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Celebrate Game Update 1.2: Legacy


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I haven't earned anything in a video game since I unlocked my Jedi in SWG and watched them ram a fist in me. After that, I didn't care about anything in games anymore, I'm still bitter about it. I don't care if they gave 30 days free to people with whatever they choose to be the cut-off. What I'm trying to say is that there has to be a cut-off if there is one, if there isn't, fine, like I said I don't care at all.


However, I'm trying to explain the reasoning for the cut-off being 50. I know I come across as cold or snide at best, hostile in some cases but that isn't my intent, it's simply how I grew to communicate with people, maybe because I don't want, expect, demand or beg anything from anyone.


The ridiculousness of *some* of the posts in this thread, however, make me sad. Sad for humanity and sad because I've seen developers just throw in the towel because people hurl a metric ton of bile at them for anything and everything without a moments thought about how the developers feel. When the devs lose the fire to make the game the best they can, the game dies. That's why the constant whining and bashing makes me sad.



Here is the deal.I don't care if alot of things were broke or so called broke or lacking at 50.Things are broke and bugged before then also.When your gonna award a group of your subs a reward you do it ACROSS the board for ALL your paying subs.When WoW came out and they had servers crashing/long queue's.They didn't go and give free days to just the group it affected they credited ALL there subbed players with the time.


That is what it boils down to.Treating all your customers the same when they all spend the same amount of money you do not single a certain group out and reward them more than you do another group.


Same way as at christmas you do not buy one child 5 nice gifts and then give your other 3 kids a pair of socks unless your a total d***.

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thanks for the free month Bioware, it is always appreciate


the sad part is that you have to do this for calm the rage of 80% of the customers due to the lack of rated PVP, decent PVE, class balance and a big list of things..


i really hope that you guys use this month for fix, add and make this game be worth,

i have play since day one, i have defend the game, but im very disappointed at this point.


many games release are coming. and time do not stop, so unless you use this month for transform this game to something people will tick with, this is not but your requiem...


i wish that instead of a free month i could be playing something awesome and full of pvp and pve contempt.. instead of.. look for the consolation price after the disappointments.


this from a very unhappy customer, disappointed more that anything..

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Here is the deal.I don't care if alot of things were broke or so called broke or lacking at 50.Things are broke and bugged before then also.When your gonna award a group of your subs a reward you do it ACROSS the board for ALL your paying subs.When WoW came out and they had servers crashing/long queue's.They didn't go and give free days to just the group it affected they credited ALL there subbed players with the time.


That is what it boils down to.Treating all your customers the same when they all spend the same amount of money you do not single a certain group out and reward them more than you do another group.


Same way as at christmas you do not buy one child 5 nice gifts and then give your other 3 kids a pair of socks unless your a total d***.


well said!

Very well said!

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Grr so much stuff to sort out. Anyways GJ Bioware, I am quite happy with 1.2 even though the absence of Rated WZs was somewhat disappointing. I'll suck it up and lvl my alts in the mean time. The high-res textures are nice to have at last and it may just be me but the combat feels a lot more fluid and smoother. Might just be the optimist glasses I am wearing atm. :cool:
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Your opinion of value is that it's only monetary or physical, but that's simply not the case. I feel bad for people who can't see a kind gesture for what it is, but have to pull out their measuring sticks and complain that they didn't get a gift with the same sticker price.


Sorry, but this "kind gesture" sets a precedent for practice for what is already one of the most laughable businesses in the industry. A gift while not required is a social contract between individuals create a bond beyond the physical. What happens when you hand a gift to three people in a random group of many more? No matter the reason everyone not receiving the gift will feel slighted.


This case however states that it's a matter of "loyalty" which specifically tells everyone who did not reach level 50, regardless of subscription time, they aren't important, they aren't loyal. I'm a new player and feel in no way I was entitled to this, however this practice is deplorable and has me reconsidering my sub based solely on the way they choose to run their business. That's my choice, but I'm not alone in that feeling, and I wasn't even the one slighted.


Edit: I love 1.2, and am more than patient with bug fixes. I simply hope they listen to their community because this is not starting things off well.

Edited by Noxivius
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To all the people that get the free month. . .


how would you feel if bioware gave people a free month if you did not have a 50 as a way to help these people reach the endgame quicker. and in the note they said "to our loyal altoholics, enjoy this free month to catch up to others"

your reactions would be the same as ours that you would want a free month and you people with 50s are not loyal because you are not experiencing the whole game.


You have no way of knowing that, but since I did receive the gift from BioWare, I'll answer that I wouldn't care. I didn't expect this. In fact I had to question the sanity of my guildmates who first brought the announcement to my attention. It's a kind gesture by the team, and I'm thankful they included me. I can't be upset about a gift I didn't expect.


Besides, I'd still be getting the tauntaun, and that alone is a nice gesture.


