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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Celebrate Game Update 1.2: Legacy


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"Not getting something for free" = "A slap in the face"


We've come a long way.


please. like i said, even if we have been subbed a long as the 50's have, been playing as often as they have and been as or more supportive as they have, we are not as valued a customer. that is crap.



hell, read this




this guy just resubbed, and he is apparently a more valued customer than i am, just because he made it to 50.

Edited by testszag
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Maybe some of you. But not every 50. In fact most of the peopel with 50's i know didn't. they did what i did, they finished up the class storyline and moved on to another character. They just made 50 before finishing. I didn't.


Your reasoning is flawed. If they wanted to reward peopel who did that, they would have given it to everyone with a particular codex entry for beating a particular operation. but they didn't. they gave it out based on xp. and you can get xp from damn near anything in this game, up to, and including, just afking in warzones.


I never said it was. My reply was only a response to your PTS comment. It's not just operations that were bugged, like I said earlier. Your "most", like usual "most"s when people complain, is exaggerated or the "most" includes 10 people or less.


Once again though, the cut off had to be somewhere and to include MOSTLY those that have dredged through the problems, the most sensible cut-off is at 50.


The only thing in this world that applies to EVERYONE is birth and dying, and people are working their behinds off to make it just birth. It's a foolish notion to argue with.


What about early access? The cut-offs had to be somewhere. I got in on the 3rd day, no biggie. Should I have complained and said "So, because I bought the game 1minut later than that guy, he gets to play more?! UNFAIR, I UNSUBZ!". No, that would be childish.

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Anyone can be lvl 50 in 2 weeks


Whats your point besides trying to pat yourself on your back


Getting 50 isnt hard,

not being 50 doesnt make someone a bad player (or less loyal as Bioware states)


Being 50 doesnt make you a good player!


If this had a real level curve to it, then being 50 might be veiwed as a accomplishment


As is, if you feel 50 something to be proud of, you need to set your standards much higher!


Many players are not 50 because it wasnt important to them as there was no feeling of accomplishment attatched to it.


Frankly Im far more impressed with a player of 6 alts all level 40 then some space barer with 2 50s and meaningless armor.




We get past it with you stop deluding yourself your special as you have a 50 and look at the whole picture, the entire veiw of all players!


If player 1,2,3 all pay same monthly amount yet play vastly different amounts of time and play styles.


None are more loyal or deserving then the next!

They are all EQUAL and should be treated equal


Thats the part you seem to have trouble with.

Your not special, your really not


Lvl 50 is not some holy grail number!


I can hammer out a level 50 in 2 weeks because I played closed beta and learned all the ins and outs of game


I choose not to!


You said it. "Anyone can be lvl 50 in 2 weeks." If that's your counter-argument, then why aren't you lvl 50?


PS - You're not special either. So what's your point? ;)

Edited by Dezzi
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So the friends I was playing with, who quit, get free time.

But I who stayed, but started over on a new server with some other friends, because all my friends on my original server quit, and only have a 46 on the original server, and not a 50 on the new one yet, get nothing. Love the "rewarding loyalty" line.



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"Not getting something for free" = "A slap in the face"


We've come a long way.


Sounds like you missed the point.. or at least the valid point.


"You are one of our most valued players, here's some free time!"


that's the message interpreted.

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The sheer idiocy of Bioware's PR department is best highlighted by the title of this very thread and what their promotion has caused.


This so far is more enjoyable than most of what I got to see in game.



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Well its been a long run and I can't say I didn't have fun, but no if the populations weren't already a problem and making it harder to enjoy the game. Now they go and do something like this. I mean I've played the first month, I've been active and all we get is a pet while someone who maybe grinded for a month gets a free sub?


I mean I thought the founder title was lame but this just tops that. I mean all we get is a pet seriously. I can understand people being upset with the warzone mess up, but look there are pve and rp servers, not just the pvp variety.


