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Celebrate Game Update 1.2: Legacy


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I think these days Bioware is being run by Monty Python.



So... Bioware is the Romans?


"They have taken every gametime we had. And not just from us, but from our fathers and from our fathers fathers!"

"And from our fathers fathers fathers."


"And from our fathers fathers fathers fathers."

"And WHAT have they ever given us in return?!?"

"Free gametime?"


"Free gametime!"

"Oh... yeah, yeah they did give us that that is true, yeah."

"And cool classes!"

"Yeah, classes - remember what the mmo world used to be like..."

"Ok, those are the two things they have given us!"

"Aaaand the servers."

"Oh, come on the servers go without saying, don't they? - But appart from gametime, cool classes and servers,..."


"Space Combat"

"Legacy System"

"UI Improvements"

"Yeah, allright,..."

"And the Performance Improvements"

"Oh yeah, performance! We'd really miss that if Bioware would remove it"




"Ok but appart from the game, the servers, the classes, the contents, the upgrades, the implementation, the improvements and the service... WHAT HAS BIOWARE EVER DONE FOR US?!?"



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When can I change my Legacy name?


Your help screen only said "For future use" so I typed in a file name as that would make sense.


After this it tells me that the Legacy name is my last name for all characters?




So again when can I change my Legacy name?

Edited by Metalmac
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Nice, just nice... Great way to reward players who rather enjoy this game on leveling or rp:ing multiple characters instead of one.. If you don't get lvl 50 char, but have lets say several over 30 or 40 you don't get anything?


well have to say that sucks.. thanks a lot!

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Wanted to post my opinions of Bioware's legacy promotion here but figured it was easier to just cancel my subscription. Adios.


Isn't is hilarious. All the actually cool legacy features are in the 'coming soon' section. Who cares if my sith warrior can be another species. FFS Bioware, Bioshock, Mass Effect, and Dragon age were amazing, your ship is sinking here and you seem not to care. Obviously you know it is since you are giving away a free month of play to beg all the canceled subs to come back. You should of done it right from the start.

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I need help. On my account page, it says I have a subscription, redeemed a code, and all the other things of this before April 12th, but i dont have atuan tuan pet. I'm still on my 30 day trial, so is it because i dont have a card charged they dont count it?
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I don't see the connection between your workplace and BW's workplace.


They should have waited is basically what I said, Nothing they did from what I could see in the notes was game breaking till they broke the game with it.

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They should have waited is basically what I said, Nothing they did from what I could see in the notes was game breaking till they broke the game with it.


Well yeah I understand what you mean, server admins and other IT people that do implementations such as myself are superstitious and afraid of Darwin's law.

This is the proof that nobody can stand against it. Just do what your guts tells you to do, wait another day, wait two...until it feels right.

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HOw is a player with a single level 50 character more valuable than one with 8 level 20-40's? WHo has spent more time playing the game?


Seriously, I am actually INSULTED that players with a level 50 are considered more valuable to you than those who didn't play only one or two characters, or even worse powerleveled and skipped your content only to complain to you about you have no content.


I'm not quitting, not threatening to quit, anything like that, as I am an avid believer that you catch more flies with honey than vinegar.


So, Bioware... please reconsider and think about how you have insulted many of your most loyal players by implying that we are less valuable than those who already have a level 50. Give this free month to everyone that preordered and paid their subs non-stop since day one (which WOULD count me out, as last month I was unable to renew for 2 days)


Your MOST VALUABLE should be those of us that were here from day one and never left even with the problems and the fallout from Mass Effect 3... not just the 50's (and again, I say this as someone who under my preferred way of giving a month, would NOT get a month).

Edited by AbsolutGrndZero
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Nice, just nice... Great way to reward players who rather enjoy this game on leveling or rp:ing multiple characters instead of one.. If you don't get lvl 50 char, but have lets say several over 30 or 40 you don't get anything?


well have to say that sucks.. thanks a lot!


Same situation. I have two 30+ and five 10's. No reward for my gametime.

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[...]your ship is sinking here and you seem not to care. Obviously you know it is since you are giving away a free month of play to beg all the canceled subs to come back. You should of done it right from the start.


How are you determining that Bioware doesn't care? Seems a bit presumptuous of you to determine how the devs and administrators feel about what is essentially their livelihoods.

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HOw is a player with a single level 50 character more valuable than one with 8 level 20-40's? WHo has spent more time playing the game?


Seriously, I am actually INSULTED that players with a level 50 are considered more valuable to you than those who didn't play only one or two characters, or even worse powerleveled and skipped your content only to complain to you about you have no content.


I'm not quitting, not threatening to quit, anything like that, as I am an avid believer that you catch more flies with honey than vinegar.


So, Bioware... please reconsider and think about how you have insulted many of your most loyal players by implying that we are less valuable than those who already have a level 50. Give this free month to everyone that preordered and paid their subs non-stop since day one (which WOULD count me out, as last month I was unable to renew for 2 days)


Your MOST VALUABLE should be those of us that were here from day one and never left... not just the 50's (and again, I say this as someone who under my preferred way of giving a month, would NOT get a month).


No kidding. I feel the exact same way.

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Cant believe people here whine so much about downtime and bugs and things not working properly. For gods sake this game is only soon 6 months old. I played Wow for 5 years and still after that long time there was lots of bugs and uncheduled downtime and also there people whined about pvp , pve and all they could think of and that was after 5 years.

