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[PETITION] Remove 3 Medal Requirement For PVP Rewards


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1. You need more than 3 medals in a match to get any comms/valor

2. Trying your best in a match you get face rolled in yields no medals


So if I see a well geared premade, I am leaving the warzone because I know I will not get enough medals to get any rewards, so I will gladly take a 15 minute time out.

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And only because this medal system punishes players who get into the end of a battle. Losing teams are getting less commendations in 1.2 and thus there will be more deserters which increases the likely hood of you and I getting put into the end of a losing battle.

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It isn't enough for you people that you get guaranteed Battlemaster gear for just getting warzone comms? Quit complaining, if you can't get 3 medals... I say just wait for next patch, cause you'll probably just get almost free War Hero gear...



Stop catering to casuals Bioware.

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I find it TRULY amazing how bioware has managed to create an environment where people are much more encouraged to leave a losing match and YET remove the system to finish the warzone earlier if there are less players on one side.






Seriously Bioware, you should consider firing your entire PvP staff.

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I raised this issue numerous times on test over the last 2 months. I played tons of pre 50 games (bc they didnt xfer my toon, suprise surprise lol) and this issue was present. It was known and it needs to be fixed.


punishing people who get rolled is not the answer to blocking exploits/afkers

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I've easily been getting well over 10 medals per match. If you can't get more than 3 you are just flat out doing it wrong. 3 was super easy to get even before the patch.


you must be a marauder



Seriously though. a fresh 50 going up against full (now with more expertise) BM gear. Especially if theyre, say a sniper. Thats an entire set of medals unavailable. getting 3 can be tough and now they want to say "no rewards for you"?

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you must be a marauder



Seriously though. a fresh 50 going up against full (now with more expertise) BM gear. Especially if theyre, say a sniper. Thats an entire set of medals unavailable. getting 3 can be tough and now they want to say "no rewards for you"?


I'm a sage healer actually...

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Might I refer you to the song No Easy Way Out by Robert Tepper. I suck and have a horrible internet connection and even I can hit 6 even 7 medals in most games. there are quite a few medals easily. And this is on my Guardian.:D Edited by Aurbere
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Whoever says "you are bad" at OP or whoever signs or can't get 3 medals don't invalidate the claim to remove the medal requirements. Bads should be able to progress and have gear too, even if they stay bad.


If there were only good players playing this game, BW would go bankrupt (well not litterally).

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i agree this really hurts healers who welll heal. as i healer i can normally get 4 medals ( the 2.5 heal. 75k heal, 10 kills and 25 kills ). the other medals are something healers just can not do at all.


if your healing your heart out and your team isn't getting kills for you well you get 2 medals max and you are SOL

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If you cant get enough medals even against a premade, on a bad loss...




You are bad.


Because running in wearing Recruit Gear and getting utterly annihilated by people in legit BM sets makes us bad.


Right-o chief.


Unfortunately petitions don't do anything with MMOs, they never have - however, keep making a big deal about this and BW WILL change the way PVP is to be a bit more merciful to the losing side.

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I find it TRULY amazing how bioware has managed to create an environment where people are much more encouraged to leave a losing match and YET remove the system to finish the warzone earlier if there are less players on one side.






Seriously Bioware, you should consider firing your entire PvP staff.




/Bioware, just sack all your PvP staff

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If you're doing objectives, using your utility skills and engaging enemies you WILL have a minimum of 3 medals, even if you are put in late into the match. I'm sick of seeing players run around just dpsing the entire match and getting rewarded the same as players that actually make a difference, 3 is the perfect number to weed out useless players from being over compensated.
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