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Another Downtime tonight 13 April ***


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oh god....this means i have to leave my parents basement so my mom can wash my sheets.














THIS IS A MAJOR PATCH!........every second day....can i please have some paint your sniffing, it sounds fun..




Go get sunlight!


haha not everyone is like you down in your basement mate, i only get to play so often, dont sit on here every day like yourself i assume.


The issue is that these downtimes are always primetimes for alot of players and 3 times a week is insane

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Am I the only one who sees the hilarious irony in this post?


3 things:

1) the blatant contradiction of people raging that its broken and raging that its getting fixed

2) Both EA games

3) BF3 is broken


3 punch lines in one joke

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Oh, would you rather play in a voidstar match that is completely broken and runs off mystery-timers?


Or do you not want to recieve credits for completing battlegrounds?





They just dropped a major patch, there are kinks. This has happened after every major patch in the last 10 years of MMOs.


So they can't manage to test their patches? That's right-they actually can't because their engine doesn't allow copying to the test server or even a insta-50 toon for people that might actually be willing to help. They expect players to grind to 50 on the test server.


Maybe if the patch is this bugged they should have pulled most of it like they did to ranked warzones-but hey, at least the family trees seem to be working (even if you can't have more than 2 siblings for some reason).

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haha not everyone is like you down in your basement mate, i only get to play so often, dont sit on here every day like yourself i assume.


The issue is that these downtimes are always primetimes for alot of players and 3 times a week is insane

Hyperbole, look it up. Its something you excel at by the way.

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haha not everyone is like you down in your basement mate, i only get to play so often, dont sit on here every day like yourself i assume.


The issue is that these downtimes are always primetimes for alot of players and 3 times a week is insane



ha ha, naa, not me, i work during the day like most people.



I do agree with you there tho, Bioware should alternate so the same people are not getting the disadvantage all the time

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Lovely timing indeed BW. I'm usually a laid back guy, haven't complained all that much on here bout much, till tonight. I COULD easily suck this nasty re-downloading time up as THAT'S not totally your fault....making tonight YET ANOTHER down night....is.


I'm tempted to grab a ******** of coffee & be on all night outta principle. I work my *** off all damn day....this is one of few luxuries I do enjoy, so you hit a nerve finally, congrats.


When my roomie's kids ask why I look dead tired when I gotta watch em in the morning, I'll tell them to call your CS? Acer's too, blame is equal.....

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Youre really going to moan that they are taking the servers down to fix a few bugs that slipped through the net?


Seriously, ****.

I bet youre one of the people that have cried about "This bug and that bug" and when they do this to sort them out you still moan.


Do it in the night, insted of the middle of the day, like a real mmo.

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Yeah look about those cover sheets, didn't you get the memo? I'm going to have to ask you to come in on saturday..... and probably sunday as well.


If this game update was good I tell you I'm sick and play. But the money sounds good right about now.

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Yeah look about those cover sheets, didn't you get the memo? I'm going to have to ask you to come in on saturday..... and probably sunday as well.


The sad part is, I actually do have to work Saturday and Sunday.

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Oh my god!


BW reacted so fast that they have been able to make a patch that will solve some problems in the game that! There have been too many patches!



Ugh they are trying to fix it..... yes it is in the middle on the of the day ni some country's (it is in mine CET) But I do not mind if they fix things.

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The day after 1.2 is out and another 4 hour downtime is coming in, we are currently paying to never have access to a game, due to maintenance every 2nd day.


I understand things need to get fixed but this is just unacceptable.



Whats unacceptable? The patch they just gave us with all the new content? or the rapid speed they are moving to fix small issues in the patch now that its gone live?


I would prefer the fixes over letting the small bugs ruin the game all together, better paying for a game they try to fix than a game they dont


Code is a fickle mistress, no amount of testing can ready you for small issues that pop up on all and some servers, sure you catch some things but other things dont make an appearance till after the fact.

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So now the patch has been pushed back a few hours, further interrupting oceanic playtime. 2 nights in a row. Seriously Bioware, **** you. You are a *********** joke. No patch notes or anything either. Learn to communicate with your playerbase you useless morons. Absolutely disgusted.


I like this game but this recent patch, the constant unannounced downtime, etc. A *********** joke. Get your **** together Bioware, you are failing hard.

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Just assume that every major (1.x) patch will be followed by at least one and possibly two or three additional patches within a few days. I don't know why, but it seems like significant bugs slip through QA and the test server in every one. Also assume all patches will be done in Oceanic prime time, because that's the time period with the lowest number of players online and their server setup does not physically support patching different regions at different times (I believe that there are localized game servers but only one global login server).


As to why they patched on a Thursday instead of a Tuesday as normal... I have no idea. They should know by now that their QA process doesn't work well enough to avoid emergency patches being required and just assume that a day or two after a major release more downtime will be needed and plan for it. :rolleyes:

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Oh my god!


BW reacted so fast that they have been able to make a patch that will solve some problems in the game that! There have been too many patches!



Ugh they are trying to fix it..... yes it is in the middle on the of the day ni some country's (it is in mine CET) But I do not mind if they fix things.


Do it at night, not at freaking 1pm.

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I wish people would stop littering the boards with this trash.


A major release is put out. Issues pop up. Bioware fixes issues quickly. People go insane because the sense of entitlement kicks in due to being unable to play a game for a couple of hours.


Sheesh, Bioware even gave all the hard core players 30 days free only just now.


I seriously dislike it when they patch during anyone's primetime as does anyone else I would assume, but unfortunately it's prime time in multiple locations around the world sometime so someone has to get the short end of the patching stick. Just deal with it. Go out and see the sun for a change or read a book or something.


I wrote one angry post myself when they pulled a primetime patch to do something that benefited only free weekend players but my beef there was the sheer lack of notification combined with primetime... but what do people really think is going to happen when a big patch is put in place? Something crops up that needs fixing, and waiting won't do a thing, so they patch. And people QQ like mad.

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