If you expect a big mmorgs like this to be 100% allright after only 6 months youre asking for the impossible. Wow was down a lot and had bugs and frooze every other minute still after a year.

It will get better over time but dont expect it to be 100% perfect in any way.

BW have allready said that they will give all players and extra day playtime for this uncheduled maintainance.

Its really good that they do correct bad things this fast, im really glad for that.

And to finish off i just want to say, if you are pissed off by the 30 days gift for lvl 50 and you ecpect this game to be 100% perfect after 6 months then you should seriously think of doing something else and sell your computer. I know that Blizzard did at some times give rewards or gifts to people that had been playing for a certain time so this is really nothing new.


As someone else said here i would also rather have some nice ingame item instead of the free 30 days playtime but hey im greatful for for 30 days also.

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HOw is a player with a single level 50 character more valuable than one with 8 level 20-40's? WHo has spent more time playing the game?


Seriously, I am actually INSULTED that players with a level 50 are considered more valuable to you than those who didn't play only one or two characters, or even worse powerleveled and skipped your content only to complain to you about you have no content.


I'm not quitting, not threatening to quit, anything like that, as I am an avid believer that you catch more flies with honey than vinegar.


So, Bioware... please reconsider and think about how you have insulted many of your most loyal players by implying that we are less valuable than those who already have a level 50. Give this free month to everyone that preordered and paid their subs non-stop since day one (which WOULD count me out, as last month I was unable to renew for 2 days)


Your MOST VALUABLE should be those of us that were here from day one and never left... not just the 50's (and again, I say this as someone who under my preferred way of giving a month, would NOT get a month).


While I agree with you in principle and I really hope they will extend it out to players who have been subbed from day one. This whole move was because patch 1.2 didn't contain much hyped rated level 50 warzones. Those are the people they are trying to reach out to and apologize to, not the people who have been content with what they feel is amazing story content at this point.


People who have been at level 50 since late December to Early January are the people concerned when endgame features are delayed. They feel entitled to them and have been very vocal. It's an apology to these people and I believe everyone will benefit from this with a free month when all is said and done.

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Cant believe people here whine so much about downtime and bugs and things not working properly. For gods sake this game is only soon 6 months old. I played Wow for 5 years and still after that long time there was lots of bugs and uncheduled downtime and also there people whined about pvp , pve and all they could think of and that was after 5 years.

If you expect a big mmorgs like this to be 100% allright after only 6 months youre asking for the impossible. Wow was down a lot and had bugs and frooze every other minute still after a year.

It will get better over time but dont expect it to be 100% perfect in any way.

BW have allready said that they will give all players and extra day playtime for this uncheduled maintainance.

Its really good that they do correct bad things this fast, im really glad for that.

And to finish off i just want to say, if you are pissed off by the 30 days gift for lvl 50 and you ecpect this game to be 100% perfect after 6 months then you should seriously think of doing something else and sell your computer. I know that Blizzard did at some times give rewards or gifts to people that had been playing for a certain time so this is really nothing new.


As someone else said here i would also rather have some nice ingame item instead of the free 30 days playtime but hey im greatful for for 30 days also.


I agree with you...except for the part about selling your computer. I think you should smash it instead because obviously if you can't grasp how a paid service can and should occasionally falter you just don't deserve to own a computer.


Also the cut off is 9 and half months. Like a human baby! awww how cute...look at those wittle toes...

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Sorry to return again, but big news is coming very soon.........


according to Stephen Reid via Twitter:


Kedren Brax ‏ @BraxKedren


@Rockjaw even with downtime, what I've experienced of 1.2 has been awesome so far...now the whole 30 days free thing I am still mad about




Stephen Reid Stephen Reid ‏ @Rockjaw

@BraxKedren Hold that thought...


Sounds like they are going to do something!

Edited by hemmingjay
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Sorry to return again, but big news is coming very soon.........


according to Stephen Reid via Twitter:


Kedren Brax ‏ @BraxKedren


@Rockjaw even with downtime, what I've experienced of 1.2 has been awesome so far...now the whole 30 days free thing I am still mad about

Stephen Reid Stephen Reid ‏ @Rockjaw




Reid replies with

@BraxKedren Hold that thought...


Sounds like they are going to do something!



We'll see. Can you hold thoughts? Are they entities that biological beings can literally hold on to? Do droids have thoughts to hold on to?

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You sir are a charlatan and a Reprobate!!!!!


:confused:Do not question my integrity!!! :csw_r2d2:


Are you, sir, a troll? :mon_eek:


At least I know who to put on my /ignore list. :(


(thank you so much for the ignore list. some folks are just plain mean.)




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So let me do the quick math here. 200 thousand people. At an average 14 dollars a month is 2,800,000 dollars a month and 33,600,000 dollars a year. Can you not afford a good team to make sure crap doesn't screw up this much?


Ah, and there you get to the meat of it. No, because a good team might cost them a few dollars more, money that comes out of the executive officers' bonuses.


Speaking of which, did you notice that money comes from subscriptions?


So not only did those highly paid executives gamble a loss of money on one group of customers hoping to retain them by giving them free time, they alienated the other group by doing so.


You know, the less valuable group they expect to pay the way for the first group. All of these rage quits are music to my ears, as they only subtract all the more from the bottom line. Hello?!? Mr. Executive Officer!!! Are you getting this?!? :D

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