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Celebrate Game Update 1.2: Legacy


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I dont give a **** about this 30 days of free playing. I am angry, because i am not treated equaly.


They didn't even have to do it. First it was complaints about the rated warzones. Now this.

I'm not 50 yet but I ain't even mad. Stop being so entitled seriously. If you're mad just unsub, simple. But if you're going to quit over something so trivial as this, you need to grow up.

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To the people saying everyone isn't entitled to the free 30 days.


You're right, not everyone is. Especially the ones who are new to the game and straight power leveled to 50 right off the jump in minimal time.


This promo is "supposed" to show gratitude for those who have supported, and have been loyal to the game. That, in most common sense terms, would mean the people who were here day one and have not unsubscribed. Anyone who hit the cancel subscription button should not apply. Nor should the new accounts.


It should be given to the people who are truly entitled to receive it. The true "loyal supporters" of the game. No just any joe blow with a 50.

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they shouldn't have done it at all if they didn't plan to do it for all active subscribers. This is the biggest slap in the face i could think of. So we should have ignored all the content and leveled as fast as possible to just quit.


Terrible pr!!


i agree!!!! Very disappointing!

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It should be everyone who was at launch or has subscribed for a certain period that gets the 30 days free time, we have all played through the game for a few months and those of us with altitus now are being treated as second class players.


This i agree with completely.

The decision they have made here is obnoxious to say the least.

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No, you didn't have to experience tons of broken content, like level 50s did. Hell we still are, in 1.2


Almost every class quest series has major bugs in important climactic encounters.


There are more bugs in planetary quest arcs as well as side quests. If you are leveling multiple alts, therefore you are encountering more unique bugs than a single 50 while also running across some bugs multiple times.


Six of one, half a dozen of the other.

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Wow... This is completely unexpepected and un-EA like.. Their subs must be dropping at an incredible rate. o.o;


3 months just passed with over 1mill subs.


They just made back their initial investment.


This is a celebration.


You totally misinterpreted this. Good work.

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This reminds me of all the QQing over who did and didn't get a beta invite last year.


Look, the fact that you're not getting something for free that somebody else is getting doesn't mean you're being penalized. It free, you're not entitled to it.


Well BW is not entitled to get my money either and after this they won't get any, so it's kind of fair.

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Ok, so I have several toons, my highest level toon is level 48 and I've been playing since launch. I am not a valued customer?!?!!?!


WOW! Thanks Bioware? So you mean to say that those who bought their account a month ago and leveled to 50 get a free month and are more valued than I am?!?! WOOT....


And no, plz don't cry about broken content at 50...there is broken content everywhere. I am upset because it talks of "loyalty". The guy who got his account last month who power leveled to 50 in a month isn't a loyal customer....he has been playing since last month....THAT"S what I'm angry about...if you are going to give 30 days...give it for those who reached level 50...NOT for 'loyal customers' cuz thats just an insult.

Edited by Mygrained
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Bollocks, my altitis punishes me again :(


My 8 characters have 226 levels between them but the highest is 43.....no free month for me.


I guess I should have rushed one to 50 instead of enjoying the story.


I dont understand why one have rushed when reached lvl50? I didn't rush, I have one character at lvl50 that I took my time with, and another lvl14 I just started. Just saying.

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I agree with what you are saying and like you I have a bunch of alts, but try $150 for a collector's edition and $80 for a 6-month sub. Also, I've been playing the game since beta in December of 2010.


However, apparently that's not the kind of "loyal player" BioWare is looking for!


First time I've ever posted on a forum but this has really made me angry.


Final straw as far as I'm concerned. Pre-ordered, played since pre-launch but because I made 8 toons and took my time I get dumped on.


I've cancelled my sub.

Edited by SlugDub
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Bollocks, my altitis punishes me again :(


My 8 characters have 226 levels between them but the highest is 43.....no free month for me.


I guess I should have rushed one to 50 instead of enjoying the story.


That's the message here.