Because at the end of the day, they don't have to do any of this. So I'm thankful I'm getting something at all.

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[sarc]Wow.... so I get a free month.... WICKED !!![/sarc]


...to do what? To enjoy the new rated WZs...

oh wait, not there...

to be able to try out Dualspecc... wait, not there either...

Wait, now I got it... I am going to fidle around with the UI customization and toy around with that more than useless Legacythingy that you folks hyped so much !!!

YAY, thats going to keep me busy for at least another month... NOT !!!


But hey, I am going to get a tauntaun... ***?!! What am I supposed to do with it? Kick it through my Fury Class Starship while I enjoy 30 days of free time?


Seriously, until today I had tons of hope for that game, but you smashed that hope with that atrosity of 1.2 that you call "Add-on".


Happy Friday 13th, folks.


To the folks that did not get the 30days and who are angry... I totally understand you.

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I don't see why you would, you haven't finished. Did you run any flashpoints? Sounds like you are a flavour of the month re-roller to be quite honest.


I did run flashpoints. A few. but I don't like PUGing, especially as a Tank ( was playing an Immortal Spec'd Jug.) I PvP'd too (which was very painful as an Immortal Jug prior to today's patch).


But Mostly I didn't finish because I knew 1.2 was going to be a big patch for juggernauts (and it was) and I wanted to finish out my last little bit of xp in the 10-49 bracket to 'warm up" again before jumping into the shark pit of the 50 bracket with no real pvp gear. This way I would get to test the new changes to my class in a more forgiving environment, and not have to worry if I was under performing because of the patch, or my gear.


Not that it's any of your business, but that's why I didn't hit 50. i went out of my way Not too. Because I didn't see any good reason To cap.


If they had let us know they were doing this a month ago, this wouldn't have been an issue for me (or a lot of people I imagine).

Edited by Finis
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So let me get this straight.

I pay $170 for the game, that does not come as advertised.

I pay for the monthlies.

and have over 100+ in levels in toons.

Hit lvl 50 to day on one of them mind you.


and I get no free time.


well here's a big **** YOU BIOWARE , for the **** you Mr. Smith you just gave me.

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Wonder how you reach that conclusion.


I think its a pretty safe conclusion because you have invested time in building an alt foundation. Maybe you will have them all level 50 one day, but BW don't care because it will take you a long time to get there.

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however, to tell me that i am not as valued, because i am not at level 50, is just crap.


they need to give the 30 days to everybody that was subbed.


My bet is, the press release was made with a short notice, and someone didn't consider ALL possible implications of it. You cannot possible think they said what they said with the purpose of telling new players to piss off, regardless of how it can be interpreted.


This is off-topic though, but it's the reason I can't stand politics and press releases and thus, don't care at all about their content. People who wear suits to go to work should never be in charge of anything involving other people, nor should they be in charge of anything even remotely related to creativity because they have none and if they understood people, they would wear jeans.

Edited by Jandi
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I've changed my mind.


I demand BioWare give us sub-fifties 30 days free and additionally 30 for emotional distress. Also we sub-fifties, would feel alot better if you withdrew the Legacy Tauntaun Ram from all the level fifties.


I also demand a million dollars and a helicopter.

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I think its a pretty safe conclusion because you have invested time in building an alt foundation. Maybe you will have them all level 50 one day, but BW don't care because it will take you a long time to get there.


and again I say


you said this earlier today and 20-30-40 people responded in under 10 minutes saying they cancelled


Yet you hold onto this fantasy you have


*shakes head*


PS: Leveling isnt hard enough to actually grow attatched to a character!

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I've changed my mind.


I demand BioWare give us sub-fifties 30 days free and additionally 30 for emotional distress. Also we sub-fifties, would feel alot better if you withdrew the Legacy Tauntaun Ram from all the level fifties.


I also demand a million dollars and a helicopter.


I demand 30days free times 4 because I have 4x50. I DEMAND IT!

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I've changed my mind.


I demand BioWare give us sub-fifties 30 days free and additionally 30 for emotional distress. Also we sub-fifties, would feel alot better if you withdrew the Legacy Tauntaun Ram from all the level fifties.


I also demand a million dollars and a helicopter.


It's too bad your trolling ability isn't level 50.

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I haven't earned anything in a video game since I unlocked my Jedi in SWG and watched them ram a fist in me. After that, I didn't care about anything in games anymore, I'm still bitter about it. I don't care if they gave 30 days free to people with whatever they choose to be the cut-off. What I'm trying to say is that there has to be a cut-off if there is one, if there isn't, fine, like I said I don't care at all.


However, I'm trying to explain the reasoning for the cut-off being 50. I know I come across as cold or snide at best, hostile in some cases but that isn't my intent, it's simply how I grew to communicate with people, maybe because I don't want, expect, demand or beg anything from anyone.


