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1.2 Sorc Heals Thoughts?


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Feel free to message me if you want some tips on sorc healing. I'm still able to sustain 500-800 (haven't hit over a mil yet, but I hit 850+) in warzones. Basically you need to use certain casts to force them to burn their interrupts so you can freecast (nothing different from pre 1.2), and then strategic use of revivification (both as an 'interrupt me please' cast and even as a personal HoT) among other things.


Huttball post 1.2 (you can see that lame little 'bash' move linked to my S key for proof--not that it's ultra impressive, but just to show it's possible to still have decent output). The 5 deaths were primarily due to some well-executed powertech pulls (one guy had a bromance with me), but I do tend to play more aggressive in huttball as I like to push the offense with pulls and clearouts/etc.




a 0-0 voidstar game...yes voidstar is more favorable to revivification, but if you need to lay the aoe heals down, you can use dark infusion/dark heal to set them up so that you can freecast. Plus, using sprints+overload+running around pillars to get casts off will allow you tp keep yourself up versus multiple deaths (despite the 0 deaths that round I was actually getting tunneled quite a bit--1st or 2nd most damage taken that round)






My numbers will improve as I get more comfortable with the changes to the playstyle, but don't get your heads down--you can still perform! Remember..Pillarhumping is your friend :-)




Wow nice, but I get jumped and interrupted by multiple ppl, so how do I dodge that? do you have a plan for that cause right now 3+ ppl and I go down pretty hard and fast, is there any suggestions for that many ppl or quick burst healing that you can suggest?


Cause I get shutdown pretty often from opponents.


So far my last WZ, my DI is always on the watch so was constantly jumped, tried to fake it with Dark Heals but I got CC'd on all my heals, I tried to use slow, and affliction that has slow (dont know if they stack) but I cant deal with multiple ppl at the moment for a brief time like I used to.


EDIT: Also whats your skill tree like cause I'm curious what to spec and such now, I been thinking of getting the bubble and speed increase but unsure if its worth its weight in gold :(.

Edited by Zhaker
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Wow nice, but I get jumped and interrupted by multiple ppl, so how do I dodge that? do you have a plan for that cause right now 3+ ppl and I go down pretty hard and fast, is there any suggestions for that many ppl or quick burst healing that you can suggest?


Cause I get shutdown pretty often from opponents.


So far my last WZ, my DI is always on the watch so was constantly jumped, tried to fake it with Dark Heals but I got CC'd on all my heals, I tried to use slow, and affliction that has slow (dont know if they stack) but I cant deal with multiple ppl at the moment for a brief time like I used to.


EDIT: Also whats your skill tree like cause I'm curious what to spec and such now, I been thinking of getting the bubble and speed increase but unsure if its worth its weight in gold :(.


Hey man,


So if you have 2-3+ people on you, you'll need to sync your cooldowns. One example: 10 sec left on sprint cooldown--keep throwing shields/resurgences on yourself and others plus force slows/PURGES (talk about pissing off marauders :-))/health potions, maybe throw a fakecast (innervate is a nice fakecast since while it will get interrupted in this case you need any HP you can get, and this will provide you at least a 1-2 ticks.)..save overload--once sprint is off cooldown (assuming you'll be full resolved/cooling down or approaching since 3 are on you), tie them together and rush over to a LoS point, use recklessness+adrenals if available and load up with some DHs/DIs if you're feeling risky ;-p. You won't have many opportunities against 3 people, so you have to stay calm and maximize your chances of making them count.


Keep in mind, if you have 3 people on you, that's 5 people for the other 7. If you can do well keeping yourself up, them constantly trying to kill you will keep them off objectives (best usage is voidstar) :-)

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First of thank you (Dlove) for the constructive post. What kind of gear are you using atm ( anything special like ops relics)? How much do you think your average healing done per warzone has changed from pre to post patch?



Most of us will probably agree that the situation atm is not optiomal. ;)

However I am not ready yet to reroll or cancel my sub. That means that i am looking for good tips or ideas how to find the best out of this situation - especially in PVE. Please share your findings.