'We don't care about our loyal customers, because, well, they'll continue to pay. So, if they don't have a 50, big deal. But the people that raced to 50, we'll give them a free month, and hopefully they'll continue to pay us."


Pretty terrible logic. Either give a free month to longtime subscribers, and accounts with a level 50 - or not at all.


This move makes me want to unsub. That's the only way they'll listen.

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I dont give a **** about this 30 days of free playing. I am angry, because i am not treated equaly.


^ This.


The free month's sub is neither here nor there for me.


If I want to play I'll find the money, even if it means a few less pints down the pub.


But I don't want to play in a game where I have been told I'm not a valued customer.


All The Best

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I dont understand why one have rushed when reached lvl50? I didn't rush, I have one character at lvl50 that I took my time with, and another lvl14 I just started. Just saying.


I've got a bunch of characters that I'm playing at the same time... so I shouldn't get a free month because, even though I've paid since day one, I don't have a 50?

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Let me fix that for you;



Poor Bioware. When they do something bad they get **** on. When they do something good while p***ing on the shoes of a portion of thier loyal playing base they get **** on. It's Stupid decision making both time.



Stupid decision making begets awful PR.

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To the people saying everyone isn't entitled to the free 30 days.


You're right, not everyone is. Especially the ones who are new to the game and straight power leveled to 50 right off the jump in minimal time.


This promo is "supposed" to show gratitude for those who have supported, and have been loyal to the game. That, in most common sense terms, would mean the people who were here day one and have not unsubscribed. Anyone who hit the cancel subscription button should not apply. Nor should the new accounts.


It should be given to the people who are truly entitled to receive it. The true "loyal supporters" of the game. No just any joe blow with a 50.


and you really think that your generalization wouldn't insult ANYONE? i for one understand that my own case isn't clearcut and is more than disputable but i still feel entitled for the gift (as stated here http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=404371&page=2 )

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I have been playing now for a while now (and a lot of people in the same boat have played sense day one) and I have two toons I play one being 48 the other being 23. Now If I had not made the alt I would have had a level 50 I might have played longer than someone who just burned threw the game to reach level 50, but I took my time due to my job and my GF and wanted to listen to the quests. What do I get for having a life and trying to enjoy the game? No free month.


If you owned the game on an arbitrary date you got a pet, why not give out free months to players who have played sense X date not who are level 50. A lot of people like to make more than one character.


I didn't complain about the patch being pushed back, or the pvp rankings being postponed along with the season and preseason, but discriminating against people who have played just as much as others is not cool. I know they tried to use level 50 as a judgement for how long people have played but there are much better ways they could have done.


So im going to pick up my pitch fork and torch and join the angry mob.

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I have a 50.


But that is very poorly worded by Bioware.


I fail to see how having a 50 makes you a loyal player.


I appreciate its a freebie but personaly i totaly get why players who, for example, may be founders but dont yet have a 50 would take issue with that.


Giving away a 30 day free sub to a specific selection of the community is going to annoy someone at somepoint regardless, and TBH in this case i think they are justified in being annoyed.


Judging on the Flak Bioware have been recieving lately in general i really do wonder if they actually stop and take a moment to think about what they are doing before making announcements like this

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I dont understand why one have rushed when reached lvl50? I didn't rush, I have one character at lvl50 that I took my time with, and another lvl14 I just started. Just saying.


I agree there is no need for the phrase "rush to 50" it should be "dedicated to 50" or "grind to 50" (depending on your mood). However, I will also note that The person you quoted had 226 levels total.. yours is 64 so there good reason for them to feel annoyed :) (but not with you directly. hehe)

Edited by ViddWizard
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I don't know what is worse....the way Bioware treated those of us who didn't level to 50 since launch or the way we are being talked to by the basement dwelling trolls on this topic, who may or may not work at Bioware.


Definitely BioWare. Who cares what some trolls have to say? BioWare slapped us in the face. We're not valued customers. So, I'm going to agree with them and cancel my sub.

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