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Rocket Boost sucks and I want my 2 Million back please


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It's called a money sink, every game where it's easy to make money has them as a way of removing excess money from the economy and prevent insane levels of inflation on the auction house ("exchange" in this game's case).


They're not meant to be game breakers, just somewhat handy.

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Rocket Boots I am disappoint. I was really looking forward to boosting my speed in situations where I couldn't use a mount. I thought my days of gingerly walking back from wipes was over. But no, for some inexplicable reason, Rocket Boots are treated as a mount. They're pretty much useless except for pre level 25 alts. They could have been so much more. I totally understand why they aren't usable in Warzones but restricting them as a mount makes them a waste of money. Actually, all of the Legacy unlocks are pretty crappy. I want a refund!


What, you cannot use them in interiors or places where you cannot mount?


Wow they really ARE useless then.

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As the title says I'd like my 2 million back please. Not quite sure what I was expecting with Rocket Boost, but it sure wasn't 12 seconds of +110% movement speed like a crap version of a mount. If it boosted my mount speed an EXTRA 110% for 12 seconds it might be worth it, but in its current form however it's a complete waste of money.


You already move fast enough with sprint from level 1 now, i have NO idea why they added this.

They could easily boost the high end mounts and rocket boost a bit, i thought they talked about making a larger distinction between the 3 mounts during the guild summit.

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Hmm it's great. I use it for my new alts, moving pretty fast and I even paid for all the timer upgrades too.


It's equivalent to a level 50 mount (110%) and it has no startup time to use( mounting a speeder takes about 3 seconds I think). Imagine a level 1 having access to a level 50 mount, lol.


Sprint only adds 35% speed to your normal jog... While the level 25 speeder adds 90%.


It's LEGACY after all :)

Edited by Roguehwz
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It's called a bad design, every game where devs don't pay attention has them as a way of removing excess fun from the game and prevent insane levels of excitment in swtor


They're not meant to be game breakers, just somewhat handy.


Fixed it for you


It's not a big deal, but this huge feature that was featured in the 1.2 trailer and is the most expensive one after the neutral GTN becomes completely useless after lvl 25 (level 10 in patch 1.3) mainly because of the stupid restriction that it cannot be used indoors, money sink or not, that doesnt justify bad (or lazy) design.


Every feature in the convenience tab is supposed to be helpful even if we are level 50, like the ship mail, ship droid, etc.

Edited by ChazDoit
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I think its still semi useful, although maybe not 2 million credits useful. SWTOR is a travel time sink. Running through all the palaces and stuff rocket boost seems like it could cut down on that time sink.


I can agree with that, a lowbie character sure can appreciate having a rocket boost on the early levels, but that doesnt mean the utility should die off once we get the first speeder, specially since we will be able to get speeders at level 10 in patch 1.3


Money sink or not, that doesnt mean that this feature shouldn't be useful to level 50s, and it doesnt meant it can't be awesome. Imagina if they make the boost permanent insted of 12 seconds, that would be awesome :D

Edited by ChazDoit
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