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Celebrate Game Update 1.2: Legacy


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Originally Posted by Kalfear

nope because you and i both know more then enough have told you they quit already!


Thats really all there is to say


You made a statment, you got a out pouring of contradictory answers so you left and came back later to say same statement


Some times a dog is a dog!


I chose not to report you for your personal attack, instead I would like to see if there is anyone who supports my theory that by rewarding (the sometimes fickle) people who have level 50 characters will only do good things for the games population.


LOL WOW, thats real insight to you!


So you know, wasnt calling you a dog (obviously)


Was saying sometimes peoples agendas (yours) are exactly what they appear to be!


Sometimes a dog is a dog!


Personal attacks! ROFL. Let me guess, you flagged me for it! :rolleyes:

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I completly agree give all "Founders" free trials!!!!


Why are we (founders) less important players? we are subbed from beginning and have multiple characters and could hit lvl50 if we wouldnt want to experiance different storylines?


rethink your strategy or it will have bad outcome...

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So I appreciate the concept of the loyalty reward. But I have one minor complaint... I've been playing for several months but have a job that requires me to work a lot. That combined with other things means I can't play as much as I want. But, players who have been subscribed as long as me (or less time than me) with a lvl 50 get a reward that I'm denied. Don't wanna sound whiny... but really?
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I'm sorry but I just don't get how people don't have level 50's in 4 months and don't say because you have a life, cause we all do. I have 2 level 50 characters I started in early access, I only played with my roommate and my other RL friend. We didn't rush. There were days when we didn't play at all. My roommate and I both have 60 to 80 hour work weeks and family. I was scoundrel heals, Roommate was Guardian and my other friend was trooper. I was there for every one of their story missions.


Im really tiered of those who don't have level 50's saying "Well you must have not taken your time." I crafted, I REd learned LOTS of schematics all the way to purple and I have hit 400 on both my gathering and main crafts on BOTH characters, Reached 64 Valor the legit way, I didn't space bar until my 3rd toon and that was only side quests sense I have done them 2 other times. I also enjoyed all the flashpoints, did all the "Heroics"


The reasons people are upset, honestly don't make much sense to me. I think the real problem may have been with the wording they used "You are one of our most active and valued high level players"


It's not like they set out to hurt peoples feelings. Some of you seem to dissect EVERYTHING Bioware does. (BTW: I'm 99.9999% sure that Bioware was not the one who made this decision it was EA. They are the ones that actually deal with this sort of thing I believe.) Honestly I really understand why Bioware doesn't pay a lot of attention to the QQ posts. Even if those posts were made with the best intentions there are a handful of people who just flame and QQ and talk about how horrible the game is. Even I have been guilty of this but I have realized that crying about it and calling people names isn't going to solve anything.


I'm wondering if you guys ever be happy with the game. They could fix all the bugs and some of you would STILL find something to talk trash about. If you wont be able to just be happy about something then why play the game? Its unhealthy for Bioware and yourself.


Well said!!

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Follow the forum and game since 2008.

Sign up to the forums 2010.

Sign up for the beta as soon as possible.

Pre-order the game as soon as possible.

Buy the digital deluxe addon.

Sign up for 6 months immediately at launch.

Recruit other players to the game.

But dont level up a character to 50 because you enjoy the game so much that you have multiple characters that you spread your time amongst.


Sorry, youre not a valued customer.



Buy the game 2 weeks ago.

Spacebar through all the story to get to lvl 50 in two weeks.


DING! You sir, is one of our most valued customers! Here, have a free 30 days on the house...



Yeah, that seems just about right.

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I won't say thanks and I'll hold my words about this subject.


"Opportunity. Fortunate occasion to seize a disappointment"


You're just looking to earn greetings for the mess you did.

Very good marketing policy, bravo!


Finally you are worse than Blizard: as greedy but even less qualified...


Judging by the quantity of "thanks" you had in this this post, it looks that it worked.

What a sad world...

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So if the free 30 days was truly to compensate the Lvl 50's for not getting some of the content implemented into the 1.2, then I think that they should provide free 30 days to anyone else who reaches Lvl 50 before they implement those missing updates to the live servers.


At least at that point, I would have the option to try for those free 30 days or not.


I understand that the level 50's have had pretty much no end game, which is one of the reasons I didnt feel the need to level one of my characters all the way up. Now if you said I would have been able to get a free 30 days to get one of my characters a few more levels...hey, that's another story :)

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I'm sorry but I just don't get how people don't have level 50's in 4 months and don't say because you have a life, cause we all do.


Well, HAVING a game for 4 months does not necessarily mean PLAYING it since launch, does it?



It's not like they set out to hurt peoples feelings. Some of you seem to dissect EVERYTHING Bioware does. (BTW: I'm 99.9999% sure that Bioware was not the one who made this decision it was EA. They are the ones that actually deal with this sort of thing I believe.)

That can be. Actually Bioware is a developer and EA is something like WB, or EMI.


I'm wondering if you guys ever be happy with the game. They could fix all the bugs and some of you would STILL find something to talk trash about. If you wont be able to just be happy about something then why play the game? Its unhealthy for Bioware and yourself.


I am super happy with the game.

I play SOLO. and there's enough content for solo players, if you accept occasional gathering with others to go "heroic".


I am NOT for a ll that" guilding", and speed up leveling because someone other urges me to do.


I go with my own tempo, exploring how I want and how I want.


