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1.2 patch has renwed my faith, post if you agree


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So absolutely no server population issues addressed what joke they want a sub for this????? I'm gone....


Read the tweets, developer blogs.


They have spoken on this and have stated their concern. They have explained that it will very complicated to do, but are working on it.


This is what I was speaking to, people rage quitting over assumptions without ever checking on the issue. Amazes me.

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patch or not.


makes no difference to us all stuck on dead servers!


cant believe BW have not addressed this clear and voiced issue its a joke!


i am also gone. not paying for a game that you cant play the damn content!

Edited by Joeheathen
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Nope. you are correct. I've not played with the UI yet so I had no idea if it was or was not. I was just speaking to one that was raging about the entire game being horrible because this item was not in yet. I assumed that he at least looked at the UI before going off as he did. I was wrong LOL.


No worries. I'm with ya. ;)

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I've noticed an alarming number of ex-SWG players complaining about this patch. It's almost like they're carrying a chip on their shoulder...


It's hard to believe that the 50 people that were left playing that game when it got shut down could make such a ruckus.

Edited by KrittaB
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LOL once i realised that the shiney new stuff was absolutely useless, i then checked for rated warzones which havent been introduced lol, ( at least bioware got a lot of resubscriptions over this blatent lie great work ) i then began to pvp and noticed that all of the basic warhero gear is battlemaster with no set bonus therefore is worse and completly useless, i then checked for new warhero set and discovered i need around 3500 rated comms for a main hand, which is around 10500 warzone comms, which is over 100 warzones. LOOOOOOL , this is a game saving patch, no its a joke, this game is gonna be free to play very quickly if the idiots developing it remain completely out of touch with the people who pay their wages. can someone in bioware actually log a character and play the **** they are throwing out of their offices.



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I have a Sorc main and I am killing everything WAY too easily? did my talent tree get buffed or something? went into PvP and killed five in a row, with just shock and force lightning, why the hell am I so powerful?

Basically NOTHING! just a bad version of world of warcraft they both suck I was starting to enjoy pvp on my commando now I am getting killed by healers rofl GG Failware great job ruining another game~!

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Basically NOTHING! just a bad version of world of warcraft they both suck I was starting to enjoy pvp on my commando now I am getting killed by healers rofl GG Failware great job ruining another game~!


Um, healers just got nerfed. Is this another rage quit over something that does not exist?


....and exactly why should a healer not be able to kill you if you are not good? Not understanding this part.

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Read the tweets, developer blogs.


They have spoken on this and have stated their concern. They have explained that it will very complicated to do, but are working on it.


This is what I was speaking to, people rage quitting over assumptions without ever checking on the issue. Amazes me.


I guess I need to see if I can find these tweets or dev blog posts, because I have only seen them address the question really in interviews. Where they stated the server populations are just fine and they are not even considering server merges.

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How the hell is this thread constructive. You can close criticism you should close ata boys as well.



Guild went from 50 online at a time to 20.


Fleet (Repub) went from 150 during prime time to 30.


'Re-balancing' has actually given more power to the imperials which will lead to fewer players on the Republic side.


Rewarding PVP kills more will lead to poorer team play and objective play in WZ


Legacy tree...cute.


Legacy unlocks.......would rather spend money on a new speeder for what they are worth.



War Hero gear that you can't get because PVP not fully implemented.........crap happens.


New WZ and dailies......and FP...not bad


Guild bank.....phew that is really adding something great to the game....should have been there from the beginning.



Does this patch do anything to draw in new players...not in my opinion.


Need the ability to rename my trooper to his real use....Banker Joe.

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I guess I need to see if I can find these tweets or dev blog posts, because I have only seen them address the question really in interviews. Where they stated the server populations are just fine and they are not even considering server merges.


Yea dude I just went and checked all their blog posts, press releases, and news articles. I dont see them mentioning addressing server population problems at all. Only concrete info I am finding says there will be no server merges or player transfers anytime close (months and months and months away).

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I guess I need to see if I can find these tweets or dev blog posts, because I have only seen them address the question really in interviews. Where they stated the server populations are just fine and they are not even considering server merges.


Nope. working on it.


Personally, I think that it is the single largest issue in the game atm. I'm not flipping over it, but yeah, its important. I'm just surprised at some of the reactions is all.


I tend to think that some of the issues have to do with trying to balance sides at the same time. Another would be what to do about like names (imagine the ruckus that will raise).


I've thought about a solution to that one. Roll for name. LOL. Or just require that one, or both use a middle initial. Blackardin M. McVile so that all may keep their name, as we do in real life. Hope they are wise enough to think of something along those lines.

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bartender addon

Except better ... I can load the same setup for all my chars... no need to redo it on every single char.

All you need to do is save the profile on one char and on next char you just open it from the left upper corner of the standard bar.


Not to mention the thingy that when next patch hits ... It's still there and working when download finishes. :D

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Um, healers just got nerfed. Is this another rage quit over something that does not exist?


....and exactly why should a healer not be able to kill you if you are not good? Not understanding this part.


Please state your class and spec before stating that someone else can't play. I may be stretching a bit, but I would think that a heavy armor DPS character should be able to defeat or fight to a draw a character wearing light armor and healing as their bread and butter. I can tell you that is not happening as of today.

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How the hell is this thread constructive. You can close criticism you should close ata boys as well.



