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Should have given 30 days to everyone subbed since release


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It does not automatically imply anything. You just want to read it that way.


In official announcements, the best course of action is read it and understand it precisely as it was worded. Nothing else.


In this case, level 50`s get a cookie for being ONE OF THE... . Nowhere does it say anything about non level 50`s, or makes any comparison.


You decided to read between the lines.. fine. But don`t pretend Bioware intended to transmit something, or failed to... they didn`t. They just stated that accounts active with level 50`s on them get free time. Period.


but they did say something about none lvl 50 players


they called them active subscribers, not vauled customers which the lvl 50 players got, no just active subs.

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My two cents on the topic from another thread.


Bioware shouldn't have given this just to 50s. They should have given it to all people who have been playing since launch. Regardless of who is 50 and who isn't.


Having said that I'm inclined to say if you've been playing for 4 months and you don't have a 50 then you clearly have no interest in content at 50. I personally believe they chose the people with 50s because they know that this is the area that this game is going to grow the most (also you know, ranked warzones). The person at 50 contributes more to the community and to the game than the person who isn't 50. The person who isn't 50 isn't a bad person and they should be rewarded for loyalty, but that's just my personal opinion on why they aren't being rewarded. The 50 pushes the game to evolve, the non-50 doesn't.

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I hear all of the arguements for play time, being a founder, having alts... But, the reality is no matter what criteria Bioware made the cut off point for a free month people were going to complain. If it was being a founder the complaint would be, I have 4 50's but didn't join until week 2, I'm not important? If it was play time it would be I missed it by an hour why is that guy better than me? If it was having 5 characters, the guy with 4 would complain.


NO ONE is entitle to the free month, it is a gift that Bioware chose to give to some of their customers. If you didn't get the free month nothing changed about the agreement you had with BW, so why get mad that tey did something nice for others?

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No where in there does it say players without level 50 toons are inferior. No one ever said that you weren't a valued customer. .


and nowhere does it say they aren't, noone ever said that they were.


the powers of deduction.


one group of people are getting preferential treatment on a flawed basis, even though the two groups have invested the same amount of time/money/effort.. that's all that needs to be said and it says everything.


there's already a plague of elitism infesting the mmo communities, mostly by end game obsessives... validating that, already blight on the mmo community is further flaw.


we're all equals. we all pay the same amount each month.

even if someone logs in twice a month if he pays his monthly fee he/she is an equal with the rest of us.


the elitism must end, at some point.

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My response in yellow. This is an issue with a poorly worded email and everyone taking issue on a level concerning it. That is the main focus. Everything else is being muddled in because of insecurity/entitlement issues.


Sorry, I meant to add in and DO NOT have a lvl 50. And it's not about entitlement. I completly understand the reasoning behind what they did with the 30 free days; and most other people do as well. But it the way they did it and introduced it is what was poor. As well as people who completely quit the game, getting free time - and don't even have to re-sub.


BW has made it appear (or really does think) those people are more valuable than those who have been here since before launch and have kept an active subscription. Poor execution is still poor execution

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As a thanks for being one of our most valued players, every active account with a Level 50 character as of April 12th, 2012 at 12:00PM CDT / 5:00PM GMT, will receive thirty (30) days of game time** in appreciation for your support and loyalty.



Original article>>>>




This is what the website says... no sugar coating it.:mad:

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The person at 50 contributes more to the community and to the game than the person who isn't 50. The person who isn't 50 isn't a bad person and they should be rewarded for loyalty, but that's just my personal opinion on why they aren't being rewarded. The 50 pushes the game to evolve, the non-50 doesn't.


How can a level 50 push the game to evolve when there's no end-game content yet?


Congratulations, you hit level 50 and resubscribed before April 12. You win the loyalty contest.


Now, let's do more of these things. I've already ordered a new keyboard in the mail as I foresee I'll break the current one in an attempt to achieve BW's appreciation.

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Sorry, I meant to add in and DO NOT have a lvl 50. And it's not about entitlement. I completly understand the reasoning behind what they did with the 30 free days; and most other people do as well. But it the way they did it and introduced it is what was poor. As well as people who completely quit the game, getting free time - and don't even have to re-sub.


BW has made it appear (or really does think) those people are more valuable than those who have been here since before launch and have kept an active subscription. Poor execution is still poor execution


You're right, poor execution is what this is about. It is a very simple issue. The massive uproar about it understandable. But the majority of people who "rage quit" over it don't even know what the real issue is here and they are reading into it from an issue of insecurity/entitlement. The mass amount of posts in this thread clarify that for me without even having to type it.

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/rant mode on


I have played consistently across my many characters since launch. Not one break in subscription, rant on forums or General Chat... Yet this isn't valued.


Bioware, you seriously only care about us if we've hit level 50?!

I think you need to re-evaluate your view of a loyal player and treat us all fairly.


If the alt'oholics like me had known we'd be penalized for leveling our legacy and not our main - well... we'd have made sure to cap one and burn through our class quests and missions with no regard for either:


a.) The immersive dialogue driven story lines or ...

b.) Our poor space-bars.


Either ALL active subscribers, in my humble opinion, should be awarded this free 30 days game time (NOT just the 50's!) or NONE of us should.


I hate making this negative post, but feel this had to be said. Just don't want this to be the first true "bad mark" I'll have against yourselves or this great game.


Come on Bioware, make this right.


/rant mode off



(Re-posted as my own thread was closed asking we discuss it here.)

Edited by DanielBeckett
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*sigh* You are reading into the email saying that BioWare doesn't care about you? Well I won't stop the door from hitting you on your way out, because you are not looking at what ACTUALLY went wrong with this email.