This patch has destroyed my relaxed confidence on my healing and now i have lot to relearn. First priority seems to be how to deal with the force regen and loss of hp. What is the most efficient way on different situations?


The reason why i really don't like these changes is that there is no leveling or gearing up time to adjust to them, to find out what works the best for me and what not. While others are continuing with the old playstyles, I find myself on situations were i have lost the feel of how much of my force I am using to get my party out of different situations.This means it is much harder to make on the fly decisions on how to react.



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Wow nice, but I get jumped and interrupted by multiple ppl, so how do I dodge that? do you have a plan for that cause right now 3+ ppl and I go down pretty hard and fast, is there any suggestions for that many ppl or quick burst healing that you can suggest?


Cause I get shutdown pretty often from opponents.


So far my last WZ, my DI is always on the watch so was constantly jumped, tried to fake it with Dark Heals but I got CC'd on all my heals, I tried to use slow, and affliction that has slow (dont know if they stack) but I cant deal with multiple ppl at the moment for a brief time like I used to.


EDIT: Also whats your skill tree like cause I'm curious what to spec and such now, I been thinking of getting the bubble and speed increase but unsure if its worth its weight in gold :(.


Also, here's my current tree, but I plan to intentionally tweak and test:




I'm going to play around with the following talents:


Force Suffusion: Since I like to use revivification aggressively, I want to see how this will affect my output/contribution


I will be pulling the point from Dark Resilience to see how much the 2% matters over the long haul and/or Haunting Presence since half the talent is essentially irrelevant :-) and I want to see the impact of 2% reduced healing output. Sidenote, I did a consumption test without the 4pc force mystic, and I could definitely feel it given my playstyle.


Empty Body: I'm about 99.99999% set on keeping both points in this, but I mainly want to test and objectively see how much of a difference the 8% matters--it's easy to theorycraft (welp, roughly 8%) but I want to get the feel for how much it really matters.

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First of thank you (Dlove) for the constructive post. What kind of gear are you using atm ( anything special like ops relics)? How much do you think your average healing done per warzone has changed from pre to post patch?



Most of us will probably agree that the situation atm is not optiomal. ;)

However I am not ready yet to reroll or cancel my sub. That means that i am looking for good tips or ideas how to find the best out of this situation - especially in PVE. Please share your findings.


This patch has destroyed my relaxed confidence on my healing and now i have lot to relearn. First priority seems to be how to deal with the force regen and loss of hp. What is the most efficient way on different situations?


The reason why i really don't like these changes is that there is no leveling or gearing up time to adjust to them, to find out what works the best for me and what not. While others are continuing with the old playstyles, I find myself on situations were i have lost the feel of how much of my force I am using to get my party out of different situations.This means it is much harder to make on the fly decisions on how to react.





Hey man, appreciate it!


For relics, I use the battlemaster relic with power, and the matrix cube. For gearing, I use all battlemaster main/off pieces to maximize expertise. With the introduction of critical orange crafts, I switched all my BM mods out of one of my force mystic pieces to an orange equivalent so I could add an augment (willpower one) and still keep my 4 piece force mystic bonus.



To be completely honest with you, I felt like this patch HELPED sorc healers in PvE (whattttt?!?!?!?) Perhaps it's the tanks/coordination of the group I ran with, but the force bending change to dark infusion allows me to controllably spam it and maintain Excellent force control.


In PvE, utilize revivification obviously for AoE, but it can also help you with your consumption management. Otherwise, a rotation I'd use:


Tank Healing:


-Force-Bended Dark Infusion


-Resurgence on YOU (the proc will still be on the tank for another 6 sec, allowing you to provide yourself a stable HoT to manage your consumption)

-Revivification near group/include yourself for hp management OR Dark Infusion



Spot Healing:


Resurgence+Dark Heal+Revivification that you're already laying down. You don't need to be spending much more time than that. It is their responsibility to utilize the revivification, and your resurgence will actually do a decent job at topping people off over the course of time if you let it (don't get the urge to over spam--let the heals run their course unless death is imminent).


