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Im melting!!


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As the title says.


Since the patch today im easy meat for any class in the game.

My spec: http://db.darthhater.com/skill_calc/trooper/vanguard/#::f20ef2efe3fef2ef4ef19

@ lvl26.

I was doing perfectly ok pre1.2, now.....


I was killed in 4 globals today by a marauder (lvl33) in a WZ, nobody else was hitting me in melee or ranged.

Operatives kill me in seconds aswell, i have to CC then run away.

A Jug killed me with one AoE while i had 6k HP left, the sage stood next to me only took 2-3k damage with no shield up.


My gear is chest and legs the lvl20 PvP stuff with all new upgrades apart from the armor upgrade.

The rest is all blue and within 3 levels of me.


I just cant put my finger on what is wrong,


Any help or build advice appreciated.


PS: This may be a L2P issue with the Vanguard, i only rolled him 4 days ago.

However i PvP extensively in SWTOR aswell as other MMO's so my situational awareness etc is down pat.

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I'm doing fine.. Did you spend your skill points? Turn on the appropriate cell? There's nothing in patch 1.2 that should make you any squishier in PvP unless you were running assault with ion cell.




Yes i did all this.

The spec i posted is the one im using with ion cell.

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This is happening in the LVL 50 WZs as well. I'm a tank build, 20k hit points, 8400 armor, 52% damage absorbtion, 30% chance for shield, ect.... and I'm getting hit for 5k+ damage all of a sudden. I'm going down in seconds.


Something is broke.

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This is happening in the LVL 50 WZs as well. I'm a tank build, 20k hit points, 8400 armor, 52% damage absorbtion, 30% chance for shield, ect.... and I'm getting hit for 5k+ damage all of a sudden. I'm going down in seconds.


Something is broke.


Yup, I have the same stats more or less, and I'm getting rolled. I'm pretty sure I could survive a lot longer pre patch, I'll have to do some more research and testing.

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Wow I was just coming on here to make the same post.

I have been lvl 50 since Sunday so my gear was not that great. Mostly all pve I had 16K health and only 79 expertise rating. I got a full recruit set and 2 BM pieces today now i have 918 expertise and I am dropping so fast it's ridiculous. Even my healer asked me why I am dropping so fast and that it's nearly impossible to keep me up. I am using the ironfist build for the record.



Now that I think of it I didn't recast Ion cell ( but the cell showed as active )



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But shouldn't we be mitigating more of it?


Damage against me has doubled... I'm a sad panda. I love playing a tank.


I suppose I'll just roll up a DPS, if I'm going to die as fast as they do, may as well do more damage.


EDIT: If I'm mitigating 52% Kinetic, and getting hit for 5k, that means that person is doing over 10k damage to someone without armor. Sages should then be getting two shot (minus their little shield), but they are not.


It's like our armor is actually working against us and it's adding the 52% instead of removing it.

Edited by Alonick
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Since i started this thread i have been reading all parts of the forums and it seems that there are problems everywhere.


Healers are being killed in 3-4 globals EVEN with shields up.

Marauders have a couple of threads saying its too easy to kill now.... no more challenge to it.


I think they finaly hit the motherload of all **** ups with this patch.

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This is happening in the LVL 50 WZs as well. I'm a tank build, 20k hit points, 8400 armor, 52% damage absorbtion, 30% chance for shield, ect.... and I'm getting hit for 5k+ damage all of a sudden. I'm going down in seconds.


Something is broke.


Same thing is happening to me. I switched to tactics becuase then I can at least get some kills. I am certainly MUCH more squishy than normal.

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Same thing is happening to me. I switched to tactics becuase then I can at least get some kills. I am certainly MUCH more squishy than normal.


I ended up doing the exact same thing. If I'm going to die like a DPS or healer, I might as well do some damage.

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So, may I assume they lifted soft cap on expertise?

Before 1.2 some ppl observed there is no point going beyond ~550 expertise and mixing some rakata pieces in pvp set gave them more boost.

Now each set has way more expertise than 550 and most classes do more dmg.

Is maxing our expertise the new way to go?

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I realise that there may be issues with Expertise..... But it isn't the only problem here.

In 10-49 brackets a single DPS can take down a tank in seconds.

A sniper took me from 100 - 0 before i could LOS him.. that was like 4-6 seconds ffs.


They have screwed with something here that makes shield spec like toilet paper.


I said this in another thread, i stand more of a chance 1v1 with the fire pit in Hutball than i do vs a marauder/assassin/Operative/sniper/Sorc.

I last longer stood in the fire.


A lvl10 Sorc opened on me today with that lightning crap, it used to just snare me and take a small amount of HP. Now it takes 25 - 30% of my HP and im 100% shield spec ffs.

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I don't think expertise has anything to do with it, it's happening on PvE as well. My story-


PvE on Voss with a healing companion last night. I had a previously indestructible vanguard. Think captain Scarlet. "in- Dis- truc- ti- ble! Captain Scarlet! Boom Ba Boom, Ba Ba Ba Boom"


Seriously, really, not a single tough fight until last night (I thought I was just getting better at playing the game).


Then whack! Getting ***** slapped all over the place by all sorts of second rate mobs. Not even tough mobs, second rate mobs.


My point is this. Isn't a Tank supposed to have survivability? If that's taken away, he's just not a Tank any more, rather a poor DPS.


Should I just re- spec as a DPS? If so, which talent tree do you recommend?

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Expertise buff to damage is way more than the damage reduction and more than pre-1.2, so overall, everyone dies faster.


no, its not. the difference between damage icnrease and mitigation is only a very few percent. these do not explain why one dies 3 times faster against people with THE SAME amount of competence. talking about a tank build/ iron fist, with >50% armor mitigation, 19% elemental and physical damage mitigation + the 4% debufff from ion pulse.


but even more... this effect is also observed in the 1-49 bracket WITHOUT anybody having competence.


but that's not the only thing broken.... the new pulse generator talent is not working at all. it neither increases the damage of pulse cannon (at least not at 5 stacks) nor does it apply any kind of slow to affected targets.

Edited by me_unknown
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I have only been 50 since Saturday, so my gear is still pretty minimal, but I am a lot squishier now than before the patch.


I am specced half tactics and shield (up to Gut and Storm) and am wearing a four-piece centurion combat tech set, a champion shield and battlemaster earpiece. The rest is Recruit.


Should I ditch the Centurion pieces for recruit? The stats and set bonus are better on Centurion, but armor rating is a bit less and so is expertise.


How important is defense now? Should I be loading up on more defense pieces? Does adding points to shield help much? Does absorbtion help?


Is everyone squishy now? Should I just ditch Ion Cell/Shield and go for DPS so I can get at least one big hit in before I die?


How much of my trouble is related to the fact that I am playing against much harder opponents than I was before the patch? Population was up significantly yesterday -- over 200 on fleet around 8pm, with 150-160 during the day (I had rarely seen it go over 130-140 previously, 70-80 during the day). and all the opponents seemed very coordinated -- I suspect that a lot of heavy-duty PVPers that had not been playing have come back.

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