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Color crystals and the lore


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Its one thing to see an iconic image on TV or a movie screen, especially for someone old like you who grew up with the original trilogy and believed everything in it was canon and everything after doesn't count.


Its a whole different ball park when you actually put yourself in the shoes of a Jedi or Sith that you are allowed to customize and then find you are limited to what some movie said, while you are in a game that isn't even set in the same time period as the movie.


My fear is this may only be the beginning, that Bioware may have opened a Pandora's Box and the lore of the factions will suffer, the crystals were only the beginning, the Legacy system is interesting in concept, but so much of it just feels wrong, it's blurring the lines between the factions and races.

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Not at all, General Grievous would be an excellent example, but most do it just out of boredom or raw, misplaced vanity.


I actually admire that in concept, but again, most do it I suspect just to be "cute".


Deal with it. That is all I can say. Imagine the concept then; it doesn't matter what reality is. When it comes to rp, I find people focus too much on the restrictions. Artists (and I do consider genuine rp-ers from casual to hardcore to some extent literarity artists, similar to authors) should not be limited in what they can do. If they can imagine it for their story, make it reality.


Legacy is taking steps to make possibilities. I have a family where my pureblood SI (who has a needy issue and an obsession with becoming the master instead of the slave, as he was one) has an insane wife (who acquired an injury as an acolyte on Korriban from a Tu'kata which scarred her face and affected her pyche) who are hunting their BH son (also a pureblood) who is force sensitive but ran away from home before he was sent off to the academy because he wanted to find "freedom" as the Sith Code says it outside of the Sith (who's parameters he finds is too restricting) and now his father is in a race against his wife to find his son. If his wife finds him before he does, my SI main will lose his only heir (as his insane wife's leash can only be tethered so tightly when in a fit of rage) but if he finds him, he will beat, torture and maim his son before throwing him back into the academy.


A Sith pureblood BH who can shoot lightning (theoretically :D) is only possible in-game through the legacy system. I am sure making his blaster have green, blue, purple, or red-black core bolts is a possibility too.


Judge my story yourself, but I feel it provides a valid and interesting reasoning for why these characters are what they are and have what they have so things like limiting color crystals is a silly restriction that only limits what the imagination can create (and by extent rp).


There may be kids that are having their Sith have a blue lightsaber for childish silliness (it exists anywhere) but one spoiled egg should not take away my ability to create something fun, cool, and interesting. My two cents.

Edited by Forgon
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Not sure if it's fair to count Obi-Wan (while without his saber) picking up one of Ventress' sabers for one fight scene as "used a red saber for a while". He killed Grievous with a blaster too... so I guess he also used a blaster for a while.


The purple saber should be rep use only too, but they had to throw the imps a bone on the colors...


It's not about "throwing anyone a bone", it's about the fact that having alignment restrictions on color crystals being stupid. There is no reason for it. So unless George Lucas himself says Jedi can't use red sabers and Sith can't use blue or green, then my Guardian is going to continue using a red saber, my Assassin has a blue saber, and my Juggernaut is using a purple saber as well as a backup green saber. Pretty much the same stats on both, but the green is more for tanking, and the purple is the DPS. :p

Edited by Moitteva
removed IC/retarded
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There are lines of SW lore you don't bend, break, or cross. BW won't go overboard, and I don't consider this overboard at all, with introducing new features that enhance gameplay experience at the cost of some movie hard heads.


But its a game, and to have a good game you need to incorporate features with entertainment and replayability/uniqueness value.


Allowing either side to use whatever color crystal they want is one of these features which I think makes sense because its just a crystal, and a Sith or a Jedi can go find a crystal of any color to use for themselves.

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My sith Marauder always uses the saber of his most recent force user kill. Until he has fully dominated and finally replaced the Force the former wielder used in the sabers creation with his own. How DARE you call my reasoning into question!?

I just wanted to say I love this flavor. My own sentinel uses the lightsaber she crafted on Tython and the Fusion-Core Lightsaber dropped by Vokk, the first Sith she defeated, in blue and red colors.


They're sentimental, and OoC openly acknowledged as going against the code regarding material attachments, but she's RP'd as a jedi Miko Miyazaki.

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i use red on my jedi and blue/green on my sith because i know how it pisses off people like the op. i love that it gets to them in such a way that they will come to the boards to complain.


what i really want is a pure black crystal, not for the above reason, but because i like the look. when (if) we get these, that is all my characters will have.

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Sith using blue/green sabers makes sense at this time period. Since the mines on Illum are only blue/green and purple crystals, both republic and empire own large areas of it. As we are at war, both sides will be taking everything they can get hold of.


The one thing that annoys me though is the fugly black crystals. They should put in a client-side option which changes them all to white cores.

Edited by NasherUK
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It was, and then they changed it because of the fact that alignment restrictions are NOT canon. As I stated in my above post, there have been instances of Jedi using "Sith" colors and even a Dark Lord of the Sith using a blue saber.