A big factor to consider is health management. If you're concerned about constantly topping people off, you'll OOM super fast. For example, first boss of EV with the missile strikes, it is not imperative to end that sequence with everyone at 100%--it'd be nice to keep the tank above 80%, and be prepared to top off whoever will get that incoming missile strike, but there is no problem in ending that sequence with everyone around 50% if it keeps you at a strong force level, since you can recup them with a revivification following the sequence. Using that mentality requires you to master mechanics of fights so you can anticipate events, but it will take you quite far I'd think--you might mess up a couple times here and there, and it is more risky for sure--but it's a learning process, and I think ultimately you'll benefit from it given the current healing mechanics (plus it's way more FUN :-))



Another factor to consider is niche within in a group. In an ops group, there will be another healer, and depending on their strengths, you'll need to compliment them to benefit the operation. I usually roll with an operative healer in ops, so I focus more on keeping the tanks up with fat spells (with ops HoTs to sustain), revivifications to supplement group heals, and small spot heals to allow their HoTs to maintain group health levels. Doing this keeps me solid on force and keeps him solid on energy (win win win win win).



Please let me know if you have any more questions either on here, or in-game (i'm not sure my swtor.com messaging works lol)


Server: Infinite Empire

Character: DLove





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I am hoping that over the next few weeks they will balance the dps vs heal even more nothing is final so sorc might get a boost again at some point.


Untill then i will cope with the changes and improve my skills instead of facerolling my way to 50

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I actually like the changes for the 1.2 Sorcerer Healing. You don't get unlimited force (which I do believe was overpowered). I think the biggest headache I'm experiencing with the change is not the force management, but the change in how Resurgence interacts with Dark Infusion. Having that short cast time with big heal really helped keep the other players alive when they were taking big hits.


My rotation still has Resurgence in it whenever it's up.



Resurgence -> Dark Infusion -> Innervate



Resurgence -> Revivication -> Innervate (if Revivication is off cooldown)

Resurgence -> Dark Infusion -> Innervate -> Consumption (I don't care if it procs or not, but I do care if Revivication rotation is the next on the list)


Here are my beliefs regarding PvE:

1) Alacrity was a stat that Sorc Healers never wanted, but having a moderate amount of it will bring our cast times down noticeably.

2) Healing can be like "whack-a-mole", but it's also about knowing when big hits are coming. As a healer, I'll admit that I'm not paying attention to the actual encounter as much as everyone else is because I'm spending most of my time watching the ops frames, the ground I'm standing on, and location of the boss at the corner of my eye. Knowing the encounter will make it so we will start casting the heal a second before the actual big damage comes. Especially since we have target of target now.

3) A lot of guilds have been extremely successful with 8 man raids containing 2 sorcerer healers. In fact, a lot of the mechanics of the encounters were simply bypassed by having 2 sorcerers bubbling and revivication to heal the op through the damage. This may make it difficult for operatives and mercenary healers to get some quality play time.

4) I believe a lot of players that don't know how to play their class get a freebie thinking they're good at playing the game because their healers bail them out without them knowing it. This is a game that's centered around teamwork, and maybe the DPS just has to put some points in survivability.


In terms of PvP, I've done progressively better in warzones after the patch than I ever did before. Mainly because I know that I don't have a "oh crap fast heals" mechanism so I have to be more aware of who CAN survive. An example would be a marauder that force leaps into a group of 3 players and ultimately starts getting owned may be a bad heal target compared to a group of 3 players that are swarming their targets.


I'm not comfortable yet with the PvE changes, but the PvP has become much more enjoyable.

Edited by KraGiEFunctional
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Hey man, appreciate it!


For relics, I use the battlemaster relic with power, and the matrix cube. For gearing, I use all battlemaster main/off pieces to maximize expertise. With the introduction of critical orange crafts, I switched all my BM mods out of one of my force mystic pieces to an orange equivalent so I could add an augment (willpower one) and still keep my 4 piece force mystic bonus.



To be completely honest with you, I felt like this patch HELPED sorc healers in PvE (whattttt?!?!?!?) Perhaps it's the tanks/coordination of the group I ran with, but the force bending change to dark infusion allows me to controllably spam it and maintain Excellent force control.


