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Should have given 30 days to everyone subbed since release


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I agree with a lot of the comments here. The reward should be time based..not level cap. No reward for buying a 6 month sub and playing on multiple servers.

Felt no need to fast-track to 50. Wanted to enjoy the game with family and friends. Guess that's not good enough for them :mad::(


I completely agree. Did not see the need to quickly advance. I play on 3 different servers have 7 different toons. I play 5 to 6 days a week since Dec. Sometimes I end up on Sat playing for 10 hours when not running kids around. Other days 7PM to 1AM.


Maybe the game is just capped out for lvl 50 and the releases aren't there to keep the lvl 50 engaged that they need to do something. But I feel like I got the shaft for being a dedicated player.

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Read between the lines. They screwed the 50s by failing on the content. Do you really read this as "those of you who aren't at 50 aren't valued customers?" Come on.


That is EXACTLY what I read from it. And not even between the lines like you, but clear as day. I really do not get where you get that between the lines.

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I think Bio is paying for extra moderators right now. They are closing posts about this so fast it's making my head spin. The fact that people are starting dozens of threads should be telling them something about how pissed the general community is.


No, this has very little to do with the 15 dollars to most of us. It has everything to do with Bio's post and the fact they are rewarding one part of the community and ignoring the other. If you are level 50 you are the valued members and here is your reward. If I play and pay the same amount as the people who made 50 once or multiple times what is the difference in value? Is my monthly subscription worth less to Bio? According to their statement it is...

Edited by Cindron
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So those with are 50 are most valued. By logical extension that makes us without a 50 less valued? :mad:



Holy god you're terrible...It says nothing about not valuing the lower leveled players. Its catering to the 50's by saying you are one of our most active and valued customers...

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From the email.


You are one of our most active and valued high level players and we know you have been waiting patiently for Game Update 1.2: Legacy. To show our appreciation, check out all the great new features this update has to offer-on us. We will be adding an additional 30 days of game time to your account at no charge*. The free 30 days will appear on your account by April 24, 11:59PM CDT, April 25, 4:59AM GMT.


So where did they say we're the most important? There is a difference between saying you are the MOST VALUED and you are ONE of the MOST VALUED... Figure out what reading comprehension is then start talking.


hahaha another one? seriously, read previous posts, see what is written, understand the point being made by on this side of the fence, come back and make another post thats actually meaningful. your post has been answered many times since, yet has not been understood once.

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hahaha another one? seriously, read previous posts, see what is written, understand the point being made by on this side of the fence, come back and make another post thats actually meaningful. your post has been answered many times since, yet has not been understood once.


LOL'd at your new sig! :D

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That is EXACTLY what I read from it. And not even between the lines like you, but clear as day. I really do not get where you get that between the lines.


So you really think that, as opposed to someone poorly wording the statement, they are actually saying that those of you who aren't lvl50 aren't valued? Some handlebar moustached PR person carefully crafting an FU to anyone under 50?


Do your friends in RL have to walk on eggshells everytime they speak to you or what? Talk about easily offended.

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I do feel for those people who followed some "advices" in this forum and rerolled on a more populated server.


I re-rolled to a new server and left my 50 on the dead one, when transfers come out I'll just move him to my new server.

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yeah i do


hows them apples


i want to rewarded for been a loyal customer from day one, who has payed a sub from the 13th dec


if when i had payed for my CE box and subbed they said in the Terms and contions that you MUST have a lvl 50 by the 12th april 2012 to be in line to claim a free month, then i wouldnt be here now kicking off, id be fine i did get to lvl 50 no problem


but instead Bioware has told me in not so many words that i a paying customer from 13th decemeber 2011 isnt as vauled or as loyal as someone who may have only just started playing the game in March, but has got to lvl 50 before 12th april, is more loyal and vauled as me.


see my problem now or do i need to break it down for you even more.

Edited by LexiCazam
Rude - quote
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It isn't about them giving 30 days to day 1 subscribers or anything like that. If they had just came out and said "Due to the unforeseen circumstances that required the removal of Ranked Warzones from 1.2, we will be giving all lvl50 accounts 30 day free game time" than most of this would not be a problem for many of us.
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So you really think that, as opposed to someone poorly wording the statement, they are actually saying that those of you who aren't lvl50 aren't valued? Some handlebar moustached PR person carefully crafting an FU to anyone under 50?


Do your friends in RL have to walk on eggshells everytime they speak to you or what? Talk about easily offended.



ROFL - this wasn't carefully crafted by anyone - quite the opposite in fact.

