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The penalties for losing are TOO severe


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Just loaded game lost my first two wz's first loss was 40 comms second game was 49 comms .. I think that's legit for a loss .. What do you guys expect 90 for a win 89 for a loss?


Ok, now go buy recruit gear and play a merc healer then come back and tell us how many times you die and how many comms you get for each loss!

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The system changed, thus the rewards changed. Welcome to MMOs. You know...they change quite often....


The thing is they didn't have to change it, you know the old saying "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" They could have kept pvp the way it was and added the ranked war zones on top of that and made everyone happy. Now they are alienating the casual gamer which is a large part of their market.

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Look at the forums. They are lighting up like a tree with people overwhelming rejecting this new system.


These forums represent a small percentage of players. Most are busy, you know...playing the game...

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The thing is they didn't have to change it, you know the old saying "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" They could have kept pvp the way it was and added the ranked war zones on top of that and made everyone happy. Now they are alienating the casual gamer which is a large part of their market.


It was broke. It was rewarding people who did not participate the same it was for the people trying to do objectives and win.

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Ok so here I's the truth. I lost 2 wz and won 1 . I got 40 comms and 49 comms I'n my 2 losses. I'n my win I got 72 comms. So what's the problem?


The problem is these guys want instant gratification so they're bored in 2 weeks complaining that there is nothing to do...

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It was broke. It was rewarding people who did not participate the same it was for the people trying to do objectives and win.


Ok fine, doesn't mean you have to nerf the comms system, add in a kick function like they did, problem solved.

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I can see the rationale for the change and in some ways rewarding players for winning is something to be applauded. The implementation was very bad though and the horreur on the battlefield is palpable.


New players need to be considered. Casual players need to be considered.


If SWTOR wants to go hardcore: I would like to be able to loot pvp victims. Can't see that happening anytime soon, can you?


In which case, what is the justification for going this hardcore and implementing it this way?


Why add this level of grind? This is the critical point, not that warzones have been rebalanced, but that a massive timesink has been introduced, which people are simply not willing to put into a buggy, undeveloped, ill rated game. In the pvp sense, there are more hardcore games out there for hardcore pvpers....


/Tinfoil hat on

Increasing the PVP grind is supposed to keep people hooked while the rest of the game is developed. Throw in a few cheesy rewards and with any luck they can stem the tide of mass unsubs.


Actually, they would have been better beefing up PVP rewards for a good 6-12 months to suck loads of cannon fodder in before putting in the grind, but I suspect they are concerned we have a short attention span.

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The problem is these guys want instant gratification so they're bored in 2 weeks complaining that there is nothing to do...


Some of us don't have 12 hours a day to sink into the game, i'd like to get war hero gear, who wouldn't, but i'd like to be able to get it sometime before christmas.

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It was broke. It was rewarding people who did not participate the same it was for the people trying to do objectives and win.


Okay, true. But for the sake of stopping these none contributors many others get penalized, more players are dropping WZ than ever, and many are dropping PvP all together and I surely doubt there are new PvPer in amounts to offset the losses. A cure that is worse than the disease.

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Some of us don't have 12 hours a day to sink into the game, i'd like to get war hero gear, who wouldn't, but i'd like to be able to get it sometime before christmas.


Guess what? I don't have 12 hours a day to sink into this game either. I'm lucky if I get 3 hours on week days. I hit BM 2 days before this patch. It took me over 3 weeks to get full centurion with a few pieces of champion. Now you can get the full BM set in less time if you really want to.


The reason War Hero is so dang expensive is because BioWare wasn't ready to do ranked Warzones yet...

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Okay, true. But for the sake of stopping these none contributors many others get penalized, more players are dropping WZ than ever, and many are dropping PvP all together and I surely doubt there are new PvPer in amounts to offset the losses. A cure that is worse than the disease.


Unfortunately, in team oriented games, the whole team can suffer because of one or two bad apples.

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It's the reason why Blizzard put in the "Achivement" system. Players like to feel like they are making progress. They dinged that thing for almost every little thing. Yet even if we are good on our team and gain ton of medals. We are given NO Credits and I use those credits to send my companion on missions.


Must I invest more time or simply not play because of this losing is always an outcome but you could simply keep giving credits. Or at least base it on medals and not a whole as a group. Think about it we are grouped with random strangers. Some people won't try or listen even with this system.


So you bring a frustrating sense of feeling. Think I am simply going try harder or do more. ..No I am not. I used to do PVP all day. Win or Loss it did not matter and I was having FUN..losing giving nothing not achieved cater to super elite but it will not desire the effect you want.

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Guess what? I don't have 12 hours a day to sink into this game either. I'm lucky if I get 3 hours on week days. I hit BM 2 days before this patch. It took me over 3 weeks to get full centurion with a few pieces of champion. Now you can get the full BM set in less time if you really want to.


The reason War Hero is so dang expensive is because BioWare wasn't ready to do ranked Warzones yet...


Wait, you think this new system is good and that myself and other people shouldn't say anything? Are you serious?!?


