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Farewell SWTOR


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It amazes me to hear all the trollers and fan boys say things like, "Don't let the door hit you on the way out", "Get over it and move on.", and "Looks like a smooth patch to me, Bioware is amazing as always."


Just so you guys are aware, NERF's kill MMO's. Every time developers release a patch and NERF something in the name of balance that fundamentally changes the way class rolls play, screws up rotations, or changes the mechanics of a particular build, people get upset. In this case entire groups of people were impacted and ARE upset. If you can't see that then you're in complete denial. If Bioware does this enough the server populations won't be their only issue... I for one am taking advantage of this unscheduled maintenance time to type out my disgust and check out Diablo III. I'm sure that's what Bioware had planned for me on this day off I took to play patch 1.2.

Edited by Jakoby
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It amazes me to hear all the trollers and fan boys say things like, "Don't let the door hit you on the way out", "Get over it and move on.", and "Looks like a smooth patch to me, Bioware is amazing as always."


Just so you guys are aware, NERF's kill MMO's. Every time developers release a patch and NERF something in the name of balance that fundamentally changes the way class rolls play, screws up rotations, or changes the mechanics of a particular build, people get upset. In this case entire groups of people were impacted and ARE upset. If you can't see that then you're in complete denial. If Bioware does this enough the server populations won't be their only issue... I for one am taking advantage of this unscheduled maintenance time to type out my disgust and check out Diablo III. I'm sure that's what Bioware had planned for me on this day off I took to play patch 1.2.


Then these people should never play MMO's. Every MMO class from Shadowbane to WoW that I've played is a never ending class nerf. They change something one day, and a couple of months later something else is being changed. This is how MMO's are done.


As an MMO player, you need to expect this, and adapt, or find something more enjoyable, whether it is a different class in the game, or a different game entirely.

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Ok let's look at the positives:


1) Novare Coast is awesome.

2) Legacy class buffs are a nice touch.

3) You get a fluffy pet and 30 days free.

4) New Flash Point


Everything else to include most Legacy stuff is cosmetic and unimpressive due to the severe nature of the NERFs.




1) Healing was nerfed for all classes and skill trees making it much more difficult to keep up with rage timers and Surge DPS

2) Fundamental changes were made to every skill tree generally forcing classes out of theory crafting hybrid builds. This has the potential to ruin an entire community genre of people who love to twink build toons. I am one of this number.

3) It was conceptually theorized that gear mods would be transferable to orange gear that people like better. HOWEVER, this can cost up to 500K per piece AND IT DOES NOT transfer the set bonus. Your BM and WH gear mods also carry the Expertise trait making it all that much harder to replace with Enhancements that have Surge, Crit, Power, etc that you would prefer to have in that gear set. I saw zero PvP gear that have surge?

4) Vender PvP prices have greatly increased.

5) Starter PvP gear is Blue?

6) Jedi Knight PvP and PvE Gear still looks like crap. To spite months of complaining about the BM PvP gear, the new WH gear is equally bad.

7) 30 days free only applies to 50's? Uhm what about everyone who does not have a 50 but has been in game since the beggining.


I hate to say it but the NERF's, gear changes and cost increases are overshadowing any positives in this patch for me.


Why would you release a patch that you know going in people are going to be sooo pissed that you have to give them a free month of game play?

Edited by Jakoby
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Hey, things get changed by people voicing their complaints. It's the sheep who always say "get over it, that's how life is." In all honesty, I see points from both sides--but I have to give the point to the whiners on this one...this patch is way under par for the things I had expected for legacy. In truth, this is really just added rewards for money grinds...and the rewards seem minor.


And on top of it...they reward the losers--who in God's name seriously had time to grind through that social? I've been playing since opening day and I'm not even Social 5 on my main toon (so how could I buy a Korrealis Baron?) Then valor 65 for the other Korrealis? WTH. Solo queuing I couldn't even get close to that in 3 weeks. Don't say I'm bad either, that's not an excuse...it's time invested versus reward output...and these people must've been playing 8 hours a day for 2 months...Who has time for that? How could we possibly have gotten these mounts? Guess I'm just done with the way MMO companies string their players along. If you put a reward in, keep it in. It's not special when you bust *** to get something then some loser with no job living on other people's paychecks grinds it no problem because they refuse to get a job in real life, then you reward them by taking it out of the game a week or two before somebody with a job can afford to buy it. Don't get me wrong, it does feel nice to have something that others don't, but why can't it just be from work, or achieving something special. It's a start doing datacrons, but why not special achievement datacrons, or keep those mounts in, too, for those who achieve these special things? I don't see the harm. It's not rocket science...things can be done differently.


