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1.2 patch has renwed my faith, post if you agree


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To all the lovers of this game, i envy your enjoyment of this game. I personally am finding certain servers to sparsely populated, forcing me to leave my lvl 50 character to create a new character on the most populated pvp server the EU has.


I am also not finding much to keep my attention drawn into this game, its almost as if this game is taking itself too seriously. People are more than welcome to disagree.


I like the crafting system in this game, although i've not yet tried it post patch to check out any changes. Still not the best MMO crafting system i've used SWG wins hands down IMO.


I shall see what the next 3 months brings


To those that love the game, may you continue your enjoyment and share with others to see if they are interested.


To those haters, don't over hype the next "BIG THING" it will only fail to meet your expectations

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Some of the Bioware fans are too loyal for their own good. They accept even the bad offerings that EA forced Bioware to release as great and wonderful.


Bioware deserves a lot of the fan backlash they are currently getting. They have been lowering the quality of everything that they are releasing lately and it is going to hurt everyone in the long-run.


Stop being a fan just for the sake of being a fan. Stand up for yourself as a consumer and stop accepting mediocre or worse product releases with a smile on your face.


Corporations don't care about you, only the money you give them.

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This is clearly the best MMO I've ever played.


WoW is just a treadmill and I got bored being a hamster.


Rift has much more bugs than SWTOR despite being a year old, people just wished so much for it to be a "WoW killer" that they didn't troll about them on forums, just silently quit playing. Even Gamebreaker TV fanboys quit Rift eventually.


Yes, SWTOR has issues as every software larger then 48K does. So what? Bioware keeps fixing bugs and adding new stuff.


And I just have fun with what I have.


I love the new /agent emote. My Jedi Consular keeps doing it before matches along with droping the boombox droid.


Folks saying: "OMG, I can't play today in the morning, I have to go to work or something, I quit this game forever!" just should see a specialist's help because there is clearly something wrong and it might be a brain tumor!

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This is clearly the best MMO I've ever played.


WoW is just a treadmill and I got bored being a hamster.


Rift has much more bugs than SWTOR despite being a year old, people just wished so much for it to be a "WoW killer" that they didn't troll about them on forums, just silently quit playing. Even Gamebreaker TV fanboys quit Rift eventually.


Yes, SWTOR has issues as every software larger then 48K does. So what? Bioware keeps fixing bugs and adding new stuff.


And I just have fun with what I have.


I love the new /agent emote. My Jedi Consular keeps doing it before matches along with droping the boombox droid.


Folks saying: "OMG, I can't play today in the morning, I have to go to work or something, I quit this game forever!" just should see a specialist's help because there is clearly something wrong and it might be a brain tumor!


I think that "new stuff" is just new bugs mate.

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Right now it's official:



1.2 is a disaster. Nothing but chaos...



And I thought they hit the rock bottom with 1.1 - wrong...


I never eat the food i hate and keep complaining how bad it is. learn to stop and move on. I bet you will be here complaining even when patch 10.1 is released.

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I've been very happy with 1.2 so far.


My classes are playing better overall. Even with nerfing a couple skills here and there, I don't find the class itself is nerfed, just changed. And I've been very happy with the results on my sentinel.


I do craft and the increased schematic drops are good, the reversed engineering percentages are great and it has inspired me to craft and run missions much more.


The legacy stuff so far has been fun and has inspired me to gather companion gifts heavily to get more presence and abilities. I had previously only gotten a couple melee dps and healer companions to 10k, but the others will be arriving in due time. Also - it's nice having those legacy armor with slotted waist and wrist gear. It was tough getting my synthweaver to make augment slotted waist for each of my toons.


In terms of new exploration content, I've only been to The Black Hole on Corellia, but I'm looking forward to seeing more places, zones, instances, flashpoints, etc.


And I do like this initial UI editor. It's certainly not the best I've seen, but it is definitely an improvement.


[legacy 31, 4 lvl 50s and some other scrappy lower ones]

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I would have said yes except for the clusterf*#k that is this launch. So I dl the patch, but wait, that's not the real patch, it's not ready, so now I have to completely reinstall my game, but I screwed that up because the info they gave me was WRONG, so now I have to stop that and reinstall my game AGAIN and download all patches and then 1.2 goes live, YAY, except that apparently 1.2 is broken so they need to patch it less than 24 hours after it goes live, but their patch, instead of fixing 1.2, erases 1.2... wow. So now we have maintenance into the foreseeable future with no ETA and no one can play the game until they figure out how to fix the game they just broke. There is no word for this... FUBAR
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I never eat the food i hate and keep complaining how bad it is. learn to stop and move on. I bet you will be here complaining even when patch 10.1 is released.