Honestly, the BM bag/grind was better pre 1.2 than this mess. 1k merc comms took a while to get but at least it didnt take months to get 1 piece! I guess I'm supposed to not bother and be happy I have BM and not play wzs or something? :rolleyes:

Edited by MorgothQuick
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Guess what? I don't have 12 hours a day to sink into this game either. I'm lucky if I get 3 hours on week days. I hit BM 2 days before this patch. It took me over 3 weeks to get full centurion with a few pieces of champion. Now you can get the full BM set in less time if you really want to.


The reason War Hero is so dang expensive is because BioWare wasn't ready to do ranked Warzones yet...



Well whatever, i disagree with you and we're obviously not going to see eye to eye here. I say it's broken as it is now and hurting the casual gamer like myself, pvp was fun before, it's not now.

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Unfortunately, in team oriented games, the whole team can suffer because of one or two bad apples.


This is not penalizing a team for current bad player, this penalizes everyone that encounters a medal earning bug, players that try but has not yet learned the ins and outs of the pvp reward system, players that are unlucky enough to queue into into an already lost match, and those on the other side of a premade that is steamrolls the battle. Too much random chance that one wastes not only match time but whatever they cold have been doing instead of being queued (ex in an instance or space battle where all activity is lost if you join a WZ)

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There was really nothing wrong with the old system. I really ... really do not recall anyone complaining about the way things were.


Really? I heard lots of people complaining about how there were tons of people who would just medal farm and/or AFK and lots of people suggesting that the best way to deal with that was to make winning and losing more impactful on your rewards.

Edited by Sylriana
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Really? I heard lots of people complaining about how there were tons of people who would just medal farm and/or AFK and lots of people suggesting that the best way to deal with that was to make winning and losing more impactful on your rewards.


That would work if it was on a personal level and not based on the team performance. I play my *** off in wzs, get 8+ medals and lose and get like 40 comms? *** is that rubbish? Thats not rewarding me for playing my best to win.

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Hard fight losses don't give 0 rewards. In a hard fought loss, one will get a few medals at the very least, which give commedations, valor, etc. Medals are much easier to obtain now than they were before 1.2. They are given more frequently from many things.


So very WRONG. A hard fight in Voidstar for example, where your team, because of low gear, is not able to tap any door (or because the crappy matching algorithm put you in a game with 5 on your side and 8 on the other), you will receive 0 rewards, regardless of how hard you tried, of how many minutes spent, of how many medals you were able to achieve.

If your team reaches no team targets, you get nothing.

Edited by Isrem
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Guess what? I don't have 12 hours a day to sink into this game either. I'm lucky if I get 3 hours on week days. I hit BM 2 days before this patch. It took me over 3 weeks to get full centurion with a few pieces of champion. Now you can get the full BM set in less time if you really want to.


The reason War Hero is so dang expensive is because BioWare wasn't ready to do ranked Warzones yet...


going from champ/centurion to full Battlemaster takes around 2 weeks. 8 hours playtime everyday if you're having a W/L ratio of 50.


Battlemaster to full warhero would take another 6 weeks, playing 8 hours every day with a W/L ratio of 50


Korean grindfest..., if you ask me.


WoW arena grind wasn't even that bad to be honest that timesink was one of the best ideas of blizzard on the area of time management. --> (points every week, need to play 10 games to be eligible)

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This is what happened after patch day on Ilum back in January on my server. The imps, who outnumber pubs almost 3:1 :eek: farmed our base all day, got battlemaster, and started gearing well before most of the Republic players could get to valor 60. The end result was about a month where Republic got absolutely steamrolled in almost every warzone because we were so badly outgeared, and were still in the process of grinding it out to 60 to start gearing up.


The same thing is going to happen here if something isn't done. AND warzone quitting is going to become an even bigger problem that it already is. I'm sure people will begin quitting before the game even starts if they see more than one teammate with <14k HP.


Stop whining and what you say is just ********, a friend started playing a couple of weeks ago and already he's valor rank 65 and he does not even play that much maby 3hours / day.

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Guess what? I don't have 12 hours a day to sink into this game either. I'm lucky if I get 3 hours on week days. I hit BM 2 days before this patch. It took me over 3 weeks to get full centurion with a few pieces of champion. Now you can get the full BM set in less time if you really want to.


The reason War Hero is so dang expensive is because BioWare wasn't ready to do ranked Warzones yet...


So the truth finally comes out. A guy decked in full BM is saying 1.2 is ok..why am i not surprised. After getting full BM on easy mode now he is advocate of how others are looking for welfare epics and hand outs.


What a hypocrite. :D


Why the hell you were quite pre 1.2? let me guess you were too busy drooling and farming your welfare BM.

Edited by Gorrdan
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yes people leaving as they see a loss coming, or camping one turret etc, for defense points to earn the few tokens they can usually causing the loss.. i dont mind grinding for tokens, but was there really anything wrong with the reward system prior? i guess the free month is to compensate for changing the system 2 times in a month.. pvp was OK before and now it sucks donkey bahlz
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