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You usually can't put enough physical distance to avoid the last hit on Ravage without Force Speed (2 out of 8 classes) but you don't need to move as far as LoS it. Of course whether you can LoS it or not depends on if there's any convenient obstacle nearby, but it's not hard to find them. You also have 3s to use a weak CC and there are a lot of choices here. Of course failing that it's not a bad time to use a hard CC (stun) while they're doing Ravage since you get a decent trade there.
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You usually can't put enough physical distance to avoid the last hit on Ravage without Force Speed (2 out of 8 classes) but you don't need to move as far as LoS it. Of course whether you can LoS it or not depends on if there's any convenient obstacle nearby, but it's not hard to find them. You also have 3s to use a weak CC and there are a lot of choices here. Of course failing that it's not a bad time to use a hard CC (stun) while they're doing Ravage since you get a decent trade there.


If you strafe even if you are snared you will avoid the last tick.

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Ravage/Masterstrike is not overpowered.

It is in the right spot now.


It was crap before the changes.

A melee channel with a selfroot and interruptable?

Witch the chance to bug out in the animation and be a potential self cc?

No way back.


Bloodthirst /Inspiration + Gore/Precision Slash + Ravage/Masterstrike with root + Ataru Form Procs + (Relic/Expertise Adrenal)

is another story


Just pray you have CC on cooldown.


But the problem here is not Ravage /Masterstrike.

It´s part of a bigger context.

Edited by Sabredance
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You have to move instantly (and not be snared at all) if you want even a chance of escape the THIRD hit of it. It reaches out like 10 meters to get you once activated, and the first two strikes are more or less immediate; you simply cannot dodge the majority of the damage.


And the environment of a warzone, you're probably going to be rooted or stunned. Actually the majority of Marauders still haven't figured out how good this move is and how ridiculous the range is, as you can see in this thread most Marauders think that it's easy to escape the move, also most Marauders think everything except Annihilation sucks. They also have yet to figure out that Force Camo should be constantly used offensively and there are no real drawbacks to using the move.


Now while you don't need to talent Ravage to hit a stunned or rooted enemy, 2 of the trees have buffs to Ravage. But it almost always is the highest, quickest big damage move on an incapacitated enemy. Pretty much the worst case scenario is baiting a stun out and then an opponent trying to get out of dodge. Carnage of course has the hardest hitting Ravage, but Rage spec still hits it really hard too.

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Honestly with both war hero weapons and full bm... i see 5-6k crits (tick twice) on my master strike very often as combat w/ my 100arpen. If you dot and have your increased ataru proc chance up during the ms/ravage thats another 2-3k dmg over the duration.


10k dmg is pretty possible lol.


but again no self heals, no hard stun, 1 reliable gap closer.

Edited by Motoeric
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You can't run away from it after 1.2. It stuns you. I believe you can break it though.


Oh please.This is the PvP forum.


It doesn´t stun (except for Mobs in PvE)


Combat Sentinels /Carnage Marauders can spec a root on it.

Edited by Sabredance
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You can't run away from it after 1.2. It stuns you. I believe you can break it though.


people need to

a) choose their words more carefully so they dont come across as idiots or..

b) get the **** off the forums if your actually this retarded. *facepalm*


i guess one can never expect idiots to not post on forums

Edited by Motoeric
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Its not hitting over 6.5k, I have full bm and I know what im doing, if gore is up you might see 7k, but you get kb, Cc, and you have a 6 second window which is very small considering the gcd after gore, oh and ravage still BUGS and does no damage 30% of the time, dont act like you know anything about carnage, if you did you would realize how ignorant this thread is.


Ravage doesnt bug, whats happening is you are getting hit with obfuscate or another -hit ability. On my mara i save obfuscate and only use it on any ravage/master strike i see a enemy warrior trying to do to me or a teammate. The gore animation is a huge sign its coming and the last hit is the only scary one, catch them with it early and they just wasted the cd and the time it took to channel it since i have never seen one stop the channel after the first 2 strikes miss to scream or fear. I have never had my ravage bug ever and i usually vanish out or fear when i get obfuscated.


Ravage in its current form is broken, we simply dont even need it to kill people but we have it which makes it too easy. Its isnt hard baiting a kb and then your opponent is ****ed. I see carnage maras charge gore ravage and get kb'd imediately but and that is an issue with the player not the ability or class. Charge get kb'd deadly throw root them get back on them you get stunned, trinket and gore ravage scream combo them, its really really easy.

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With out a CC to counter me I hit my full master strike every time. Sometimes I use my 4 second unchanneled Force Stasis and hit my master strike every time. If people are just walking away from your damage you did something wrong. A snare is sufficient to keep them from out ranging that last hit from master strike.


Sometimes I use my 4 second unchanneled force Stasis with a sentinel buddy next to me and we both land full master strike damage and someone dies right there.

Edited by Exilim
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Yet you play a sorc right, take your misinformation elsewhere, mad because you got nerfed, crying about a bugged ability that hits 5-6k over 3 seconds and glitches out most of the time, pathetic nerds.


Perhaps you are playing your mara wrong if your full length ravage while carnage spec'd is only doign 6k over 3 seconds.


I suggest you equip some gear, perhaps a weapon to see better results.


