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Please say something Bioware....Anything


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20-30 people would not be the majority, remember there is over 2 millon subs and more is flocking in weekly.


Nerf hatred and nerdrage is common is mmo's, get used to it.


Welcome to the circus where we sell nerd tears. :rolleyes:


say that after every server pop is light, then some servers become trial servers.. next thing you know imperial fleet will have 5 people in it at a time, ask TRION

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me too.


i think this is the first time i've raged-quit an MMO rather than eventually just getting bored after a long time and finding another game.


I didn't even RageQUIT Rift..




I'm going to give it a few hours of play tonight to really feel it out.

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All BW did was make some changes which should have been present at launch yet trumpet them as game changing. For a game with hundreds of millions of dollars of funding and supposedly 'world class' talent, this 'patch' is a joke.


Bioware has ignored their player base, pushed unfinished code to PTR, ignored player feedback on said PTR, then implemented a product which is substandard in every sense of the word. Too many people are giving BW the benefit of the doubt when they don't deserve it! Would you go to a restaurant, order your meal, pay for it, then have the waitstaff come back and tell you that your sides are ready but your meal will be included in your next visit to the restaurant, NO REFUNDS!?


While that might be a bit of an extreme example the principle still holds true. This patch is fluff masquerading as content. I mean HELL, they spent development time removing a sound effect from a Scoundrel/Operative proc but carelessly break a system that affects a huge portion of the player base???

Edited by Parali
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They know they screwed up and now have 0 ideas how to fix it.


Why? myself and many think this patch or update is very good,maybe a few tweaks here and there but overall very good.

Edited by Sathid
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Why? myself and many think this patch or update is very good,maybe a few tweaks here and there but overall very good.


because your experience is not universal, and even if you liked it, that's vastly outweighed by it being game-breaking for others.

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I really dont think this game is perfect, its far from it.


But damn.....this community QQ can really be annoying sometimes.


Looks like there will always be ppl complaining about everything in this effing game.


I pity guild wars 2, seriously, because they have actually stated that their game will "change" the world of MMO´s or something like that, and i dont think this was a good idea on their part.


Some of u guys will be chewing their livers after the first ingame issues.


Except the part where the losing team gets ZERO from doing a warzone, i dont think this patch is uber crap or something, far from it.


The "beginner" pvp gear set is working fine and the new warzone is very nice.

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I really dont think this game is perfect, its far from it.


But damn.....this community QQ can really be annoying sometimes.


Looks like there will always be ppl complaining about everything in this effing game.


I pity guild wars 2, seriously, because they have actually stated that their game will "change" the world of MMO´s or something like that, and i dont think this was a good idea on their part.


Some of u guys will be chewing their livers after the first ingame issues.


Except the part where the losing team gets ZERO from doing a warzone, i dont think this patch is uber crap or something, far from it.


The "beginner" pvp gear set is working fine and the new warzone is very nice.



sorry, but working your backside off in warzones, getting top healing, and getting zero...ZERO rewards for it is not just irrational complaining. same with getting almost zero rewards, which is now the case with the majority of lost warzones.


bottom line here: by definition 1/2 the people are losing (actually less because of faction imbalances, but you get the point), and if you make it miserable and pointless for that 1/2 to play, then you end up with a giant problem.

Edited by Jeopardydd
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I am sad today because a lot of the people I play with have literally unsubbed :-/ Why does bioware hate healers and pvpers? :(



it's crazy. the new stuff is one thing, but people have been yelling about the lack of medals for healers since I was in beta. that part of it is nothing new. bioware just isn't listening.

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I haven't played much WZs today 'cause I actually had stuff to do but as I got on a bit ago it does seem like a huge step backward. At least before people had a little bit of strategy and now it seems like a huge clusterf... Maybe its just me but 75% of what I did in the game was pvp til now and I'm not a big fan of getting 10 medals and getting 40coms for 20mins of playing. I hope there's a rollback but I doubt it.


As for SOE comments from early you have to remember that I was lucas arts that pushed the NGE onto SOE and unfortunately they are here as well not sure about the CU but I'm sure people at LA had a say in that to since this game is so similar to NGE I fear that they really don't care about making a good game as much as hitting the LCD to get as many people to like the game as possible.

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LFG, cross realm, I would like to experience some pve content after 50....


Frggin Damage meter, for those that hate it, toggle it off


Ratec WZ


Also, please give Ashara skin, poor girl must be freezing her invisible butt off!

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Seing how they managed to make all the new stuff like dailys, vendors, guildbanks and fps etc. disapear with the 1.2a patch, i think they are to busy looking for new jobs, to make a statement lol Edited by davidpop
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And you base that statement on exactly what?


The amount of people that were on the fleet last night playing the game maybe?


the minority of people post on the forums.


the majority of people play the game.

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The amount of people that were on the fleet last night playing the game maybe?


the minority of people post on the forums.


the majority of people play the game.


Ye, they give away free month to everyone because they have such a good heart :rolleyes:


Dealing with EA here, just to remind people.

Edited by GrandMike
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