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And I am being the negative one? Instead of making both the players who like and dislike these items happy ...you'd instead have them removed VS having the ability to select a box that prevents them from affecting you? Oh I get it, you want the game to cater to you and only you. Gotcha.


:p you're misunderstanding me kid, but then again I don't give a wamp rats shebs :p ttfn

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It was indeed fun having the party ball for raids and warzones.


I do think it was a bug on pts that caused them to pull it, not whiny antisocial poser role players, buuuuut


But after reading this post, I'll be griefing them with the korrealis instead. At least with the party bomb they could rp with it. With a huge car bouncing and spinning around them it will be most challenging to rp with.


But hey, everyone who innocently used this got punished for the few who abused it thanks to a vocal minority? Maybe we should go ahead and grief all the rp for the few who whined.


Yes I think that will work. So bioware, griefing with vehicles or with party bombs? Your call.

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Ok this is gone. We can help the Team work with cool ideas!

If they can solve this problem they will do it and we will get back the bomb or a similar item wiht lights and music.

If u have any good idea for the future what u want to see in the game as social item dont hold it back! This forum doesn't need more crying but still need good ideas! The more the better! Maybe we will see back in the game what we cooked up in here!

So come on forget this now and give ideas! My first idea is a usable trophy reward for social and valor ranks!

For example: You have social 5 and valor rank 50. You can go and buy the trophy. The trophy may can be a big lightposter with lights on the corners (similar as look like the party instigator). On the middle is there images of the defeated opponents or battles (foe: Darth Malgus, Karagga, Voidstar picture, event bosses, world bosses etc). If u do more and more this images may can be to shift about! And this won't be hurt the otheres :p:)

This would be nice huh?

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I think trophies would be a cool idea. Except I want to have a trophy room somewhere on my ship. Little statues of the world bosses you have downed, trophies for when you reach certain social ranks or valor ranks, trophies for the bosses downed in operations, maybe a vanity pet collector trophy. I think a room like that on your ship would be kind of cool.
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I agree with the whole speeder thing. The party bomb I thought was funny and it looked like people enjoyed it. The giant speeders on the other hand are one of the more annoying things. The GTN is constantly surrounded by people in large speeders. Heck, I have one of the large speeders and I never use it, I prefer using the one I bought from the lightside vendor. I'll admit, the only time I use my giant speeders is when I want to annoy people. I pull it out and park on top of a group of people, and I get a number of comments telling me to move my speeder and people being annoyed by it. When using the party bomb I got zero negative comments and many comments asking me where and what level was needed to get it. Using giant speeder many comments telling me to get it out of the way, no comments asking where to get it.


Wow your GTN is surrounded by speeders? Must be nice having other people on your server. You're lucky to see 1 or 2 people around GTN on my server. What's it like having a economy and a community?

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Wow your GTN is surrounded by speeders? Must be nice having other people on your server. You're lucky to see 1 or 2 people around GTN on my server. What's it like having a economy and a community?


My GTN used to be surrounded by giant speeders. Now it kind of feels like one of the scenes from a zombie movie where you wake up from a coma and no one is around. The only thing that would make fleet feel more zombie like is if it were full of wrecked speeders and a newspaper floating through the air lands at my feet with the headline "Patch 1.3, MMO Detrimental to Other's Gameplay, Bioware Removes Everything"

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i think trophies would be a cool idea. Except i want to have a trophy room somewhere on my ship. Little statues of the world bosses you have downed, trophies for when you reach certain social ranks or valor ranks, trophies for the bosses downed in operations, maybe a vanity pet collector trophy. I think a room like that on your ship would be kind of cool.



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Come on people we have to keep posting in here otherwise Bioware wins. They are just waiting for us to forget and give up.


Well, they already said they had plans and that they are talking about bringing the Party Bomb back but changed. So we've gotten to them, just it probably won't happen right away. But I do agree with you.

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Well, they already said they had plans and that they are talking about bringing the Party Bomb back but changed. So we've gotten to them, just it probably won't happen right away. But I do agree with you.

This was the reason why i spoken about the new types of rewards. So if u have any new idea just share wiht us! :)

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From what I hear the party bomb was used in PvP warzones as an exploit and so was removed. This is a shame because it was a lot of fun - we used to have dance parties at the fleet all the time. Now, there is no reason to get social xp
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From what I hear the party bomb was used in PvP warzones as an exploit and so was removed. This is a shame because it was a lot of fun - we used to have dance parties at the fleet all the time. Now, there is no reason to get social xp


So, ban it only at warzones. Why they punish all social gamers? :(

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So, ban it only at warzones. Why they punish all social gamers? :(


Because PvPers whine and get whatever they want, you know there's a thread in Suggestion Box about PvPers trying to get Social points from Warzone matches... This is madness!! They're trying to justify PvP being social.....

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From what I hear the party bomb was used in PvP warzones as an exploit and so was removed. This is a shame because it was a lot of fun - we used to have dance parties at the fleet all the time. Now, there is no reason to get social xp


What exploit? I'm valor 90 and had the party bomb - trust me when I say I tried to see if I could CC the pubs with it. It didn't even work if you were in combat. The only thing it was good for, was forcing noobs to blow their interrupt :p


Also, there's a dev post somewhere about how it was removed due to causing lag for some players - maybe they should just take the game offline and sell it as a single player.

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  • 4 weeks later...
From what I hear the party bomb was used in PvP warzones as an exploit and so was removed. This is a shame because it was a lot of fun - we used to have dance parties at the fleet all the time. Now, there is no reason to get social xp


And...this is why we cant have nice things. glad its fixed

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From today's GW2 AMA on Reddit:



[–]Diggity_Dave 2 points 3 hours ago


SWTOR removed the Party Bomb from their game in 1.2 without any patch notes. It was pretty much the entire reason I played their game. Do you guys have anything resembling the Party Bomb? I pre-ordered, so I'm playing with or without one, but it would be the cherry on top. :)


[–]ArenaNetTeam [+1] 8 points 3 hours ago

Not exactly the same, but check out Evon Gnashblade's Box o' Fun in this weekend's beta.

~ MO

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