The funny part is 50%+ of community is palying on not even knowing they got free month cos they dont check forums and mail frequently might even get it not knowing about it etc.


Those 50 peopel unsubbing feel free to you would unsub anyway cos you are self entitled crybabies.


Looking for 1st moment to cry over how not valued you are... We got or wil lget free month cos we paly the game you none 50s are enjoying SINGLE PALYER experience... and there is nothing wrong with it as opposed to lvl 50 endgame so they gifgted us you are having fun


if your fun having is broken cos of not getting 30 days then BYEBYE Bioware doesnt need you and you TRULLY ARE NOT LOYAL.


This actions now actually show how loyal you are to bioware


if you unsub you are not loyal if you continue your sub up despite this mistake in wording you are loyal



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take your 30 days and shove it Bioware, address you dead server issues! address character transfers! Ive got a 41 sent that i stopped rolling because i was the only person on any given planet. your free 30 days are useless in a dead game!


Sounds like your server is dead not the game...... The Fatman had an hour queue yesterday.

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Plain and simple, BW should have been able to easily predict that a ton of ppl not receiving the game time would be really pissed off.


whether you think its a good idea or bad idea...even the most durp-a-durp minds should have seen this train wreck coming.

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As a thanks for being one of our most valued players, every active account with a Level 50 character as of April 12th, 2012 at 12:00PM CDT / 5:00PM GMT, will receive thirty (30) days of game time** in appreciation for your support and loyalty.



Original article>>>>




This is what the website says... no sugar coating it.:mad:


Exactly, regardless of whether you simply joined a week ago, as long as you have a 50, you're definitely more loyal than anyone subbed for the duration. Who had less time to play, therefore less value, and less incentive to have stayed subbed. But they did anyways.

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As a thanks for being one of our most valued players, every active account with a Level 50 character as of April 12th, 2012 at 12:00PM CDT / 5:00PM GMT, will receive thirty (30) days of game time** in appreciation for your support and loyalty.



Original article>>>>




This is what the website says... no sugar coating it.:mad:


Apparently "one of" means "only" in some peoples opinion. It no where says level 50s are the ONLY valued players.


Bioware failed to deliver the content they promised to end-game players, they are trying to remedy it. But this forums make it clear that no matter what they do, there will be people who are never satisfied.

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As the thread title states. I have been subbed to SWTOR since pre-release and rarely complained about any of the decisions the devs had made but the free 30 days has been done wrong if you ask me.


Just because my playstyle (I have a lvl 48 and a bunch of alts) I don't get the 30 free days?


Bioware is offering 30 free days to anyone that has a lvl 50 no matter how long they've supported the game and they are also offering 6 days to the people that stopped subbing to the game, but nothing for those of us that either don't play as much or make a bunch of alts or both.


I realize that very few of you forum goers fall into this category but I think most of you will agree that in addition to those with level 50 characters, all accounts that have been subbed since release deserve the free 30 days as well.


It's ironic that this is the first thing Bioware has done that makes me want to cancel my sub and show my appreciation right back to Bioware.



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Sounds like your server is dead not the game...... The Fatman had an hour queue yesterday.


There are about 3 servers out of a hundred that have a queue. The rest are standard or low. Everyone knows that the Fatman has become reroll central.

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For ppl who are loyal, but don't have lvl 50 character it's pretty much what they said.


Not at all. Like other people have said, we all know its to bribe the people. Im not saying its unfair. Im saying that they said it to keep the 50's playing.

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Oh, we know exactly why it was done, to compensate those who were promised content, get them to stick around until they fix the boo-boos. Those same people know just how gaming works, already went through the content, and want MORE than was there at the beginning.

No shame in un-subbing until the game is how you want it to be.


Not really my idea why they did it... As i said before the reason they give out these 30 days is because its soon time to announce the subscription-numbers. And since they have lost so many subs in the last few weeks they hand out a free month - problem solved, same subs like last time = YAY! we have alot of subs!


Well this is my theory about it all...

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And I don't think anyone complaining is looking for your sympathy. And since you're not really impacted either way none of it really matters to you. However if you were in charge of a business relying on the paying customer your opinion may change.


As one that has been in the Hospitality industry for 25+yrs and has seen the growing entiltled crowd, I believe my observations are fairly accurate. And when people are complaining that their free stuff is not as good as other's; well, it appears to reveal more of the lack in character of said customer rather than the directed generousity of the company.

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It tells one class of customer is ONE OF OUR MOST VALUED..... ONE ONE ONE


The other class of valued customers are you.


So you want that Bioware that sends EMAIL spam to EVERYONE WHO IS SUBSCRIBED that ''YOU ARE ONE OF OUR MOST VALUED CUSTOMERS''


Gz this shows signs of childish behaviour... if my brother has lollypop i want to if my mom tells my bro he is good looking i will bang the wall so they notice me and tell me i look good too.


sigh children are hard to please


dooh.. you obviously missed the part that then offers the rage quitters and whinners to come back play for free and get the same reward... so who is really being valued.. double standards are double standards.. try role reversing and see what the statement tells ya then.. like the player thats a gnatc c*** awy from 50... and has played as much as he/she could in the time allowed, in the style that best suits them... so you ranked a week, a month quicker... then maybe you will understand the BS logic that BW have applied... I think those players have a point... but they only way they can make their point with any olasting effect would be to unsub.. but no one really in their right minds wants the game to fail.. except maybe the ragers and whinners that rubbished the game at every opportunity.. and they have just been given another chance to unleash the fury....pfft

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