Oh, and I have a champion PVP toon, so don't give me this "I grinded the pvp Valor 100 in 3 days." No you didn't, don't lie in the forums to make yourself look good. People can see right through that garbage.

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I am amazed that people are not being more patient. I do not and never would expect a game to be perfect right out the gate. But hey, that's me. leave or stay that is our personal opinion but quit bashing and hating. I would much rather they take the time to make things better than play a game that breaks or gets stagnant. This game is new, I haven't even played all the toons to 50 yet. I have yet to go into a warzone or operation. Hell, I'm having fun with the storyline and playing with that. I don't give 2 cents bout what my armor looks like as long as it is functional. Damn, give these guys a break. They have been busting their asses to bring the best game they can and all yall can do is gripe that it ain't perfect. What the hell is perfect ???


Bioware/Lucas for me personally, I will not go anywhere yet. I will give the same time I gave to WoW and make sure before I unsub. I think others should chill and reflect and have some patients before acting like a little child and "take their ball and go home". Bash if you want but that's what I think about all this jawjacking BS about it not being perfect.

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Another 1.2 slip.....and I do apologize if this was mentioned earlier, but honestly i couldnt keep reading the dribble.


RE'ing the new orange gear that you craft isnt able to be done....


It clearly says that it would be able to be RE'd. Yet everyone i know that has crafted any orange gear that is a weapon, although it states below the stats right click to RE this item...its a NO GO.


Other than that...not too bad ...I enjoyed the new content


Thanks for your time.

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Ok let's look at the positives:


1) Novare Coast is awesome.

2) Legacy class buffs are a nice touch.

3) You get a fluffy pet and 30 days free.

4) New Flash Point


Everything else to include most Legacy stuff is cosmetic and unimpressive due to the severe nature of the NERFs.




1) Healing was nerfed for all classes and skill trees making it much more difficult to keep up with rage timers and Surge DPS

2) Fundamental changes were made to every skill tree generally forcing classes out of theory crafting hybrid builds. This has the potential to ruin an entire community genre of people who love to twink build toons. I am one of this number.

3) It was conceptually theorized that gear mods would be transferable to orange gear that people like better. HOWEVER, this can cost up to 500K per piece AND IT DOES NOT transfer the set bonus. Your BM and WH gear mods also carry the Expertise trait making it all that much harder to replace with Enhancements that have Surge, Crit, Power, etc that you would prefer to have in that gear set. I saw zero PvP gear that have surge?

4) Vender PvP prices have greatly increased.

5) Starter PvP gear is Blue?

6) Jedi Knight PvP and PvE Gear still looks like crap. To spite months of complaining about the BM PvP gear, the new WH gear is equally bad.

7) 30 days free only applies to 50's? Uhm what about everyone who does not have a 50 but has been in game since the beggining.


I hate to say it but the NERF's, gear changes and cost increases are overshadowing any positives in this patch for me.


Why would you release a patch that you know going in people are going to be sooo pissed that you have to give them a free month of game play?


Thanks for your opinions.


Read that again. OPINIONS.


I, for one, liked the optimizations to healing classes. Do I rub it in people's faces that I am correct?


I'm sorry the game didn't went the way YOU personally want it to be. Stop feeling so entitled and adapt to the changes.

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To the OP. Sorry that you are disappointed and I hope you find happiness in whatever game you play. I'm pretty happy with the patch although the legacy is a bit disappointing. I was a bit shocked to see things costing so many credits. I guess that I didn't read the legacy discussions closely enough. I thought that legacy level unlocked the perks and you wouldn't have to spend the credits. In any case, I'm doing my dailies now so I'm slowly accumulating money and will adapt.


I've liked some of the changes--I like the new dailies. I appreciate that the Belsavis dailies are now two person heroics. I loved the Corellia 4 person heroic--very well done. I really love the new WZ although blasted Huttball comes up all too frequently. I still haven't figured out how to match my armor or this fluffy pet you all are talking about, hehe. I just dipped my feet into the water so I have much to explore. My only complaint is that I can't play today!!


One aside: To the TL;DR folks who jumped on the OP. Why not discuss his thoughts and not his writing style? It isn't that hard to read a paragraph.

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Hmm just read this about your guild.