But that does not make me less paying customer.

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I will admit that I did play quite alot at launch. But you mentioned "Why not reward those who dont rush through content, who have a family or other preocupations?". Just want to mention, that I have a full time job... working graves so my schedule is jacked up. Married and have a son in High School. I also have been going back to school to get my Bachelors Degree for the last two years and have over a 3.9 GPA.


I honestly will not be suprised the least if someone fires back or makes a comment but oh well.


I concentrated on one toon first, and got to 50. Then I parked him and began working on other Alts here and there. I understand your issue as I have a co-worker that did every class and did a little of all of them and has yet to hit 50 on any of them. I am pretty sure I will hear about it when I go back in on Saturday.


In closing, I just want to say that I enjoy SWTOR. All those who think the game is dead, or it isnt' up to their personal standards need to sit back and remember. This is an MMORPG. It is ever changing and evolving. Those that compare it to WoW just look at Mist. WoW has been out for around 8 years and they are STILL changing it.... so for people to gripe that SWTOR isn't polished and on a silver platter, I say, Patience is a vurtue.


Well, since we're sharing our stories, I'll begin by agreeing with you completely that everyone has a life (some people are getting way too emotional over it) as everyone's situation is unique, but that also means no one should apply their own experience to judge where others are coming from either. I work IT in the film industry (studied business and marketing, go figure), and being salaried rather than hourly, we get called in to the studio at odd hours and on weekends, especially if there's an upcoming release date deadline. They actually LIKE to do that since we don't get overtime...especially when someone screws something up on the renders...on top of which I am studying for my masters, don't have anyone to share the errands with as you do, have to care for my mother who has cancer, grandparents in a senior home, and my father passed away three years ago in a car accident. I have to drive to Burbank through downtown LA from Diamond Bar, CA to work. While I commend you for getting to 50 in your own situation, some of us simply couldn't fit in enough time. Can't speak for anyone else.


Either way, people need to stop getting emotional/raging and threatening to quit the game. I'm not quitting myself, though at least an apology for the misstatement would be nice.

Edited by exccw
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well, quite some stir about it.


But I also feel it's a shame.

So I got my CE that costs substantially more that regular edition, got 2 month subscription at first ( started playing end of Feb though) to see how it is and i LIKED it a lot and now: BOOM!


Suddenly I am not "a valuable customer" because I am not lvl 50.

Sure I am not there, being a father of 2 and having 2 jobs, I cannot manage to spend weeks in a game.


For God's sake, someone has to EARN that money that kids spend on your game!!


I cannot see what made them thinking the being at lvl 50 makes anyone "valuable customer".


What is the difference between someone who spends literally months IN the virtual world and those who do not (for any reason), if BOTH pay the same money to have access??


I do not get it.


Not receiving the reward does not make you not a valued customer :)

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Have to agree ... I don't like Blizz one bit, but after this I pre purchased D3. Subscription based MMOs, not worth the drama.


hate to agree but this it for me as well on subscription based MMOs


Since WOW they all seem to develop for the fastest buck rather then the best experience.


Doesnt any modern bussiness person understand quality is its own draw?

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I would like to swear alot right now, and remember guys this is most likly an EA move, so it the spirit of things, id like to say a 4 letter word to EA.


I have played since day 1, got a character to level 48 1/2 and put in far more time than needed to hit lvl 50.


I would say ive put in enough hours to this game to level atleast 2 or 3 characters to 50.


So EA/Bioware you better rethink this because you just alienated a good majority of the player base.


Give LOYAL (Giving or showing firm and constant support or allegiance to a person or institution) players a month not just people who raced to 50.



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What I read is - I'm not valued, As I'm a mother of 2 small children, oldest is 5 and have diabetes. I like questing and cant raid due to alot of aspects so I havent been in a hurry to lvl 50 and like to play several diffrent classes and changing my mind and start over again.


Sorry no, I dont have a lvl 50. I have felt like valued customer all along til now, so someone started just a month a go and have a lvl 50 can have this, but me that sit there on my hours since start isnt.


I say valued, because it is what BW wrote - As a thanks for being one of our most valued players -


Hey stop there - Being a most valued customer is having an active account and been there all the time.


It is a diffrence.


So according to BW I'm not valued customer as I dont have a LvL 50 charater.


I'm not bothered with the 30 days, i can pay my own bills. But to write i'm not valued, that is a stab in the back.


Thank you!

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Two people standing next to eachother.

One gets pointed out as a valuable customer.

Does that mean the other one is not a valued customer? No.


But does he feel like a valued customer? No.


He/she also should not feel like he/she is not valued.

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hate to agree but this it for me as well on subscription based MMOs


Since WOW they all seem to develop for the fastest buck rather then the best experience.


Doesnt any modern bussiness person understand quality is its own draw?


That's the problem though, it isn't ENOUGH of a draw anymore. When you can fast-track development (See: Activision) and still sell enough day zero to break international records, it stands to reason that you don't need quality. You need a well known IP, and extreme market spin.

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Seems pretty sad that instead of rewarding paid subscription length, they only reward those with level 50s. I have a level 50, so I am certainly not complaining about free days, but my wife only has a level 49. I hit 50 a week ago, and have been playing since early access. She was a bit behind me on XP because she doesn't PVP... she deserves the free month as much as I do. I hope Bioware rethinks their gifting criteria.


Well said, Ko-a.

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