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I want my giggle back!


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They said that the issue was that if there were more than one agent in the area it could be confusing or something like that? Correct me if I'm wrong, I can't really remember. It seemed like a trivial issue.


Anyways, if that was the issue, how about only letting you hear the sound effect? I don't think other players care too much about your procs. I want the giggle back as well, the grappling hook sound effect we've got now... it feels like I'm getting a wedgie everytime TA procs :/

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All that beta time and the game being live months later its suddenly confusing huh? Yeah right... Did anyone really ever complain about the giggle? I don't recall anyone on the flashpoint/operations groups that I was with saying a thing about it.
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This was seriously one of the reasons I went Agent/Smuggler, the giggle was such a unique feature and fun to hear, now this generic sound effect that replaced it makes my ears cringe every time I hear it.


Bring my giggle back.

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They said that the issue was that if there were more than one agent in the area it could be confusing or something like that?


If that is the reason for the change its even worse now. They replace the chuckle, a completely unique sounds among all of the classes, with the same sound made by the Pyrotech's pull ability.


So now not only am I contending with other Operatives TA procs, I'm also looking for Pyros pulling stuff. If they DID have to change the noise for whatever reason they should have introduced a unique sound.

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I'm not understanding the reasoning behind this. If the whole point was that people were complaining about the sound when in groups then why did they replace the sound with yet another (more annoying and confusing) sound?


Why not just make it so only the player character can hear their own laugh?


I liked laughing in the face of danger.

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This was seriously one of the reasons I went Agent/Smuggler, the giggle was such a unique feature and fun to hear, now this generic sound effect that replaced it makes my ears cringe every time I hear it.


Bring my giggle back.


My thoughts exactly.. I could not of said it better myself! - So many people literally made an Agent/Smuggler, just for this very unique feature alone, myself included. It was really fun to hear, it made playing as those two classes 'that' much better! It really did. I liked that little bit of enjoyment, and to remove little things like that, really just ruin games and classes. Little things like that are what make these sort of MMOs 'really' enjoyable! ..and to remove it after we make the class just to have that 'unique feature' is a complete slap in the face.. thanks Bioware?


Plus, not to mention, the new sound is terribly 'annoying'.. and it does 'not' suit the Agent/Smuggler one bit! My ears literally cringe every time I hear it.


Bring back the giggle!.

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I want my giggle back! They could have made it just a local client sound that plays only when YOU get the TA buff instead of it spamming if that was the real reason they took it out.


Honestly, what's the difference between a bazillion giggles and a bazillion of another sound? Ya, they didn't think it through at all.

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Agreed, whomever proposed this change should be docked pay and put on administrative leave pending an investigation of competence!


But seriously bring back the giggle, it was hella awesome and a source of infinite amusement.

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Bring back my giggle, everyone loved my giggle in pvp, never had a single complaint about it, they knew help was coming when they heard my giggle. Who's idea was it to remove the giggle? tell us so we can all /facepalm them.

Please bring back our giggles, we need it, I mean every other class has their lil things about them which people like, and the imperial agent's giggle was the thing about them we all liked. The giggle to the agent is what looking evil is to the sith, what the jetpack is to the bounty hunter, what meditation is to yoda in the movies for the forces sake, give us it back.

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