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hahaha another one? seriously, read previous posts, see what is written, understand the point being made by on this side of the fence, come back and make another post thats actually meaningful. your post has been answered many times since, yet has not been understood once.


I think what he is saying is that those making the point do not seem to, or refuse to understand the reward or the concept. They are employing conjecture as a means of lending validity to their argument.


In short, making something up in light of the facts, then raging about it....as is done alot on these boards.

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hahaha another one? seriously, read previous posts, see what is written, understand the point being made by on this side of the fence, come back and make another post thats actually meaningful. your post has been answered many times since, yet has not been understood once.


I understand there are way too many whiners in this community...And that because someone wants to read into something more than necessary, their opinion is truth when shared by other whiners.

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The fact that people are starting dozens of threads should be telling them something about how pissed the general community is....


Yes it tells them that each individual starting new threads, are so self absorbed that they cannot join an already existing thread but need to have their own individual thread.


Yeah... it does say a lot

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Holy god you're terrible...It says nothing about not valuing the lower leveled players. Its catering to the 50's by saying you are one of our most active and valued customers...


Instead of giving out free subs they should invest in the game. I dont want my money going to pay for someone elses free sub. I want it improving the game. That is how subscription games work and why I like them. Been subbed to WoW for about 5 years and never hit the max level. Am I not a valued and loyal customer to them?

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It isn't about them giving 30 days to day 1 subscribers or anything like that. If they had just came out and said "Due to the unforeseen circumstances that required the removal of Ranked Warzones from 1.2, we will be giving all lvl50 accounts 30 day free game time" than most of this would not be a problem for many of us.


exactly, this, is, the, point


instead of making us feel like second class subs because we dont yet have a level 50 character...

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I for one am disappointed about not getting 30 days free. I was waiting for 1.2 before advancing my character to the higher levels with the legacy rules being implemented.


I have been subbed since day one. 1.2 is broken and not working. So now I am unsubbing before I am billed again for what has become a useless game in my opinion.

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yeah i do


hows them apples


i want to rewarded for been a loyal customer from day one, who has payed a sub from the 13th dec


if when i had payed for my CE box and subbed they said in the Terms and contions that you MUST have a lvl 50 by the 12th april 2012 to be in line to claim a free month, then i wouldnt be here now kicking off, id be fine i did get to lvl 50 no problem


but instead Bioware has told me in not so many words that i a paying customer from 13th decemeber 2011 isnt as vauled or as loyal as someone who may have only just started playing the game in March, but has got to lvl 50 before 12th april, is more loyal and vauled as me.


see my problem now or do i need to break it down for you even more.


Nope still not getting it, sorry!


You had any problems with the game? Anything broken? All good?

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i want to rewarded for been a loyal customer from day one, who has payed a sub from the 13th dec


When they issue a reward for that, then you can be the first in line. That is not what this is about. This is for those that worked to level 50. You did not work to level 50, you do not get the reward. What part of that seems to be misunderstood?


I mean, you can argue that you are entitled to dividends paid to the top 500 CEOs too, but it does not mean that you are entitled to them just because you want them.

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So you really think that, as opposed to someone poorly wording the statement, they are actually saying that those of you who aren't lvl50 aren't valued? Some handlebar moustached PR person carefully crafting an FU to anyone under 50?


Do your friends in RL have to walk on eggshells everytime they speak to you or what? Talk about easily offended.


That is exactly what they are saying. They are classifying people in 2 groups. Once that get 30 days, and once who do not. The ones that have a lvl 50, and the ones who do not. And they said that the ones that do have a lvl 50, are valued and loyal customers. That means, the others are not.


I cannot say:


"Hey! I love you all, and because I love you all, you all get a free lunch!! oh, but only if you have black shoes..."


That says that the love is dependent on whether you have black shoes. So it does not matter how many times say I love everyone, it is quite clear that I love people with black shoes...


If they came out and said exactly what you said before, that they are giving the extra time to the people who have been 50 for a while, and have had to deal with the lack of content (it is still quite arbitrary), but it would be better. But that is not what they said. Not at all.

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It isn't about them giving 30 days to day 1 subscribers or anything like that. If they had just came out and said "Due to the unforeseen circumstances that required the removal of Ranked Warzones from 1.2, we will be giving all lvl50 accounts 30 day free game time" than most of this would not be a problem for many of us.


But we all know that's what they meant, right? That some PR person thought they would mitigate frustration by making them feel special, right?


Context matters. This is mostly an excuse for some to get hyped up to get some free time. For others, they are most likely just looking for some reason to be offended or upset. We all know plenty of people like that in RL. These are them.

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