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Another Downtime tonight 13 April ***


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I don't mind the downtime for server maintenance, it must happen, but why does it always have to be prime time for Oceanic servers? Spread the pain, and do the damn patches in prime time for US servers for once. I am new to the game, and so far, server downtime accoutns for about 6 playing sessions. Any more in the next couple of weeks, I think I may find a new MMO!!!!
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As a minium one free day needs to be added to all subscribed accounts for this unacceptable lack of service due to their own mistakes in patching.


However as they have never given a single minute of free time before I doubt it will happen.


Might be a case for some legal eagles to have a look at as it seems to me to be a clear breach of contract.

Edited by GingerMagician
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I agree, BUT, it was bad enough they brought the patch in yesterday so adds to another what was it, 8 or 10 hour downtime? Then they bring it down again today.... and normal mait also.. why the hell couldn't this be down on normal mait day? ALSO CHANGE THE TIME SCHEDULE FOR EUROPE RETARDED BIOWARE!


It was six, I believe. Scheduled for 8 and was back early. My understanding is that something was wrong and they needed to get it fixed, otherwise I'd bet (truly) they would NOT have done it today because right now they are on a lot of peoples' uh...list. I don't think they could wait either that or they are completely nuts and if THAT is the case, it'll show sooner rather than later.


As for maint. times...it's how it goes with a global client. There's benefits to global clients and there are downsides. Maint. times are downsides for those not in the same region as the business.


Be nice if they could do something about it but don't hold yer breath...it's a tall order.

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You sound mad, Isn't it amazing that I live in england, and let's be honest if you're working and you have a decent job and a family to look after, what are you complaining about im sure you've got it better then most other people plus 8.99 per month or 42£ every 6 months cheap as chips, is really nothing when you earn that back in a days worth of work ore even a week.




A) Not everyone works during the day, just cause you do, have some consideration for other people (although I'm not sure if you do, since you are typing this now)


B) This also effects Australia / NZ / Singapore and the rest, that it is 9pm there so peak time on a Friday night.


C) Bioware seem incapable (or simply ignorant) of anyone outside America of how it effects them otherwise they would have done what Blizzard did with WoW and put them on separate time schedules for mait and downtime.

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SWTOR is supposed to be a contender against wow.... look how they do the little things BW (like patch times) and you will be on the right track. Thing is, they have 3 server batches, US, EU, Asia (or something), not hard to start them off at different times so that they don't inconvenience the majority in the server time zones.
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As a minium one free day needs to be added to all subscribed accounts for this unacceptable lack of service due to their own mistakes in patching.


However as they have never given a single minute of free time before I doubt it will happen.


Might be a case for some legal eagles to have a look at as it seems to me to be a clear breach of contract.


They gave me 30 days free yesterday.

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Unless they stagger patches for each time zone,

A task in itself,

Even then,

Someone, somewhere is going to be hit during their

own personal 'fun time'.


If you want to make them listen, cancel for a month or more, en masse.


Edited by Scudmungus
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I can't help but wonder if by simplifying maintenance schedules for their teams they opened a can of worms customer service wise.


Blizzards method of keeping USA, European and Asia-pacific servers separate with their own times for maintenance kept many a player happy.

However many people I know would have loved to be able to play with friends in the states without first paying blizzard for another account >.>;


Most of all, I was able to raid last night..... smoothly, without errors or disconnects on a MAJOR patch day... this a HUGE success, one that blizzard never pulled off at any point during vanilla.


However, for those who are "relatively" new to MMO's downtime like this is super common.

There were days when we would have days of playtime refunded because on patch day we couldn't get into molten core due to the servers crashing every 5 minutes.


This is pretty smooth sailing, and having obtained an extra 30 days for free i'm in no position to complain even if this does eat into my time. I will simply head over to the SC2 ladders during this downtime.


Be happy! be positive.... Bioware are FIXING the game for us.

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It was six, I believe. Scheduled for 8 and was back early. My understanding is that something was wrong and they needed to get it fixed, otherwise I'd bet (truly) they would NOT have done it today because right now they are on a lot of peoples' uh...list. I don't think they could wait either that or they are completely nuts and if THAT is the case, it'll show sooner rather than later.


