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Down time again???


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as far as i remembered WoW never did an emergency maintenance on peek hrs on fridays unless im mistaken?


Mr... your soooo lost here sadly.


i can remember all those times they took down the server on wednesdays/Thursdays when whole servers were in the middle of raiding and all they said was


Server going down in 5,4,3,2,1 min then they were down for like 10 hours with no explanation at all and without one when they came up other then.

*A few things had to be fixed in the latest patch* not WHAT was fixed or anything.

and if you never had this then lucky you.

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This is the only game i know of that needs 8 hours to apply a new update and 4 hours for patches. i meen come on, how hard is it to make the changes and copy the files over.


there is nothing stopping them making changes to codes or files externaly and copying them to live server when done


youve never played an mmo before?

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Mostly because it's software with code, and a lot of times when you have 100's of 1000's of people trying that live content the first time, you learn things you couldn't possibly before. Yes I know, a lot of people.. I like to call them normies.. can't quite understand this concept.
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If the patch is screwy, then Kudos for Bioware for only takinga day to (hopefully) fix it up...


One thing though, when u release a patch in an MMO, it is a given that there would be issues. IMO releasing a patch on a Thursday is bad becasue if there does need to be emergency maintenance, it wouldn't have to fall on a Friday / Friday night where it is probably more busy. Release patches on Monday / Tuesday so things can get sorted before the busy time hits

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Seriously, you people just got 30 days of free game-time, and you're still complaining about a 4 hour patch that intends to fix problems affecting YOUR gameplay?


Get a clue and a life!


so i hear that you need to have a level 50 in order to get the free 30 days? i have been here since beta and yes i do not have a level 50. i actually do things other then play this for 8 hours a day. i am not complaining nor am i trolling for that matter, i just feel for us loyal subscribers maybe we should get some compensation too?

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see this is the crap that gets me:


1.2.0a Patch Notes




Addressed an issue that could prevent characters from being deleted.

Made improvements to the CS ticketing system.


so why could this not wait till usual maintenance times?

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hello first off id like to say that the patch that came the 12th 1.2 is awsome but now again there another maintence the 13th and believe thats theres another on the tuesday wich there ALMOST allways is... so i ask why, oh why is there 2 day in a row and not 1 of them are patch day, why not simply wait with the 13th maintence til tuesday that means that in under 1 week there will be 3 downtimes where i lose gametime!! 1 i understand but 3 thats bull**** and they know it so i ask the community will you really let them think that this is okay... let your oppinion be heard on this thread


There is this stuff called "software" that runs on things called "systems" and it can be really tricky to get right, especially if there are a lot of different systems and the software is really complex and there are lots --- maybe even "massive" numbers -- of users.


Give the BW a break! I'm continually impressed by the robustness of their product.

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Biggest bunch of entitled whiners of all time. People unsubbing and complaining about the downtime. Would you rather play a broken game?


They are fixing it, you will get over it. You should start now.


Seriously a month from now most of you won't even remember this happened. It will be ok.


go do something in real life and come back to a fixed game. The alternative was to leave the game broken (is that what you want). And yes maybe they should have caught this ahead of the patch, but they didn't.


It will be ok. Deep breaths.

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Wonder what happens wen people stop pushing them to do their jobs better lol, then you be the first to ask where your money went, while they sit back and get fat! Really 2 sides of the same coin need people to push as well as those who calm headed to reason :)


still sitttttttttttttttttttttttth raggggggggggggggggggggggggggggge ahahahahahhahahahahhahaha



Edited by bluemindsedge
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Better to fix an issue than listening to people complain in general about what needs to be fixed.


They are trying to make people happy and when programming there are things that slip through the cracks and will have to be fixed later. No patch is ever perfect...it takes time. If you truley love the game then you will stick by them and give helpfull ideas about things and report any bugs you see. Devs dont kill a game, the players without patience and maturity do.

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Better to fix an issue than listening to people complain in general about what needs to be fixed.


They are trying to make people happy and when programming there are things that slip through the cracks and will have to be fixed later. No patch is ever perfect...it takes time. If you truley love the game then you will stick by them and give helpfull ideas about things and report any bugs you see. Devs dont kill a game, the players without patience and maturity do.




I love the game bugs, patches and all because I know it only gets better from here. It's a new game and they'll get it right.

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You guys and all blame me for the down time,


I had a tooth pulled and called off work thinking I could recoup and play swtor all day.


It's the same thing that happened when I bought a brand new snow blower,


and we got 3" of snow all winter.


Curse you and your bad luck! Dragging us down with you! ;)

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