Argo (scottish)


I first heard about CORAL when Deanogee poached my LFGuild post, as they (we) are a Republic guild and I was looking as an Imperial Agent wantobe, this tipped my curiosity and I soon found out CORAL is not like every other guild out on the market. They (we) have looked under every rock to find the best members for a top tier raiding guild.

The “Leadership Structure” if you want to call it that, is rather unique in the gaming world. Every member has equal say on what does, and does not happen within the guild. Every action is voted on, discusses at length until a clear majority consensus is reached. There is no one man show here.

The activity within the guild is very high, with members from both America and Europe, no matter what time you play at, there will always be someone to share some banter with.

My favourite part I must admit is the maturity within the guild. There is no feeling of elitist kids that will rage on you for the slightest mistake, there is an air of patience and understanding that allows people to learn from their mistakes, and not have a lesser experience because of them.


Not the responce i would expect from the worlds #1 guild with this kind of testimonial.

Eveyone has a right to voice/opionize/point dude even the org. poster.



Well you expect too much. I'm flattered you did some research on my guild. I'd research your guild but quite frankly i don't care what guild your from because even with your bad grammar and the fact that in most parts of this thread you've voiced every single useless opinion you could think of i still couldn't think why a guild would accept you.

Like you said. Everyone has a right to voice their opinion. (Opionize isn't even a word.) The original poster voiced his opinion and i simply pointed out that he is a drama queen. Problem?

Just because I'm in a top guild doesn't mean my RESPONSES should be all sunshine and flowers.

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To BioWare,


When Blizzard comes out with "Diablo 3" this May, you will be losing a lot of subscribers. Blizzard is quite accurate with their game play and fans seem to be satisfied. Giving false information and nerfing the casual gamers who modd'ed their gear for their style of game play is not the way to keep your customers happy.


Bla bla bla


So what your saying is that gamers only ever play one game at a time? I will be playing Diablo 3 also but I wont be cancelling my swtor account. Legend of Grimrock was released on the 11th of April and Ive been looking forward to that for ages, did I cancel my swtor sub? NO ofc not.


As for the OP and others if your not happy with the game for whatever reason then go and play something else, tbh the community isnt really interested in posts like this other than to either flame you or make a constructive comment about not being interested lol contradiction there but nevermind.


Have fun in <---insert another game title here--->

Bye bye

Edited by boldee
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The thing I love most of all is "The Community" SWTOR has created HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH 90 % of the posts here are your typical 12 yr old responses you'd see anywhere :)


You all prove, "The more things change, the more things stay the same".

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This patch 1.2 is by far the worst update I have seen emplimented on an mmorpg. SWTOR had been set apart from all the mmo's on the market because of its excellent game play and spec customizing that most other games moved away from. Well, that was pre-April 12th, 2012. 1.2 feels too much like a World of Warcraft cloning patch. Bizzard, during the Linch area, emplimented a change to their class talent tree that forces players to spend 90% of their talent points in one respective tree; making players have to go the full 40 pts specs. You've done this exact samething. I was refreshing to beable too hybrid spec my sage Yuty as telekinetics/balance. But by taking that way by change the mechanics of popular talents you have begun to take the same steps that have ruined other games that had great potential. Now on my Sage that I used too love I have too choose whether I want too play her like WoW's Arcane/Fire Mage, Disciplne Priest, or Shadow Priest. This is just one example but now the games far too similar. This game does look amazing and excellent details the voices are a nice feature but arent necessary. My characters never talked in KoToR ad I still loved both 1 and 2.Honestly if Im going play a game that has been force after its release to be this much like WoW I might as well play the original that has been going 7 years strong and not the upstart. Hopefully Bioware and put this game back on track to greatness. Please go back too and stck too the principles that made KoToR one of the best video games ever made. You've proven time and time again that you are one best at making games, but this one will be free to play soon if you (Bioware) continues on the path laid by this awful patch.

Three things;

1. Too long, didn't read.

2. You obviously have never heard of the NGE for SWG back in the day.

3. (Team Fortress 2 heavy voice)Cry some moar!

Edited by Tythespy
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Hello everyone,


While we do appreciate anyone who takes the time to compile feedback for us, we're closing this thread, as we do have a forum for suggestions and many subforums for specific topics. Don't forget that you can also use the In-Game Customer Service Portal to report any issues you encounter!


If you have a specific suggestion or individual piece of feedback, we encourage you to post in the Suggestion Box forum or to make a thread regarding your issue in the relevant subforum.


Thank you!

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