As for maint. times...it's how it goes with a global client. There's benefits to global clients and there are downsides. Maint. times are downsides for those not in the same region as the business.


Be nice if they could do something about it but don't hold yer breath...it's a tall order.


I agree but its not hard to change, they just implemented it completely wrong, if they did it the way you are saying which is very hard to change (as in integrated into EVERYTHING) then when cross server Groups / WZ's etc come in then it should be all across all of them (including all america, all EU etc, but I very much doubt they did this) so it SHOULD be an easy fix, its just like the bug / performance issues in this game, they just ignore them and pretend they are not a problem hoping the people complaining will just either shut up and keep paying or leave (I'm guessing they are hoping for the first, specially EA)

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Wouldn't it be better to fully test the game first then release a patch? I did hear some mention that 1.2 was being delayed cause they didn't want to make the same mistakes as in the past and wanted to release a polished product. All the unsubscribes then they scramble and give out 30 free days. My only question is what kind of moron is running this company. Edited by fred_parson
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So the servers are off, so what. Everytime there is downtime one of these moaners threads pops up. They have to fix something deal with it, it's not the end of the world though some people act like it just might be.
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ive seen a few posts about doing it on a Tuesday

I aggree!!

Its 9:15pm on a friday, my partner is watching a movie, im relaxing to a few games of star wa... wait... a maintenance period yet again...

I understand most people from other countries dont give a hoot about anyone but themselves, but night time during the week is when most blokes jump on..

Do it during the day??? Not at 9pm on a Friday night.. Seriously.. Its not that difficult to see.

We may be a small minority, but we are a loud few :D

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It was six, I believe. Scheduled for 8 and was back early. My understanding is that something was wrong and they needed to get it fixed, otherwise I'd bet (truly) they would NOT have done it today because right now they are on a lot of peoples' uh...list. I don't think they could wait either that or they are completely nuts and if THAT is the case, it'll show sooner rather than later.


As for maint. times...it's how it goes with a global client. There's benefits to global clients and there are downsides. Maint. times are downsides for those not in the same region as the business.


Be nice if they could do something about it but don't hold yer breath...it's a tall order.


But thats just the thing, it really isn't a tall order. Its pretty standard amongst all international services and countries these days, in any other industry, to cater towards the timezones they service. Be this by one department catering towards multiple timezones, or several smaller regional departments being set up.


Its really not that hard to keep the three server instances running SW:TOR up with a later or earlier version then the US ones, and then updating at a convenient time. The belief that it's the way it is and thus we just have to let it be isn't right. People should be annoyed at this, and make themselves heard. There really is not excuse for Bioware/EA to treat everyone different based on locale.

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I agree but its not hard to change, they just implemented it completely wrong, if they did it the way you are saying which is very hard to change (as in integrated into EVERYTHING) then when cross server Groups / WZ's etc come in then it should be all across all of them (including all america, all EU etc, but I very much doubt they did this) so it SHOULD be an easy fix, its just like the bug / performance issues in this game, they just ignore them and pretend they are not a problem hoping the people complaining will just either shut up and keep paying or leave (I'm guessing they are hoping for the first, specially EA)


I think it would be pretty hard (and expensive) to change. You need servers, techs, support folk, literal space for all that etc. in order to service regional hubs. Not cheap.


Now, will I argue that they should have thought this out before going with a global client? Nope. I think it would've been far wiser to go with 3 regions, staff them, and cut down on some of the grouchiness.

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ive seen a few posts about doing it on a Tuesday

I aggree!!

Its 9:15pm on a friday, my partner is watching a movie, im relaxing to a few games of star wa... wait... a maintenance period yet again...

I understand most people from other countries dont give a hoot about anyone but themselves, but night time during the week is when most blokes jump on..

Do it during the day??? Not at 9pm on a Friday night.. Seriously.. Its not that difficult to see.

We may be a small minority, but we are a loud few :D


i just hope it is not an gig patch because i just finished downloading 1.2

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