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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Appearance Tab?


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Fully moddable armor.


Not really. Like with my current character I would like to play a Guardian, but don't like the Guardian plate armor and/or robes look, so I am being forced to play as a Sentinel for no real reason since some Guardian outfits are just robes/fabric.


Also as far as I have seen there is no way to upgrade the actual armor level of a set, just it's Ability stats. Does that raise the armor point values?

Edited by Idaho-D
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I agree. I once felt that the appearnace tab was maybe not needed due to the "Unify Color to Chestpiece." option. But now....after playing Sith Sorcerer and looking at future craftable armor options, I can see that their idea of armor is a lame Kendo outfit with fugly colors.


I am now firmly in the appearance tab and dye camp. ALLOW US TO LOOK HOW WE WANT TO LOOK.

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If you find armour that's coded orange (i.e., blue, greens etc) then that item is one that you can mod and slot stats into, orange gear can be found for just about every texture in the game so there is a lot of choice. We had this long chat with them at the end of beta and I just don't think they get what a appearance system is used for.


They seem to think that I want to grind for the item I can mod, then grind for yet more mods to slot into it when I've already grinded and gained a piece of armour that has good stats and have an old green item that looks fantastic (i.e. not stupid shoulder pads, which they have gone for in end game armour looks).


What I ACTUALLY want in an appearance system is to look pretty cool at all levels, the way I want to look when I'm grinding/leveling/playing, I don't want to have to grind to look cool when I grind.


If I'm on Hoth, I don't want to have to have the same look that I have on Tattooine. With their system, that would be a total pain to do.


So many people defended Bioware over this and ultimately I now have a Jedi that looks like a mixed up clown at level 20 when I could have just looked cool from the start, but I have to wait till I find an orange moddable item, which also then assumes that I even LIKE the design of that orange moddable item.

Edited by CapuchinSeven
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Whenever they enable the search function again, I'd want to point you to the Unofficial Appearance Customization Thread, which is basically where all the appearance discussion went in the run-up to the game ( we had 25.000 posts over the course of 1 1/2 years ).


Basically, the fully moddable "gold" gear is the current solution. Without knowing where which look drops and crafters yet not in possession of all easily obtained recipes ( and mostly not crafting, but leveling ), it is not easy to get the look one wants.


But I think it will be easier in the near future... the other thing is keeping the gear up to par, which is so far a pain... but do-able. It's a good way to spend your planet commendations.

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the other thing is keeping the gear up to par, which is so far a pain... but do-able. It's a good way to spend your planet commendations.


This, it's a pain. Even more so when you have one piece of gear you like the look of, another with the stats you want and another that's moddable.


I like the mod system but it makes looking the way you want hard work and to top it off, everyone is walking around looking the same. It seems to make something simple like an appearance system more work than it needs to be.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I got a great purple torso armor tonight, great stats, so happy, I'm a Jug btw. Only problem is the rocket launcher on the back... I look silly. All I want is to ba able to take that part off, as it doesnt go with my toon. Please give us a tab for appearances.
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