Yes, & they were WRONG to do so. Tradition is tradition for a right reason here. Firstly, TCW is mostly for kids, more geared to them. So they wouldn't know or even care why/how HE LOOKED RIDICULOUS using Ventress' saber. On Master Windu, Vaapad is mostly a DARK SIDE lightsaber combat style. This is common knowledge. Windu also has darkness in himself, also kinda obvious. It's said that 2 other masters tried to master that style, & fell to the Dark Side in the process. It speaks to the fact that Windu was 1 of the greatest Jedi Masters ever in that he managed to master it without falling & containing said darkness within him. Hence purple really being a Sith/Dark Side color, overall.


The color alignment system needs to be stricter, as soon as Dark/Light I are hit, you shouldn't be allowed to use the opposing order's colors. Sith use red & purple, those are already 2 of the best anyway, we don't need anymore.


Also, pretty sure Kun used blue only till he fell & became Sith. If not, then he deserved his fate even more, failure, & death. Blurring the lines like that discredits the whole SW franchise frankly.


Call me a traditionalist here, don't bother me.

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Ventrass starts with a Blue and Green saber.



Many darksiders or sith take Sabers from jedi they kill and use them.




The only reason the Sith use red is cause they cant get to the mines to get natural color crytals they make thiers.


Their are countless times were sith have used Blue and or green colors. get over it.

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Ventrass starts with a Blue and Green saber.



Many darksiders or sith take Sabers from jedi they kill and use them.




The only reason the Sith use red is cause they cant get to the mines to get natural color crytals they make thiers.


Wrong. The Sith use red cuz it's the color of passion, anger, rage, intense emotion. Also, red tends to be the color more associated with the 'bad guys' then most other colors save black.

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Wrong. The Sith use red cuz it's the color of passion, anger, rage, intense emotion. Also, red tends to be the color more associated with the 'bad guys' then most other colors save black.


Red crystals come from synthesizing or creating them using the force (At least with more recent Sith), which dark siders were forced to do as they did not have access to crystals like the Jedi did. There is no reason to say they would not have chosen a different color had they been made available.


I agree that the original trilogy iconified the red with Sith as Sith were stereotypically evil, but neither Sith nor Jedi are locked from choosing whatever crystal they want canonically. There is no forcefield around blue or green crystals that prevent Sith from using them, same for naturally occurring red crystals for Jedi.

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I agree 100%


you guys are forcing your justification on us .....




Says a person who is attempting to force their style of gameplay on others? All my sith toons carry red sabers, except for one that has a purple. What other people carry is their business, they may have a really good story for why their toon is carrying that color or they may just think it's pretty. According to the original Trilogy all sith either looked like Palpatine or Vader...maybe those should be the only two option in the character creator ;)

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Yes, & they were WRONG to do so. Tradition is tradition for a right reason here. Firstly, TCW is mostly for kids, more geared to them. So they wouldn't know or even care why/how HE LOOKED RIDICULOUS using Ventress' saber. On Master Windu, Vaapad is mostly a DARK SIDE lightsaber combat style. This is common knowledge. Windu also has darkness in himself, also kinda obvious. It's said that 2 other masters tried to master that style, & fell to the Dark Side in the process. It speaks to the fact that Windu was 1 of the greatest Jedi Masters ever in that he managed to master it without falling & containing said darkness within him. Hence purple really being a Sith/Dark Side color, overall.


The color alignment system needs to be stricter, as soon as Dark/Light I are hit, you shouldn't be allowed to use the opposing order's colors. Sith use red & purple, those are already 2 of the best anyway, we don't need anymore.


Also, pretty sure Kun used blue only till he fell & became Sith. If not, then he deserved his fate even more, failure, & death. Blurring the lines like that discredits the whole SW franchise frankly.


Call me a traditionalist here, don't bother me.


You play your way. I'll play mine. :D


But if they brought back color restrictions, I wouldn't be able to play my way. So I hope they never do. That would be probably the worst thing they could do, imo. Well, second worst. Right after making instances go away. Honestly, I hope they make more instanced missions too. Much better than non-instanced where you have to constantly compete with other players for mission objectives. :p

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Red crystals come from synthesizing or creating them using the force (At least with more recent Sith), which dark siders were forced to do as they did not have access to crystals like the Jedi did. There is no reason to say they would not have chosen a different color had they been made available.


I agree that the original trilogy iconified the red with Sith as Sith were stereotypically evil, but neither Sith nor Jedi are locked from choosing whatever crystal they want canonically. There is no forcefield around blue or green crystals that prevent Sith from using them, same for naturally occurring red crystals for Jedi.


A Sith Lord, Dark Lord, etc. could easily use a different color blade if they wanted to, no force field indeed, yet they CHOOSE NOT TO.


Some things shouldn't be messed with.

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A Sith Lord, Dark Lord, etc. could easily use a different color blade if they wanted to, no force field indeed, yet they CHOOSE NOT TO.