In PvE, utilize revivification obviously for AoE, but it can also help you with your consumption management. Otherwise, a rotation I'd use:


Tank Healing:


-Force-Bended Dark Infusion


-Resurgence on YOU (the proc will still be on the tank for another 6 sec, allowing you to provide yourself a stable HoT to manage your consumption)

-Revivification near group/include yourself for hp management OR Dark Infusion



Spot Healing:


Resurgence+Dark Heal+Revivification that you're already laying down. You don't need to be spending much more time than that. It is their responsibility to utilize the revivification, and your resurgence will actually do a decent job at topping people off over the course of time if you let it (don't get the urge to over spam--let the heals run their course unless death is imminent).


A big factor to consider is health management. If you're concerned about constantly topping people off, you'll OOM super fast. For example, first boss of EV with the missile strikes, it is not imperative to end that sequence with everyone at 100%--it'd be nice to keep the tank above 80%, and be prepared to top off whoever will get that incoming missile strike, but there is no problem in ending that sequence with everyone around 50% if it keeps you at a strong force level, since you can recup them with a revivification following the sequence. Using that mentality requires you to master mechanics of fights so you can anticipate events, but it will take you quite far I'd think--you might mess up a couple times here and there, and it is more risky for sure--but it's a learning process, and I think ultimately you'll benefit from it given the current healing mechanics (plus it's way more FUN :-))



Another factor to consider is niche within in a group. In an ops group, there will be another healer, and depending on their strengths, you'll need to compliment them to benefit the operation. I usually roll with an operative healer in ops, so I focus more on keeping the tanks up with fat spells (with ops HoTs to sustain), revivifications to supplement group heals, and small spot heals to allow their HoTs to maintain group health levels. Doing this keeps me solid on force and keeps him solid on energy (win win win win win).



Please let me know if you have any more questions either on here, or in-game (i'm not sure my swtor.com messaging works lol)


Server: Infinite Empire

Character: DLove







This is what I like to see, somebody taking all this hate and making a productive post out of it.


I am going to give this change a chance, use your advice and try my best to show all the sorc haters that we can still be useful.


I am just curious though, with your tank healing "rotation", are you finding that the heals are outweighing the force costs of such spells?


Pre-patch I could just lay down a Revivication and then consume my heart away, knowing that the Reviv will overheal any damage I took by using consumption. 99% of fights I would end with full force just because I could.



Like I said, thanks for the constructive post. Hopefully some of these sorcerers will take your advice and try to at least give their healers one last shot.


I have no intention of rolling an alt, this is my main and will forever be my main. I would much rather find a way to deal with this nerf than to just unsub or reroll.

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Resurgence takes the force cost of Revivication from 100 to 70. Which is huge in the grand scheme of things because we force regen 8 per second. So after it's all said and done, you should have only spent 54 force (from amount of force before casting to amount of force after casting) to drop a very nice aoe raid heal.
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Resurgence takes the force cost of Revivication from 100 to 70. Which is huge in the grand scheme of things because we force regen 8 per second. So after it's all said and done, you should have only spent 54 force (from amount of force before casting to amount of force after casting) to drop a very nice aoe raid heal.




Plus with revivification+heals from the other person (remember, teamwork!) will be more than sufficient.


I've done ops with 2 sorc healers, and in any event either one of us needs to spam consumption, all it'd take is a simple call out, and we'd pump some heals in to that person as they re-forced.

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..."I am just curious though, with your tank healing "rotation", are you finding that the heals are outweighing the force costs of such spells?"...


Thanks for the feedback!


Keep in mind, SWTOR raiding is Very Very Very (did I mention Very?) situational. Basic example is 3rd Boss Karagga--You have to cycle cooldowns to keep tanks up during the enrage phase, but on Soa, I felt the tank was hardly Ever in a position where his HP was in danger--but situations would happen where i'd be spinning in the air with a healer in a prison and a lightning ball set to go to our tank, yet another situation.