Its not hitting over 6.5k, I have full bm and I know what im doing, if gore is up you might see 7k, but you get kb, Cc, and you have a 6 second window which is very small considering the gcd after gore, oh and ravage still BUGS and does no damage 30% of the time, dont act like you know anything about carnage, if you did you would realize how ignorant this thread is.


Chris look at this.



Thats just the third tick (fully buffed ofc)

(Rogean posted this yesterday here http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=399474&page=11)


lols mara/sents can't do 10-14k damage in a 3 second span... really, not in any spec. Please ****.


Oh yes they can.Rare but happens.(Fully buffed/Lucky Crit streak and Ataru form procs)

Edited by Sabredance
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lols mara/sents can't do 10-14k damage in a 3 second span... really, not in any spec. Please ****.


Ok. Lets assume we approach a Sith Inquisitor midfight where they already blew their defensive CDs:


; means happens in 1 gcd > means happens next gcd


Leap ; Overload Saber > Zealous Strike > Cauterize >> Masterstrike ; Merciless Slash


Assuming the last hit of Masterstrike and Merciless Slash crit thats min 3.5k dmg each + offhand.

So thats from the beginning of Masterstrike 2 x 1200 dot, 2x 500 dot, 1200 first hit MS, 2100 2nd hit MS, 3500 3rd hit MS, 3500 Merc Slash.

Thats 13.6k DMG for the duration of Masterstrike when I get crits on Merc Slash and the Final Hit.

If my timing and positioning is correct my target has zero chance of escaping this. Seems OP to me.


Oh and don´t tell me BS. I do it every warzone against fully geared opponents (Sentinel with both WH weapons and 4 armor pieces). I can 80% => 0% Sages / Inquis in 3 seconds. Thats just stupid. Classes should not have to keep at least 1 def CD to avoid an instakill. Same **** as Operatives stunlocking people to death.


Edit: I do not think ravage / ms is op for the carnage / combat spec. The spec is just not on par with anni / watchman and the dmg absurdly easy to avoid.

Edited by yningunay
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Ok. Lets assume we approach a Sith Inquisitor midfight where they already blew their defensive CDs:


; means happens in 1 gcd > means happens next gcd


Leap ; Overload Saber > Zealous Strike > Cauterize >> Masterstrike ; Merciless Slash


Assuming the last hit of Masterstrike and Merciless Slash crit thats min 3.5k dmg each + offhand.

So thats from the beginning of Masterstrike 2 x 1200 dot, 2x 500 dot, 1200 first hit MS, 2100 2nd hit MS, 3500 3rd hit MS, 3500 Merc Slash.

Thats 13.6k DMG for the duration of Masterstrike when I get crits on Merc Slash and the Final Hit.

If my timing and positioning is correct my target has zero chance of escaping this. Seems OP to me.


Oh and don´t tell me BS. I do it every warzone against fully geared opponents (Sentinel with both WH weapons and 4 armor pieces). I can 80% => 0% Sages / Inquis in 3 seconds. Thats just stupid. Classes should not have to keep at least 1 def CD to avoid an instakill. Same **** as Operatives stunlocking people to death.


Edit: I do not think ravage / ms is op for the carnage / combat spec. The spec is just not on par with anni / watchman and the dmg absurdly easy to avoid.


Very easy to counter that. People that get hit w/ that are plain stupid.

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Anyone geared gets hit for 5-6k over 3 seconds, go cry somewhere else honestly, pathetic.


I've seen single crits higher than that from Marauders. :rolleyes:


Ravage/master strike isn't OP. Learn how to counter it, the easiest counter is just to run away.


Good luck while being snared and it having 10 meters reach. :rolleyes:

Edited by Vales
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I like how some people think that they can do a better balancing by playing a couple of hours compared to the bioware's assigned team working 8hrs each day doing that.


Stop complaining about ravage and get in a warzone with 4 operatives/scoundrels and see what happens. 99% of the time stunned and dying in 3 seconds.

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Very easy to counter that. People that get hit w/ that are plain stupid.


Assuming midfight when you do not have your speed up or my resove is full there is no chance of excaping this. Thats why i said: Its BULLS**T people have to keep 1 def cooldown just to not get killed by a marauder.

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I like how some people think that they can do a better balancing by playing a couple of hours compared to the bioware's assigned team working 8hrs each day doing that.


Stop complaining about ravage and get in a warzone with 4 operatives/scoundrels and see what happens. 99% of the time stunned and dying in 3 seconds.


I die in less than 3 seconds to 4 operatives/scoundrels as well as sage. What do you expect in a 1 vs 4? :rolleyes:

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Assuming midfight when you do not have your speed up or my resove is full there is no chance of excaping this. Thats why i said: Its BULLS**T people have to keep 1 def cooldown just to not get killed by a marauder.

Not saying you are wrong, but in group pvp and especially during midfight it all comes down to player's individual skill.

When it is up to player's skill, simple attacks can be OP and attacks like masterstrike/ravage can do nothing. Imo if you can counter an attack/rotation then I don't see how it is OP. I mean if i just stand there and do nothing, sorc lightning can kill me, is it overpowered? Does it mean that I have to save my cooldowns so that I can stay alive?

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