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How to beat operatives


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This is what I do:

They open on me with the 1.5 second stun, as soon as I get up I go invis, take a medpack, pop saberward and cloak of pain, fight the guy, he stuns me again, i break it and at this point i'm pretty much at 10% health. I pop my shield and die shortly after while taking away 30% of his life. His gear is a little bit better than me but still, I should be able to do better. Any tips? I usually use rage or annihilation spec.

Edited by Boomer-
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This is what I do:

They open on me with the 1.5 second stun, as soon as I get up I go invis, take a medpack, pop saberward and cloak of pain, fight the guy, he stuns me again, i break it and at this point i'm pretty much at 10% health. I pop my shield and die shortly after while taking away 30% of his life. His gear is a little bit better than me but still, I should be able to do better. Any tips? I usually use rage or annihilation spec.


Rage spec won't be able to do much against him, since you really only have one big boom that comes with downtime. Did you also utilize Undying Rage? What I don't like about Annihilation is that it relies on dots to do a lot of damage, and dots take time. Carnage though has insane damage/burst output as well as the roots. Of course, you could also try using Undying Rage(followed by medpac) to get around his opening burst, even if you have to eat a lot of health to throw him off.

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I don't think there's a way to kill a smart operative as a maraudeur, except maybe if he's not having all his cooldowns (see smart - he could wait) or doesn't know what move causes how much resolve (see smart) or has horrible horrible bad luck with the crits (not likely!).


If he knows what he's doing he'll just stun you on every single one of your cooldowns. Or blind you. Or disappear until you're 'normal' again. Or root you and step away from you until you feel peaceful again. Or just kite you via slow + autoshoot. Or... well, he's got a few tricks going. ;)


Fortunately you can camo and run back to the objective. Don't fight 1on1 and things will look a bit different. (they are squishy, so he'll probably not even follow you... smart ones don't).

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In a duel, you are not going to beat an Operative all things being equal. Doesn't matter what you do, assuming you're both smart/skilled and have similar gear, the Operative will win every single time. Edited by Budizzle
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Saber Ward does very little to no damage mitigation since a majority of Op attacks are Tech based. Same issue with Obsfucate. You're going to have a tough time 1x1ing them as a Rage mara. Anni is the ticket as you need to quick burst, DOT and G.T.F.O to win. Edited by bklynfinest
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You can't beat a decent Operative as any spec Marauder. They can burst you, control you, dispel your DoTs, and Warriors are the one class Evasion actually works against because it removes all DoTs and gives 100% dodge to physical attacks. The best spec for killing Operatives is Rage, weirdly enough. But even then the Op has the advantage. Take heart in the fact that there might be 1-2 DPS Operatives left per server and that you can crush them in group PvP where they go down super quick.
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Saber Ward does very little to no damage mitigation since a majority of Op attacks are Tech based. Same issue with Obsfucate. You're going to have a tough time 1x1ing them as a Rage mara. Anni is the ticket as you need to quick burst, DOT and G.T.F.O to win.


you need to go re-read the description of saber ward

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Well, in that case obviously no smart or awake or even any concealment operative has ever jumped you. :p


And if the operative doesnt remove the dots and doesnt use opener-knockdown,stun, blind, root, slow,acidblade,even the dart... it's not a smart operative or you are playing vs <level 40 ones.

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Lol as a Sentinel i have no problems with anything, if it jumps me a kill it, if i jump it i kill it...which i am pretty well geared and skilled, but still i have no problems what so ever (Im Watchman)


On my Operative I get Marauders down to <50% health from my opener+initial rotation alone. Couple that with Evasion and the opportunity for a second Vanish+Stun opener down the line and/or a Flashbang Mez+Heal to full health, and there's no real way for a Marauder to kill the Operative before it can kill you. Now if you add a healer to each side, the Operative will run out of steam pretty quickly and his side will lose. But 1v1 in a dueling situation that's not the case.

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you need to go re-read the description of saber ward


Yes, I know you're thinking of the 25% to tech but in all honesty it's not going to allow you to stand there and take a burst/DPS race given the damage on their opener alone. My 2 cents anyways.

Edited by bklynfinest
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Well, in that case obviously no smart or awake or even any concealment operative has ever jumped you. :p


And if the operative doesnt remove the dots and doesnt use opener-knockdown,stun, blind, root, slow,acidblade,even the dart... it's not a smart operative or you are playing vs <level 40 ones.


You must have never seen me play, in fact im sure you havent in wow...i never got owned my skill makes up for the laking of the character, im young so my hand to eye coordination is above those older than myself (usually) so i've always owned on anything i play, especially the Sentinel/Mar.

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Well, in that case obviously no smart or awake or even any concealment operative has ever jumped you. :p


And if the operative doesnt remove the dots and doesnt use opener-knockdown,stun, blind, root, slow,acidblade,even the dart... it's not a smart operative or you are playing vs <level 40 ones.


It's really not that simple.


Corrosive dart is a key part of our rotation to keep our dps high, but if you have the dart up, the flashbang will be broken a second after you throw it, which is why the FB can be difficult to use effectively in 1v1 situations, and instead shines in group combat. We're very reliant on dots, but dots negate our FB.


You can only get the "root" if you spec into it, which means lowering your dps elsewhere, and after 1.2 we really don't have the luxury of further lowering our dps.


Evasion is useful but it lasts four seconds, and thats with the set bonus.


How long does that damage reduction thing you guys have last? Feels like ages.

Edited by CanisAquilus
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Yes, I know you're thinking of the 25% to tech but in all honesty it's not going to allow you to stand there and take a burst/DPS race given the damage on their opener alone. My 2 cents anyways.


25% is 25%


no way you can call that "very little to no mitigation"


its huge mitigation


especially when added to Cloak of Pain, -45% tech damage taken ...

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How long does that damage reduction thing you guys have last? Feels like ages.


saber ward is 12 seconds of 25% tech damage reduction


cloak of pain is 30 seconds of 20% all damage reduction (drops off after 6 seconds if we dont take damage)


and undying rage is 5 seconds of 99% damage reduction

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