My basic 'rotation' is actually quite force-efficient, and if you keep revivification down, you can just soak in it while you regen or utilize your other healer to top you while you consume.


As long as you can anticipate spikes (i.e. 3rd boss Karaggas) you can sync a slow Dark Infusion to counteract the burst. If you are ever in an Oh **** situation where you need to significantly catch up (my Soa example), I'd do something like this:


-Recklessness (you should strive to be able to heal an entire Op without needing recklessness, so that when you Do need it, it is there. It's definitely nice to weave in to a rotation once you've mastered some content, but if you use it as a rotational crutch to get through a boss (unless mandated for certain mechanics) then if any Oh **** situations arise beforehand, you're screwed

-Dark Heal+Resurgence to get the instant clipped to the end of the Dark Heal, turning it in to a roughly 3.5-5k crit cast

-Dark Heal+Innervate



Dark Heal spamming can burn through your force quicker than you'd expect, but the output is surprisingly nice--people may have their own way of bringing someone up quickly, and if it works for them, then have at it, but I've determined Dark Heal spamming to heal for more than the duration of an innervate (especially since you can clip the resurgence at the end of the first dark heal and not have the lag between casts of the first resurgence and the subsequent innervate)--some people may feel different, and that's fine too, there isn't one prescribed way to do things


BTW, that little rotation will burst someone up quite fast in PvP too--test it for yourself!*


*There's always a catch!--if you don't have expertise in PvP, you're going to be in trouble :-)

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PVP is just brutal now and not in the least way enjoyable.


My emergency heal went from a 1.3 sec cast which crits for 5600 to a 1.3 sec cast which crits for 2300. It's probably way worse than most people realize.


They need to:


1. Revert the Force Bending changes

2. Slightly reduce the health cost of Consumption


After those two changes I'd be fine.

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Thanks for the feedback!


I am currently in full Centurion gear, but that doesn't seem to make a difference.


Whereas before the patch I could semi-easily heal through one DD or Tank on me, now it seems our 1v1 surviveability is all but non-existent. It just seems that the damage I'm taking far outweighs any heals I could put on myself, let alone trying to heal other people during said targeting.


Could just be me though, I'm going to give it a chance when maint is over. I have no intention to reroll so I'd rather just re-learn how to be a sorcerer :)



And I wish people would stop telling us to respec to DD, if I wanted to be a damage dealer I would have rolled one to start with.

Edited by VVyrdo
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Sorcerer heals = no fun anymore. Time to reroll.


Legacy unlocks + $100,000+ purchasing to aquire = ridiculous.


I am so disappointed in this patch. To quote another from this thread: "There are no words... :("

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I'm not too happy about the changes myself, but I'm not going to act like a child and stomp my foot over it as I unsubscribe (as I've seen many doing). That's ridiculous.


If Bioware listened to the other classes complain, I'm sure they'll listen when they realize they took too much away from us. It hasn't even been a full day yet; people really need to learn patience.


Besides, what's stopping people from leveling their alts in the meantime, if it's really that horrible? I'm still trying to see if I can work my Sorcerer in a way I'm happy with, but if not I have other toons I could be playing.


I'm glad this thread isn't primarily a whine-fest. Stuff like that is never going to get us anywhere.


It's not ridiculous if someone doesn't like with the direction bw is taking their game and decide to get my gaming fix elsewhere. I think your being ridiculous to claim your opinion is the best to decide on how others spend their money. That said if this was a knee jerk reaction to every little change I could understand, if sorcerers were not broken I could understand. But that is not the case.

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I'm really hoping there's a few tricks that still make us viable that I didn't figure out yesterday, but right now, I'm just sad, and don't know what to do.


Changes effecting me as a healer right now that I can see:

1. No proper way to regen force

2. Big heal isnt viable (People have time to switch target, open their spellbook, find their interrupt and cast it before i finish my heal)

3. Damage boost from expertise was boosted more then damage reduction

4. I lost about 1k base HP (Full BM Gear)

5. It seems like most DPS classes was buffed. (Might just be the expertise change?)


If anyone has useful tips on how to adapt to survive as a healer, I'd very much like to know. I love the class, but fear that if its as bad as I feel now, my guild won't accept sorc healers once ranked play starts.


