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Celebrate Game Update 1.2: Legacy


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A simple fix for this is say sorry BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY CHANGE the free 30 days from having a level 50 character to say play time or months subbed. Especially because anyone can fly all the way to 50 in a short time. I like to slowly level and enjoy the experience of the game. I didn't get my level 49 to 50 as my friends all rage quit due to buggy ilum and no real content for pvpers


Change the free month to playtime/months subbed!

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One final thought before I crash that just occurred to me (but has probably already been said):


I wonder if anyone at BioWare realizes rewarding level 50s actively rewards people who have caused the current state of the game. Consider that early in the game people blitzed to level 50 then would often come to these very forums to complain about having nothing to do or broken PVP.


They were the people who started quitting en masse. Those folks are the predominant reason why server populations went in the tank. Those folks are the reason some of us still don't have 50s yet because we've had to reroll on higher populated servers just to have some semblance of a decent MMO.


Yet, if they resubscribed a few days prior to 1.2 so they could check out 1.2, they are being rewarded for the very behavior that has damaged many aspects of this game.

Edited by Captiosus
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I really didn't want to read 151 pages so if this is already talked about than I'm sorry. I'm not level 50 nor do I have one. I just started last month. I'm just another player who is losing its loyalty for this company.



SWTOR- You should have given all your fans that have played from day 1 (in beta and beyond) and are still active today, the free month. Everyone is going to want to make cap now for that free month. Like the guy that started last week who will probably stop playing when the free month is up. Your "true" loyal supporters are the ones who have stuck through and through when this all started!


What you said "As a thanks for being one of our most valued players, every active account with a Level 50 character as of April 12th, 2012 at 12:00PM CDT / 5:00PM GMT, will receive thirty (30) days of game time** in appreciation for your support and loyalty"



People have actually said in game and on websites- that there is no end game content. For that, some dedicated players aren't going to want to hit 50. There's no point.



SWTOR- You guys are probably scared cause another game is coming out that has proven it's worthiness. You'll lose players by being prejudice. There is no room for that kind of treatment anywhere in life!


Actually, your statement just made me think of something. It's quite odd that there are folks arguing against including founders or players who have been around the entire time from receiving the reward too. If they had been around that long and been lvl 50 they would be receiving it anyways. It's those who haven't been around that long but are lvl 50 who would stand to lose if they changed the conditions to be more thorough.

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First off, i would like to say, trolls can comment about something else. im real, i want to speak in a real fashion about how people are made to feel. when i learned of this, i was sad. not DEEPLY SAD or any ridiculous supernerd bullcrap, just saddened by the fact that every free moment, the time i took off from work to play the first week, and the friends i have brought to the game ( 4 of them) do not mean anything because its been stated who is the best. i have a level 46 that i mostly pvp on, agent, operative and i love it. i also have a 22 jugger, amazing fun class, and i have a 19 BH pwrtch that im just getting to know. i thought bioware said that this game was all about the story and was different from other MMO games where you rush to the cap and max out your gear and get raiding and wipeing and griping at each other as SOON as possible!? ok maybe they didnt say that, but the story and the different part, they said. now, im being punished by having to pay 15$ more than the jackazz next to me who exploited PVP XP in the first run of the game because........i enjoy the content? i am tempted to quit, i am tempted to sell the action figure on ebay and the book....i dunno. i bought a CE and i was in Beta, and i play every day when i get home, yet i have to pay 15$ more than someone who is 4 levels ( 3.5 level tbh) higher than me? who has no alts? id like it to be a /played X amount or more gets free month. i demand a response, as i am paying YOU bioware. this mess will cause an uproar:confused:
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A simple fix for this is say sorry BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY CHANGE the free 30 days from having a level 50 character to say play time or months subbed. Especially because anyone can fly all the way to 50 in a short time. I like to slowly level and enjoy the experience of the game. I didn't get my level 49 to 50 as my friends all rage quit due to buggy ilum and no real content for pvpers


Change the free month to playtime/months subbed!


I think having a level 50 requirement is valid, as the whole 1.2 patch is centered around endgame and what to do after 50 (for example reroll an alt).

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The amount of crying over this free month is hilarious.


Bottom Line: It was a reward for those of us who have stuck with the game as loyal subscribers since launch. If you unsubbed anytime prior to today, you don't fall into that category and are entitled to nothing.


I work eight hours a day, six days a week and I have two level 50s plus numerous alts in the 30s and 40s. There is no reason to not have a level 50 unless you were a turncoat son of a hutt and unsubbed because you didn't like the game.


You all thought you were pretty clever when you were making threads talking trash about Bioware and broadcasting to the world that you were unsubbing - bet you don't now eh?


You clearly haven't read all of the discussion then.