Some things shouldn't be messed with.


you said it yourself, they CHOOSE not to. it is a choice, and i choose to use the blue/green for my sith and red for my jedi. tradition is not law.

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A Sith Lord, Dark Lord, etc. could easily use a different color blade if they wanted to, no force field indeed, yet they CHOOSE NOT TO.


Some things shouldn't be messed with.


From the movies maybe when they were trying to build up the Sith = Evil stereotype, but in the EU which Lucas has sanctioned as canon many Dark Jedi have used different color sabers. Ulic Qel Droma and Exar Kun.


Also, we happen to get to play as these Sith Lords and Dark Lords, and so it should be up to us what color we use. Palpatine and Maul liked their synthesized red, mine likes his red and yellow sabers just fine.

Edited by DeutschGamer
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you said it yourself, they CHOOSE not to. it is a choice, and i choose to use the blue/green for my sith and red for my jedi. tradition is not law.


Yes, even tho there probably should be....there are currently no crystal color restrictions. So you can indeed do that. I can also indeed tell you how utterly ridiculous your Jedi/Sith will look UNLESS of course, it's a Dark Jedi, THEN & ONLY then should red be accessible to them, like my coming DS JK.


Vice versa for LS Sith. I also see tho that trying to force a certain play style on certain players is wrong too....so I suppose this is just my opinion....no matter how right it is.


Here, traditionalists FTW.

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From the movies maybe when they were trying to build up the Sith = Evil stereotype, but in the EU which Lucas has sanctioned as canon many Dark Jedi have used different color sabers. Ulic Qel Droma and Exar Kun.


Also, we happen to get to play as these Sith Lords and Dark Lords, and so it should be up to us what color we use. Palpatine and Maul liked their synthesized red, mine likes his red and yellow sabers just fine.


Just because a dumb precedence has been set by the Star Wars EU doesn't make it right, IMO. If so, thanks to the Star Wars Christmas Special, Chewbacca has a father named Itchy and a son named Lumpy. There have been Star Wars EU that further expanded on the stuff introduced from the Christmas Special.


Sith with non-Red sabers goes flying in the traditional sense established by the look, feel, and theme of the movies just as much as Chewie having a son named Lumpy and his dad called Itchy. It's just wrong.

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Ok... here we go. Sith Lord using blue saber: Exar Kun. 'Nuff said.



Jedi Master using purple saber: Mace Mutha****in' Windu. 'Nuff said.



Also, Obi-Wan used a red saber for a while in TCW.



Just because something is TRADITIONAL, does not mean it's MANDATORY.


Wow, you are so nerdy it's embarrasing to read. Mace Mutha****in Windu. You know it Samuel L Jackson right?

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Its not wrong because you aren't in a position of authority to call something wrong or right. The best thing to do is to go by the fiction of how lightsabers and their crystals are obtained and created. They are harvested, most especially during this time period before Ruusaan where there is a higher availability of colors.


Because Sith and Jedi can pick up whatever color they wish, there should be no restriction to players. There is no right or wrong, its science fiction with no set rules about what is and isn't the only way to be Sith or Jedi.


So-called "Traditionalists" seem to forget this is a game, specifically an MMO with customizable characters and gear. Live and play your so-called "correct" fantasy while others play theirs.

Edited by DeutschGamer
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Its not wrong because you aren't in a position of authority to call something wrong or right. The best thing to do is to go by the fiction of how lightsabers and their crystals are obtained and created. They are harvested, most especially during this time period before Ruusaan where there is a higher availability of colors.


Because Sith and Jedi can pick up whatever color they wish, there should be no restriction to players. There is no right or wrong, its science fiction with no set rules about what is and isn't the only way to be Sith or Jedi.


So-called "Traditionalists" seem to forget this is a game, specifically an MMO with customizable characters and gear. Live and play your so-called "correct" fantasy while others play theirs.


Just cuz it's a game doesn't mean we want it to **** on the feel, history, etc. of the EU.

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Just cuz it's a game doesn't mean we want it to **** on the feel, history, etc. of the EU.


The EU backs up the fact that Dark Jedi use other colored sabers and same to Jedi. I think you meant Original Trilogy, which is set 3000 years after this game. That allows some divergence from what you believe to be the "right" way of doing things.


And as I said, its in your opinion that it isn't doing the Originals justice. I think its doing them more of a justice by elaborating on everyone's thoughts and wishes for other colors than just green, blue, and red.


Just because the constitution is stretched to incorporate new situations doesn't mean we've thrown it out entirely. Same thing with the game.


And if nothing else, this is for entertainment. People are much more entertained with a variety of colors and more choices rather than being halted by restrictions that even George Lucas says are not real. Lore explains why Red, Blue, and Green were the only colors during the Originals, and why its possible for other colors to exist now.


Everyone has a right to play the way they want, especially when there is nothing lore-wise stating otherwise.

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