Number mad me lol irl...so true, funny and sad.

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Not gonna reply to the other posts in this thread, I just wanted to post my feedback as this thread has been pointed at as one of the "allowed" feedback threads by the Forum Moderators.

As a note, I listened to the SWTOR PodCast and catched the part about devs not liking to read feedback that was loaded with "I think/I want/I demand", but for this type of feedback I only have my own experiences to draw conclusions from, so here you have it;



I've been playing Corruption Sorcerer for PvE since the launch of SWTOR, ever since level 10 I was spending my points in the Corruption tree and was playing as the healer for my guild groups all the way to 50, and continued that role into the first raids (I fondly remember raiding EV for the first time on December 28th, severely bugged content which took us 8 hours to clear ^^). In fact, I have only specced Lightning a few times on level 50 just to try it so I'm no expert on sorcerer as a class, I only have vast experience as a healer in PvE. My raidgroup had EV and KP 16 Nightmare Mode cleared by the 14th of February, so I'd say we're among the better raidgroups in SWTOR.


In the PvP department I played up to Valor 46 or 47 (around there) before GU 1.1 when I decided to play a Marauder for PvP instead. Not been in warzones as sorcerer since then, so therefore I won't comment on how corruption plays in PvP now as I really have no idea. The only thing I can say is that pre-patch 1.2 I could take on corruption sorcerer 1v1 on my marauder, and while I couldn't always kill them 1v1, I could at least keep them too busy keeping themselves alive to not being able to heal their squadmates. That's good design if you ask me, PvP should be tactical and team-based. Yesterday I destroyed healers left and right on my marauder, it was weird.


Back to PvE;

I do understand why sorcerers were up for nerf to their healing output as we had near unlimited force with minimal penalty while managing it, and we could utilize the "double dip" bug to dish out 10-12k healing in less than 3 seconds when things got intense. All this along with the best AoE heal in the game. Me and my fellow healers (sorcs and other classes) compared output and utility, and the conclusion was that sorcerer were the best healers across the board, regardless of scenario. We also agreed that sorcerer were ripe for a nerf, but I don't think anyone of us anticipated a change of this magnitude.


My main concerns right now is the resource management for long fights. As another poster in this thread pointed out, we now have 3 things to worry about; our own force pool, our own health pool, and the health of our group(s)/target. In AoE heavy fights I cannot allow myself to use consumption too often because my health would go too low to be able to tackle incoming AE damage, which in turn effectively reduces my already reduced healing output. I found myself taking breaks in the healing on some occasions to either wait for a more calm moment to be able to replenish my resources or to stop healing my group and focus on myself for a few seconds to heal myself and consume health to replenish force, which overall reduced the amount of fun I was having while raiding.

Another thing I saw the need to do was using Revivification on an area near me to heal myself up so I could use consumption more often, this instead of throwing it next to the melee players or similar to heal them. Feels like a waste of a perfectly good AoE heal. This is situational, but that I feel the need to do it at all feels like a waste to me.



Force Bending "double dip" fix that's okay. Reducing output through removing the activation speed buff from Force Bending on Dark Infusion in exchange for lower force cost.. okay, I'll handle it. Consumption change.. I cannot see the reason you had to do this. It shifts our entire playstyle in PvE into another mode where we have to not only manage our force, but also be more worried about our health than other healers have to be. Please have another look at this.

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sorry there just no viable build to be effective in pvp .. i can give u a few ideas about pve after doing the new op last night. and i have to say this is the hardest class to play by far in this game now. i did a 32/7/2 build ... take a point from damage reduction, and kncokback suffereing and puting into new talent to reduce health cost from consumption ... the goal really is to aoe heal effectively, what i mean is make sure its healing at least 4 people or more to make it useful, shield a lot, and make sure people are utilizing there medpac, another thing would be nice if you gave a heads up to throw u a h.o.t. on you to help with health so your not wasting yours on yourself... remember sorcerers have the worst regen in game, so i would advise bringing an op healer who got a boost. hope this helps
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I had a 4 page discussion on PVP sorc healing in 1.2 then bioware decided to close that thread and every other thread like it.... why? because they don't want us talking negatively about 1.2 pvp healing sorcs, because sorcs are now broken.