That includes the fact that there are players who've been playing since hour one who are not among the loyal and players who quit 2-3 months ago who are. In fact, people were able to resubscribe as late as noon central time on the 12th and receive the free month.


The folks who are left out in the cold aren't the ones who've been whining and complaining. There's more of those who haven't been. The free time is aimed more at those whom they are trying to retain as opposed to those who hadn't had intentions of quitting.

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First off, i would like to say, trolls can comment about something else. im real, i want to speak in a real fashion about how people are made to feel. when i learned of this, i was sad. not DEEPLY SAD or any ridiculous supernerd bullcrap, just saddened by the fact that every free moment, the time i took off from work to play the first week, and the friends i have brought to the game ( 4 of them) do not mean anything because its been stated who is the best. i have a level 46 that i mostly pvp on, agent, operative and i love it. i also have a 22 jugger, amazing fun class, and i have a 19 BH pwrtch that im just getting to know. i thought bioware said that this game was all about the story and was different from other MMO games where you rush to the cap and max out your gear and get raiding and wipeing and griping at each other as SOON as possible!? ok maybe they didnt say that, but the story and the different part, they said. now, im being punished by having to pay 15$ more than the jackazz next to me who exploited PVP XP in the first run of the game because........i enjoy the content? i am tempted to quit, i am tempted to sell the action figure on ebay and the book....i dunno. i bought a CE and i was in Beta, and i play every day when i get home, yet i have to pay 15$ more than someone who is 4 levels ( 3.5 level tbh) higher than me? who has no alts? id like it to be a /played X amount or more gets free month. i demand a response, as i am paying YOU bioware. this mess will cause an uproar:confused:


Will you be happy if they just don't give anyone a free month because of the backlash, seems like a selfish point of view to me.

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How is that Bioware's fault that you decided not to play the game right away?


If it clarifies anything: I would if I could. The hard copy since it's release was 1200 km away form me. That is it why it was a bit difficult :). No, don't tell me I could have it downloaded. I like to feel things by my real senses. I'm old school guy. :)



Very cool. I can appreciate that. Sometimes I like playing solo too :) It is an MMO though hehe. ;)



Not necessarily. and that is why I guess it causes some issues. The game is designed to satisfy both needs. If if was ONLY MMO I would not even buy it. it was was pure solo ,most of MMOs wouldn't.


So EA tried to catch pigeons and hawks but this means they also got **** from both.



Again that's why I stated that the way the said it in the mail was the bigger issue for people. I'm sure they view you as valued I just think everyone is over reacting and not stopping to think that they really didn't mean that everyone else wasn't important.



Perhaps it is indeed the wrong phrasing they used, but what counts in reality is money. And some of players have been given money (i.e. 30 day free play time) because they reached level 50. Some not.


Nobody informed players about that precondition. And THAT'S not fair.

Edited by Przemo_No
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Ironically, many of the people who are affronted in this situation are those who have been supportive. That's partly why there are folks who are upset.


As to your comments on how you can't understand how someone could play for months and still not have a level 50, more than a few scenarios have been put forth. Those include playstyle (i.e. preferring activities other than leveling), technical issues, helping friends and guildmates who've joined the game, taking time to build community within a guild, activities such as crafting and playing the GTN, those who have spent more time chasing bugs and testing, and so forth. They include people who were active in closed beta, those who have been active trying to help resolve connection, FPS and graphics issues, and more.


Fair enough. I also played during Beta, have been active in reporting bugs, getting involved with the community and making friends, running a guild, helping lower level guild members. So I know the value of those people. The issue I'm seeing mostly, from the posts I have seen, is the fact that they worded it the way they did.


Again, I don't get why people are leaving... and unsubscribing. Of course Id say 75% of them really wont I cant tell you how many times I see someone say I'm unsubscribing and a month later I see that person on and running around.


Again I don't think their goal was to devalue you people... that isn't what they set out to do. Again, It still doesn't change the way I feel about those who are upset with the game in general. People always have to dissect everything that Bioware says to find that one little crack that allows them to be overly emotive.

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when did "not gaining" became "losing"?



probably around the time when schools started giving trophies for participation and last places?


If they decided to change the conditions to be based on duration, they wouldn't qualify anymore would they?


Gain implies positive benefit. No gain means no positive benefit. If you lose something, there's no positive benefit is there? Therefore, losing something can also qualify as not gaining anything.


No gains - true.

Losing - true.

