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Tracer Missle and Power Shot, 1.2- Same crap.


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So heres where we are now:


"Tracer Missile has been rebalanced in order to encourage more active gameplay rotations. It now generates 16 Heat, has a 2-second activation time, and deals approximately 10% less damage."


"Power Shot has been rebalanced. It now generates 16 Heat, has a 2-second activation time, and deals approximately 10% less damage."


All you've done is effectively nerf the class. Yay, so we got a battle res? That makes up for the decreased viability. These changes don't even give us a chance to change rotation and heres why:


Fusion missles long CD is not going to be added into a rotation anymore than it already is, once, (although a lot of mercs didn't use it anyway)


Barrage effect- "significant" increase in proc- Okay so this is the only thing we can add to our rotation. Extra unloads. Which actually is the closest thing to a buff this class has seen.


What else can we add to our rotation? Nerf our DPS by throwing in ____ which is way too much heat to be viable?


my point: nerfing power shot and tracer missle side by side was POINTLESS. If you wanted to increase ability rotation, change tracer and powershot to not be the almost exact same ability, one without any additional benefit of use- power shot. Nerfing tracer would have made power shot viable because of the increased benefit from Power ( at least as it states, its a 'powerful' attack) and because it does not get give heat stacks and bonus damage to rail shot which would be a trade off for being a higher damage ability (yes its higher, but by a trivial amount as before since they nerfed by the same amount).


So in your attempt to increase our rotation, you've actually decreased it. Maybe we throw an extra unload or 2 in, great. Power shot still will not be used unless tracer gets kicked and unload is on CD/has not gotten a barrage proc.


Solution- return powershot to its pre-1.2. state. at least give it SOME edge over tracer, because a range of 40-400 extra damage does not make it viable Vs. Tracer's heat signatures and rail shot buffs.

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It is painfully obvious Bioware is treading down the same path as another infamous dev team has done. Which is why many of us left that MMO.


1. They did not actually play test these nerfs or play this class.


2. They only listened to a few people not the vast majority who did not log into the forums.


Just look at the priority for arsenal. Now one has to overheat and ignore heat signatures to use a different rotation.


No one did their "homework" before making these changes. The entire dps priority is based around the tracer missle and the signatures it applies to the target. If anything Bioware you should have buffed the Heatseeker a ton when 5 stacks are present to make up for the nerf.


BTW I rarely worked powershot into the rotation as after a few it would build too much heat.


In short you will see more force users than normal (like there is not enough already) in operations and (already overpopulated) in pvp. Arsenal Mercs will struggle in some questing areas as well.


try to be more thorough before overeacting. this is very disappointing and not needed at all. Will waste more time leveling another toon until fix.

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Dear Forum Complainer,


You seem to not know what a "filler move" is. Filler moves are the relatively cheap attacks you use while building up stacks and procs of the moves that are supposed to actually deal massive damage. You should not be using only the filler move for you damage, and if you had noticed the patch also increased the damage of heatseeker missiles by 10% and the proc chance of unload by (I think) 15%. If you thought that Tracer Missile wasn't doing too much damage than you are just a complainer because they didn't buff the class that was currently second most OP in pvp without giving them an interesting rotation as a side effect.


Stop tracer missile spamming, you make us look bad. Try healing or doing something useful, dps that doesn't know their class is easy to replace.

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Dear Forum Complainer,


You seem to not know what a "filler move" is. Filler moves are the relatively cheap attacks you use while building up stacks and procs of the moves that are supposed to actually deal massive damage. You should not be using only the filler move for you damage, and if you had noticed the patch also increased the damage of heatseeker missiles by 10% and the proc chance of unload by (I think) 15%. If you thought that Tracer Missile wasn't doing too much damage than you are just a complainer because they didn't buff the class that was currently second most OP in pvp without giving them an interesting rotation as a side effect.


Stop tracer missile spamming, you make us look bad. Try healing or doing something useful, dps that doesn't know their class is easy to replace.


He's not just flat out whining though, he's complaining that their change doesn't really change anything. It doesn't. All good arsenal mercs used heatseekers and unload procs at the right moments anyway, this patch just means we get a little more chance to proc unloads. Doesn't really change our playstyle at all, like they said it would. He was arguing that powershot shouldn't have been nerfed along with tracer, so it actually has a purpose and gives us another ability to throw into the rotation, cus right now we're back at square one.

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Dear Forum Complainer,


You seem to not know what a "filler move" is. Filler moves are the relatively cheap attacks you use while building up stacks and procs of the moves that are supposed to actually deal massive damage. You should not be using only the filler move for you damage, and if you had noticed the patch also increased the damage of heatseeker missiles by 10% and the proc chance of unload by (I think) 15%. If you thought that Tracer Missile wasn't doing too much damage than you are just a complainer because they didn't buff the class that was currently second most OP in pvp without giving them an interesting rotation as a side effect.


Stop tracer missile spamming, you make us look bad. Try healing or doing something useful, dps that doesn't know their class is easy to replace.


You have to spam TM to play this class. TM stacks are required to get the full dps out of your rotation. 5 TM's in the first 7-8 GCD's is what most consider spam and thats the minimum required to get the most out of your big hitters "Rail shot and Heat seeker". I totally agree with the op that they didn't do anything to encourage a different game play except to log to a different toon.

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You have to spam TM to play this class. TM stacks are required to get the full dps out of your rotation. 5 TM's in the first 7-8 GCD's is what most consider spam and thats the minimum required to get the most out of your big hitters "Rail shot and Heat seeker". I totally agree with the op that they didn't do anything to encourage a different game play except to log to a different toon.


You only need 3 tracers for full dmg HSM, Barrage-Unloads take precedence way over building up 5 stacks of rail shot. A standard rotation for me now sometimes goes like this, Tracer (barrage procs), Tracer (1.5s), Unload (3s) , Tracer (1.5s), HSM


By the third tracer in that rotation, the cooldown on barrage procs is over, so there's a good chance that you'll get a second barrage proc on third tracer, if so after HSM I unload once again. Rail Shot if I need to burst with my HSM/Tracer and got a good stack of Rail Shot going, if it's not needed then I'll switch targets and use up my 5 stack Rail Shot on someone else with a tracer or barrage procced unload for more burstiness.

Edited by Nesso
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