Guild went from 50 online at a time to 20.


Fleet (Repub) went from 150 during prime time to 30.


'Re-balancing' has actually given more power to the imperials which will lead to fewer players on the Republic side.


Rewarding PVP kills more will lead to poorer team play and objective play in WZ


Legacy tree...cute.


Legacy unlocks.......would rather spend money on a new speeder for what they are worth.



War Hero gear that you can't get because PVP not fully implemented.........crap happens.


New WZ and dailies......and FP...not bad


Guild bank.....phew that is really adding something great to the game....should have been there from the beginning.



Does this patch do anything to draw in new players...not in my opinion.


Need the ability to rename my trooper to his real use....Banker Joe.


Our server went from 100+ to 200+ maybe they reroll?

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Yea dude I just went and checked all their blog posts, press releases, and news articles. I dont see them mentioning addressing server population problems at all. Only concrete info I am finding says there will be no server merges or player transfers anytime close (months and months and months away).


Its out there. can't remember if it was a tweet or a blog, but its there. This issue concerns me so I read it. Took a while to find it, but its there. It specifically sated that they seek to address this but that it is a very complicated process, and not something they can do immediately.

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All I can say is wow. This game has gone from a game I like to a game i frikkin love.


Solid job Bioware, its awesome now. everything feels so much better. ONE thing I want to add on the ui refurbishment is that your target window should dissapear when not targetting anything, that is all i can nitpick on.


love it.


you must not have world of warcraft cause this game blows

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I have to agree. I am fairly pleased in the patch. I was really looking forward to ranked wz's but I guess I will have to wait. Working in the technology field and living on earth, I can understand when something doesn't go according to plan. If it helps though, below I have added some responses that can be inserted to replace mine for those who would prefer to never say anything positive about the game.




1.2 is an Epic Fail!


That's it I'm unsubbing!


Bioware Devs should be fired!


I've been lied to!


This is unacceptable!


This sux, my (insert any class...seriously, pick one) is nerfed!


I use the word Epic or Fail in every sentence!

Edited by Hyryu
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Admittedly, I am at work so I have not had the chance to play the patch. I am open-minded, though.


What has been affirmed, though, is that the next MMORPG that will move the genre in a new and exciting direction will not be produced by a large publishing house.


TOR had about 700 people working on the game. This does not count voice acting nor the business side.


Compare this to the number of people that made Everquest which, at the time, was bleeding edge:




Look at the list. There's only 30 (or so) people that worked on the entire game. All the lead designers were also coders.


This is really a game design and development issue. I suspect that there is no strong leadership when it comes to the DESIGN of the game. This may be a result of having to appease so many different companies (EA, Lucas, etc) and departments. Or it may simply be the state of gaming today. SW is, after all, a valuable brand. There's going to be a lot of cooks in the kitchen.

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Please state your class and spec before stating that someone else can't play. I may be stretching a bit, but I would think that a heavy armor DPS character should be able to defeat or fight to a draw a character wearing light armor and healing as their bread and butter. I can tell you that is not happening as of today.


My class and spec are irrelevant to the discussion. I was not talking about me beating you, but one class being able to defeat another.


For the record, I'm a tank. Want to talk about heavy armor not being able to beat cloth? LOL


If you are a dps with heavy armor and you can't take down a healer ever then you are doing something wrong. Now if every dps can never take down a healer, then they are doing something wrong. Time and testing by players will tell that tale.

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Personally happy with the changes.




Played WoW up until March. This game is more fun.


Yep. same here. Played Wow from the first day. Raided everything and tanked everything in that game. It was a great game. Not sure if it was the lock-out changes, Firelands, or just that it go old, but I'm having more fun here. Not sure why some refuse to accept that we do legitimately enjoy the game.

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I agree - its obvious bioware is comitted to the game. The free month to level 50's just shows that they are not just a greedy company looking to take your precious dollars, they want their users to be happy.
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I agree - its obvious bioware is comitted to the game. The free month to level 50's just shows that they are not just a greedy company looking to take your precious dollars, they want their users to be happy.


That's not entirely true. Basically, it's a cost-benefit analysis. If EA believes that it will earn more money in the long-term by offering a free month right now, then it will do it.


To put it another way, there is a cost for bad PR and this affects the long-term solvency of the game.

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Haven't played in the last few weeks because I felt there was nothing to do. Now that Patch 1.2 has deployed I can say that Bioware has renewed my faith. Canceled my account on Monday, will be renewing my subscription next week for sure.


- Love the new UI improvements (Makes everything look much cleaner on my screen -> better experience overall)

- Looked over the Legacy stuff, and it seems like a nice grind, something to do every time I log on. would like to see some improvements, but as they said; It will improve over time.

- The little texture resolution jump is nice

- Questing goes a little bit smoother now (no need to click inventory -> mission items, you know.. that stuff)

- Overall performance is better. (went from min: 15 fps max: 60 to min: 26 fps max: 111)

- Server population has increased for me at least (went from 45 on fleet to around 80)

- New warzone is fun.

- New operation (Haven't tried it yet, but it looks awesome)

- New flashpoint (Have not tried, looks awesome as well)

- Unify Color is really good!

- Map improvements is good too!


Still much more to explore in this patch. love it so far :D

Keep up the good work Bioware!

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