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maybe i would be happy if they just didnt give it to anyone, i hope they come out and say "Late april fools joke! we dont play favorites silly!" they might as well, it would be a GREAT way to cover ones ***. people who have 50's are the only ones supporting this, i didnt want to get to 50 because honestly im a bit scared! i love the story of my agent and dont want it to end! so, i rolled some alts, i played MORE hours than most 50's online tonight ( i can probably prove it somehow : / ) I dont see how its a selfish point of view, i would rather they not have done anything like this, as it is blatant favoritism. should have been silent. a quiet email. i have paid more time than alot of those level 50's so i feel i deserve something for helping keep them afloat, even if it was only .0000000000000000000000000001%. i think ANY founders or people who have not had huge account lapses or playtime lapses should be "appreciated" too because WE in fact are the ones who are the most devoted.
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Why only give it to level 50's...???


I have 3 at level 50 my legacy is at 41 at the moment.


The only reason I can see why they have said level 50 is to stop them all leaving the game,A lot of people i know where just waiting for this legacy patch to see what it bring's and what does it bring.


1 new FP and 1 new OP that will probably be cleared in 4 weeks at the most and 1 new Warzone.And the Legacy that is a Joke.


Now lets see what we really got.


Class's been broken from stupid nurf's, Ranked PvP that didnt make it 12 hours before the patch

and a legacy system where they out and out told a blatant Lie.We was told that the legacy unlock's would Either be Legacy level or Credits and NOT both.


I am Sorry but giving me an extra 30 days of play time is not going to make me log on just to spend my time waiting for companion's to return from all their mission's every hour or so or go and do the Mindless daily's for nothing i need.


So would you please give my 30 day's to someone that will still be here and make use of it

because i wont.

Edited by Aardevark
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A simple fix for this is say sorry BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY CHANGE the free 30 days from having a level 50 character to say play time or months subbed. Especially because anyone can fly all the way to 50 in a short time. I like to slowly level and enjoy the experience of the game. I didn't get my level 49 to 50 as my friends all rage quit due to buggy ilum and no real content for pvpers


Change the free month to playtime/months subbed!


YES YES YES YES YES i think this is the smartest thing to do! that way you dont have 70% of your client base feeling slighted!

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So if the free 30 days was truly to compensate the Lvl 50's for not getting some of the content implemented into the 1.2, then I think that they should provide free 30 days to anyone else who reaches Lvl 50 before they implement those missing updates to the live servers.


At least at that point, I would have the option to try for those free 30 days or not.


I understand that the level 50's have had pretty much no end game, which is one of the reasons I didnt feel the need to level one of my characters all the way up. Now if you said I would have been able to get a free 30 days to get one of my characters a few more levels...hey, that's another story :)


I can't believe that was the reasoning behind giving the free time to those with 50s.

Because they haven't added anything for 50s to do. Except roll an alt and level it slightly easier. maybe they are trolling all of us :p

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If it clarifies anything: I would if I could. The hard copy since it's release was 1200 km away form me. That is it why it was a bit difficult :). No, don't tell me I could have it downloaded. I like to feel things by my real senses. I'm old school guy. :)


haha yeah I like that too. It looks nice on the shelf :) .. much like having a real book in my hands vs having a kindle. I still dont think that's their fault though :(

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As soon as I found out that I wasn't getting the free 30 days, I removed my credit card from my account - i will just stop playing when my subscription runs out. i have been playing this game since beta, had my pre-order the first day it was announced and got 6 month sub right out of the gate - but i guess I'm not loyal enough to get this bonus because I don't have a level 50??? I'm a casual player with a ton of alts. I have better things to do than play video games all day.


**ck EA - the worst company in America

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So either the number of players with level 50s is large (so Bioware is choosing to give up a fair amount of money in a still-tight economy) or it isn't (and they are choosing to tick off a majority of their players by telling them they aren't valued enough to warrant a free month). Either way who could possibly have thought this was a good idea?
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If they decided to change the conditions to be based on duration, they wouldn't qualify anymore would they?


Gain implies positive benefit. No gain means no positive benefit. If you lose something, there's no positive benefit is there? Therefore, losing something can also qualify as not gaining anything.


No gains - true.

Losing - true.



so everytime a person that is not you wins in a national lottery you are losing? (because you did not win it, regardless if you participated or not)


if the money was taken from you then i would agree that you are losing, but if your status does not change - you are not losing and not winning...

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I pre paid. I also have a 47 and a 45...a couple lower levels I rolled pre 1.2 because I didnt want to hit 50 before the patch. I quit leveling when I realized crafting was getting a bump up in 1.2 as I was sick of dumping credits into it for nothing.


I have held a sub since before day 1. So a guy that came in a month ago and spacebared his way to 50 is more valuable than I am eh?


Very classy BioWare.

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So either the number of players with level 50s is large (so Bioware is choosing to give up a fair amount of money in a still-tight economy) or it isn't (and they are choosing to tick off a majority of their players by telling them they aren't valued enough to warrant a free month). Either way who could possibly have thought this was a good idea?


I don't understand why you think it is a bad one...

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