BUT be careful!!! this post might get deleted/locked also!


What's the matter Bioware? Why are you going around locking and deleting threads and posts having to do with Sorc healing in patch 1.2?


Because you broke sorcs and now you can't deal with it. Best solution bioware? Silence our voice and act like 'nothing is wrong'.


one of the largest and most posted on topics about 1.2 was the sorc healing nerfs. BW had to tidy it up about 6 times. and yes we are broken... yet BW fails to listen to the community. this game is a giant fail ship destined for an ice berg.

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Really? I agree that we fall like a sack of potatoes under focused fire, but you can be a distraction for awhile and then bail if it happens. Our healing output was ridiculous before, I was putting up 600k in a champion/centurion mix and I've seen people with numbers over 800k. With 1.2 launch, I picked up one BM piece and I have still topped healing in all WZs and capped out at 488k (I have a SS if you don't believe me). Coming into the patch I was very against the changes, but I knew it would be manageable and it is. The only thing that is a problem now is force regen, so I do have to bail out of fights at times to recuperate. Just make sure you have a good group who can keep some people off you and who actually do some DPS. Not the end of the world and Sorc healing is certainly viable still.
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sorry bro but your playing with baddies then ... not to knock u, but im a well known pvper on my server and repubs know me to, they do not let me function ever... even pre 1.2, the goal was always to stop me from doing anything cause i will dictate wins and losses ... in 1.2 if 2 people on you, there is no way your doing anything but a shield and h.o.t. u try innervate, kicked, try a 2.3 sec heal ... interrupted, stunned, gg ... sorry but your comment is just silly coming from guys with full bm ...
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BW's time-sink paradigm for this game appears to be encouraging everyone to roll as many alts as they can (as opposed to, say, forcing you to farm like crazy to make progress on your crafting or to level). If you start from that premise, it makes perfect sense that BW might get the insipid idea that obliterating a class's utility and fun in PvP once in a while, perpetuating the FoTM cycle, would result in a net gain for the company in terms of lengthier subscriptions from all the alts they've "encouraged" people to roll. If that's their thinking, then it needs to be proven patently false. You do the math.



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sorry bro but your playing with baddies then ... not to knock u, but im a well known pvper on my server and repubs know me to, they do not let me function ever... even pre 1.2, the goal was always to stop me from doing anything cause i will dictate wins and losses ... in 1.2 if 2 people on you, there is no way your doing anything but a shield and h.o.t. u try innervate, kicked, try a 2.3 sec heal ... interrupted, stunned, gg ... sorry but your comment is just silly coming from guys with full bm ...


I'm in the same boat, full bm healer, and most ppl we play know me, on both sides. I hardly get to be alone, regardless of how far back i stay. Sure, if you're left alone, you can still dish out some high numbers, but like I said earlier, its about objectives, not hps/dps.


Anyways, gonne play now, and see if I can turn it around again.

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like I said on another forum...


I'm still (it will change) a sorc healer but as I've read on previous posts, not with the same joy....


Now and because our main healing spell cast is like 200000 seconds.. it's impossible to secure a tank or a dps in a PVE or PVP battle...


I, like 95% of sorcerers reroll to dps... actually in my guild I think that more that 50% of the healers just quit playing or change the tree.... this is not acceptable... but who can blame them? nobody....


1.2 for sure came out on the correct date to improve gaming but seriously... you nerf ones so badly that actually now I think that my server will be even more empty than before because there is no healers online....(I can prove this with SS :) )


Before patch you could see like 4 or 5 healers on a PVP match... now I already played with ppl doing max 50k of healing (sor/op dps that heal themselves... lol )


Bioware or someone with brains, should review this class (like other, because we are not special) as fast as possible... and reconsider to roll back on same specs of the tree....



Some say that it's still doable... of course... if you're fully bm or pve NM geared...


Just my Humble opinion

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