The ridiculousness of *some* of the posts in this thread, however, make me sad. Sad for humanity and sad because I've seen developers just throw in the towel because people hurl a metric ton of bile at them for anything and everything without a moments thought about how the developers feel. When the devs lose the fire to make the game the best they can, the game dies. That's why the constant whining and bashing makes me sad.


Please don't place blame where it doesn't belong.


The developers themselves had NOTHING to do with this.


This was a management team decision, through and through. If anything, I would wager that some of the devs who heard about this tried to pull someone aside and bang some sense into their skull as respectfully as possible without losing their jobs over it.


Any kudos necessary go to those within the management team (and any other team, including developers and marketing teams) that fought against this monumental screw-up as much as they possibly could.


The blame rests entirely with those within the management team that utterly failed to listen to reason and green-lit this fiasco.

Edited by Kubernetic
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I've changed my mind.


I demand BioWare give us sub-fifties 30 days free and additionally 30 for emotional distress. Also we sub-fifties, would feel alot better if you withdrew the Legacy Tauntaun Ram from all the level fifties.


I also demand a million dollars and a helicopter.

I was kind of insulted with how they did this but I still laughed at this.

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I think its a pretty safe conclusion because you have invested time in building an alt foundation. Maybe you will have them all level 50 one day, but BW don't care because it will take you a long time to get there.


So.. 30 days free would result in me leaving the game? Or are you just trying to make some causal link I can't identify?


Either way, I still have more of an issue with the Press Release.

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My bet is, the press release was made with a short notice, and someone didn't consider ALL possible implications of it. You cannot possible think they said what they said with the purpose of telling new players to piss off, regardless of how it can be interpreted.


This is off-topic though, but it's reason I can't stand politics and press releases and thus, don't care at all about their content. People who wear suits to go to work should never be in charge of anything involving other people, nor should they be in charge of anything even remotely related to creativity because they have none and if they understood people, they would wear jeans.


that's the thing, i am not a new player. i have been here for months, i just don't have a 50 yet. i have always played slowly. i run around killing the side monsters and explore the map. once i get to a higher level, i like to go back to the areas i had trouble with and kill all the bastards that were killing me, it makes me feel better. i took me over 6 months to get a character to max level in city of heroes.


i understand what you are saying about the suits and wording and all that. but, even without the wording, they are rewarding one group simply for getting to level cap. it is wierd to begin with. i wouldn't have been so up in arms if they had simply said they wanted to compensate the 50's for whtever reason, but i still find it wierd that they wouldn't just say thank you to everybody with a free 30 days.

Edited by testszag
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I was kind of insulted with how they did this but I still laughed at this.


You know I am not so much angry and insulted by it as I am kinda amazed at the sheer stupidity of it.It really does make it alot easier to cancel though there are PLENTY of mmo's out there that do treat all there paying subs the same way across the board and there are alot more mmo's coming out this year that I am sure won't be stupid enough to split there paying customer bases into 2 sections and reward one with someone and not the other.

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So.. 30 days free would result in me leaving the game? Or are you just trying to make some causal link I can't identify?


Either way, I still have more of an issue with the Press Release.


no hes trying to claim that we can be as abused and dismissed as much as Bioware/EA wants because until we level 50 we can not walk away from our characters!


Im betting he entered MMORPGs in WOW because these games since WOW dont have the level curve to feel accomplishment or attatchment to characters!


WOW does 7 years later but in the first 12 months, people walk with out looking back, as they did in Rift and TOR now

Edited by Kalfear
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The ridiculousness of *some* of the posts in this thread, however, make me sad. Sad for humanity and sad because I've seen developers just throw in the towel because people hurl a metric ton of bile at them for anything and everything without a moments thought about how the developers feel. When the devs lose the fire to make the game the best they can, the game dies. That's why the constant whining and bashing makes me sad.


The best game they can make is an uninspired WoW clone with glowsticks? If that's the case then maybe it should die.

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So.. 30 days free would result in me leaving the game? Or are you just trying to make some causal link I can't identify?


Either way, I still have more of an issue with the Press Release.


Let me clarify, I think that because you are not a min/max type player and like to roll alts you will stick around and subsidize the level 50 players because they are more likely to leave.

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Let me clarify, I think that because you are not a min/max type player and like to roll alts you will stick around and subsidize the level 50 players because they are more likely to leave.


Therefore, shouldn't I be a more valuable player than the level 50's I'm subsidizing? In short, poor choice of words which is still the heart of the matter for me.

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Let me clarify, I think that because you are not a min/max type player and like to roll alts you will stick around and subsidize the level 50 players because they are more likely to leave.


That's an awfully dangerous assumption for a management team to make.


It's even more dangerous to say it outright to the entire world in clear and distinct language.

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