Anyway if they get away with this, they'll just have free reign to do something worst in the future and with Guild Wars 2 and the Secret World right around the corner. I think I'll go take my business else where if this is how there gonna handle it, besides if the servers weren't dead before, there sure gonna be dead now.. so it most likely wouldn't be fun to stick around empty servers anyway.

Edited by Lumikou
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That still isn't a reason to alienate customers. But nothing any of us type will convince you otherwise.


Why convince me? I didn't choose who to gift or not gift; I'm not BioWare.


I think it's sad that because people value one gift more than other (something about a gift horse and its mouth), it's been completely forgotten that they're giving everyone a free pet--which is likely an exclusive item for those of us playing right now at the launch of 1.2.


But no, I don't want that free thing! I want the free thing he has!

Edited by Dezzi
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They're breaking the mould. ;) Wonder what other crazy schemes they got lined up.:D




Haha yup no doubt.I just shake my head at the pure ignorance of this move.They are already having huge issues with population to begin with but hey lets take our casual players the ones who stay subbed for ages and roll alts or role play,or just don't play often lets pi** them off.


I have seen alot of boneheaded pr moves by various mmo companies but this seriously may be the biggest mess up I have ever seen.The moron that thought this up along with the other morons who gave the go ahead on this have to be sitting back now with a forest gump like look in there eyes.

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Why convince me? I didn't choose who to gift or not gift; I'm not BioWare.


I think it's sad that because people value one gift more than other (something about a gift horse and its mouth), it's been completely forgotten that they're giving everyone a free pet--which is likely an exclusive item for those of us playing right now at the launch of 1.2.


But no, I don't want that free thing! I want the free thing he has!


It's simple: One has a monetary value, one doesn't.

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It's simple: One has a monetary value, one doesn't.


One is priceless (or will be).


But that's still ignoring the thought behind the gesture of gift-giving. All you're saying is "my gift isn't worth as much as his gift" When you should be saying "Thank you for giving me a gift at all!"

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Why convince me? I didn't choose who to gift or not gift; I'm not BioWare.


I think it's sad that because people value one gift more than other (something about a gift horse and its mouth), it's been completely forgotten that they're giving everyone a free pet--which is likely an exclusive item for those of us playing right now at the launch of 1.2.


But no, I don't want that free thing! I want the free thing he has!


Granted the free thing "he has" actually has a monetary value associated with it.

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I never said it was. My reply was only a response to your PTS comment. It's not just operations that were bugged, like I said earlier. Your "most", like usual "most"s when people complain, is exaggerated or the "most" includes 10 people or less.


Once again though, the cut off had to be somewhere and to include MOSTLY those that have dredged through the problems, the most sensible cut-off is at 50.


The only thing in this world that applies to EVERYONE is birth and dying, and people are working their behinds off to make it just birth. It's a foolish notion to argue with.


What about early access? The cut-offs had to be somewhere. I got in on the 3rd day, no biggie. Should I have complained and said "So, because I bought the game 1minut later than that guy, he gets to play more?! UNFAIR, I UNSUBZ!". No, that would be childish.


The problems start as soon as you login for many players. Low level players have their own bugs to contend with as well as being forced to solo nearly everything ingame because of so many servers having terrible populations.


I closed beta'd this game (Squadron 157....woot Revan server). I slogged through the bugs and holes in this game. I reported them and actively posted in the beta forums. I had a lvl 50 within the first 2.5 weeks of launch. I leveled another to 50. Got BM on both pre-1.2.


A lot of bugs and broken mechanics weren't fixed during beta. A lot of issues weren't address in beta. A lot.


Sub-50 players dealt with them. So what if they didn't get 50 to be honest. The fact that we hit the wall-of-nothing-to-do-at-50 before them, despite similar /played is silly at best.


"ZOMG BW SAYS WE'RE 2ND CLASS CITIZENS" is as dumb as saying that people with significant /played time aren't as deserving of a free month as lvl 50s.


TLDR: You didn't "earn" anything in a video game and this game is broken at all levels.

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