrote a ticket and they replied that this is not a bug but a design, which is very very weird! :o


I am Protocol Droid Y0-W7, Human-Cyborg Relations.


Thank you for contacting us to report this issue.


We have investigated the error you reported, and have confirmed with our specialist team that in fact this is not a bug, and is working as designed.

If you feel that this aspect of the game could work differently, we strongly recommend posting your feedback on our “Suggestion Box” forum, located here:



Keep an eye out on all your equipment, most will have performance modifiers.


Enjoy and game on...


Our Development team actively monitor our forums, and are constantly looking for feedback from our players. The thoughts and opinions of our community play a key role in helping them to improve the Star Wars: The Old Republic experience and to shape new features and content.


Thank you again for contacting us to bring this issue to our attention, we apologize for any confusion or inconvenience it may have caused.


Galactic Support is our speciaity…




Protocol Droid Y0-W7 (aka Mel)

Star Wars: The Old Republic Customer Service.


Gotta be a bug! I dont know why they said its designed to be this way!!?? :eek:


Lol!! not a bug? That is a dumb reply from them then. It is absolutely a bug...or if they think not, then a very bad design. :p

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