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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Hood Toggle Function Please!


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With the armor cutomization feature that was recently added in game update 1.2 i was expecting a solution to this problem but the only thing cutomizable was the color scheme of your armor. Sure there is the hide head slot function but it doesn't do any good when the hood is part of your chestpiece armor and every piece of jedi gear in the game forces you to wear a hood. I swear we all look like ezio from assassin's creed with every jedi in game wearing a hood and it's frustrating because if your a trooper you could just remove your helmet or use the hide headslot function but every jedi in game doesn't have a choice so a toggle funtion would be the perfect solution and would make for a more diverse play experience for everyone.


Sincerly, Dack Vadnais Jedi Knight who hasn't seen his hair since level 12 and is probably in desperate need of a haircut, ha

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This idea has gotten a lot of attention on the forums since the game launched. The long and short of it is that a hood-toggle ability IS coming. Possibly in patch 1.3, possibly later. Bioware is aware of the issue though and they are going to address it. Also, you should be able to toggle your companion's hood up and down as well once the hood-toggle is added.


As an aside, I'm with you. I've wanted a hood-toggle since day one. We'll get it. Just might be another month or two... maybe three.

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agreed, my jedi is a mirialan, and i havnt seen his hair since......49... lol it was wierd tho cuz i was on corellia and picked up jedi vestment im wearing off an imp trooper... wat an imp trooper doin w jedi robes anyway?? lol
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He picked it off a dead jedi? :)

But yeah, the perma-hood thing was blehh.. on my Sentinel, I used a smuggler chest piece (orange gear, Str mods) between 15-50, so I could actually see my face/hair.

Then my alt finally got an "Aspiring Jedi Vestment" design, w00t-w00t.. hood-down, no sleeves, bare midriff jedi armor!

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This idea has gotten a lot of attention on the forums since the game launched. The long and short of it is that a hood-toggle ability IS coming. Possibly in patch 1.3, possibly later. Bioware is aware of the issue though and they are going to address it. Also, you should be able to toggle your companion's hood up and down as well once the hood-toggle is added.


As an aside, I'm with you. I've wanted a hood-toggle since day one. We'll get it. Just might be another month or two... maybe three.


First, Support for the request. The hoods has been annoying me from day one on.


Second, I find this patronizing wait-forever-and-be-silent fanboi attitude of yours problematic. That issue should have been on solved 1.0 and it isn't there 2 game updates later. These hoods should not even EXIST! We are not Sheep. I pay subscription money NOW, and this one of the numerous and completely unnecessary small issues that make me a less than happy customer.

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I'm not sure if anyone noticed but in 1.2 they improved the look of some hoods. Atleast I've been noticing them on my female characters. That means they are at least already working on re-tooling some of the visuals so it wouldn't be a huge stretch for them to also design a 'hood-down' look. I think a dev posted a while back that they're working on it and that you'll also be able to toggle hood/helm for your companion.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Just for the heck of it, and because I was tired of looking at the back of a hoodie, I picked up the Smugglers' Orange RD-series chestpiece (cape) for my Sentinel, and just swapped-in all the bits from my Orange (brown, yuck) Jedi robe. Looks GREAT !
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Would like this as well. Not sure why it has to be more complicated or take more time than coming up with some crazy augment table.


I'd be willing to keep living with bubble butt longer if could just pull the hood up and down on my otherwise nice looking cloak lol Didn't spend 10-15 minutes picking appearance (and having to start over because it afk logged me out) plus the deciding on horns and hair just to not ever see it again past level 10-12 I made his brother recently to but of course same problem sentinial side and that nice look picked out that actually adds some visual characterization to the character is ruined by a dang hood....


I want to see my hair and horns! Be nice to pick out a nice headband type piece and be able to show it to lol

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If this is on-the-way then that is awesome. I think everyone should be ready with a "Praise The Makers" for when fun features are added. Any Zabrak Jedi knows, it depends on how you feel that day, whether you want have your hood up or down, and being able to switch the hood to up or down at any moment would be quite choice.
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