I agree. A lot of people just don't know when to give it a rest. Reminds me of how much hate Blizzard gets with almost every patch they release. And DC Universe, Warhammer, Eve, and so on.


With that said we, the satisfied gamers, are never going to see the end of this either lol. Nonstop whining. It's one thing to critique work, and it's another thing to constantly cry about it as if you have no other options in your life.

Edited by DevilRomance
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  • 4 weeks later...
My faith was never shaken.


I've played many a MMORPG since UO. They all proceed like this. Big difference is that these guys are truly listening to what we want.


When you hear them talk they say "our players want this", rather then the Wow team that always said, "We want our players to do this".


Big difference. Huge.


If they had actually listened to 'players,' then 75% of the junk in the game wouldn't have been put in, because 75% of players are tired of the same regurgitated MMOs.


Why cannot people get this through their head? Bioware took a legendary media franchise, combined it with tried and true (Warcraft approved!) MMORPG methods and milked it like a cash cow.

If Bioware was actually listening to 'players,' then they'd have more or less taken Star Wars Galaxies and remade it for this MMO generation. They could have simultaneously attracted the younger crowd, whilst also paying homage to the original crowd. Additionally by keeping the famous SWG elements in play, they would have shaken up the MMORPG development community by being defiant against the onslaught of repetitive RPGs.


It's as I've said from the start. If you like it, play it for what it is - quit trying or expecting it to be different. These people will only listen to you so far as it makes them more money and at this point recuperate their development losses.



1.2 didn't do anything to breath life into the game. There's less consistent population now then there was the week before 1.2 released!


The reality is all the PVP players are going to Guild Wars II; all the PVE players are back in Warcraft, RIFT, LOTRO or Fallen Earth and all the fence sitters have stopped playing in anticipation of Diablo III and The Secret World.

Edited by Ranebow
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All I can say is wow. This game has gone from a game I like to a game i frikkin love.


Solid job Bioware, its awesome now. everything feels so much better. ONE thing I want to add on the ui refurbishment is that your target window should dissapear when not targetting anything, that is all i can nitpick on.


love it.


Never lost it.


Gotta look at swtor as a baby mmo. Maybe by the end of its first year it'll be awesome. And by then Ill have 16 50s. Perfect timing.

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All I can say is wow. This game has gone from a game I like to a game i frikkin love.


Solid job Bioware, its awesome now. everything feels so much better. ONE thing I want to add on the ui refurbishment is that your target window should dissapear when not targetting anything, that is all i can nitpick on.


love it.


Best online game ever, and it´s pretty new still, will get even better, ilike you enjoying it

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i think the patch team have done a great job at eliminating alot of bugs and are getting it together when considering stats on gear , (black hole and campaighn) . i think they are listening and are making positive moves forward .

my general gripe is the game world is not as immersive as it could be . im not a role player but i think the developers should listen more to what roleplayers want and implement it on all servers , we all know what raiders and pvp ers want but roleplayers suggest content that make the game world come alive and not feel just like a flash point tred mill .

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As I said before in this post, patch 1.2 is amazing and still is amazing!

Just Imagine how amazing this game will be, when all the "standard" features is implemented plus a whole lot of other fun content! Pod-racing, 3D Space Combat, Pazaak, Ground Vehicle Combat, a complex achievementsystem and much more! I'm stoked :rak_03:

Edited by xeenz
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As I said before in this post, patch 1.2 is amazing and still is amazing!

Just Imagine how amazing this game will be, when all the "standard" features is implemented plus a whole lot of other fun content! Pod-racing, 3D Space Combat, Pazaak, Ground Vehicle Combat, a complex achievementsystem nad much more! I'm stoked :rak_03:


This guy gets it. Its not about today.


Its about the next few months.


When this game goes from good to best.


Most mmoers wont notice cause they'll be too busy derping out with werewolves and elf vampires.


But we will get to enjoy it.


Itll be like waking up early to watch the sun rise.

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I'm enjoying a few of the changes from 1.2 after my 3 month absence from the game.


Notably, giving us sprint at level 1, wow was that a nice thing to do for my re-roll on Harbinger. Made the early game SO much more enjoyable.

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This guy gets it. Its not about today.


Its about the next few months.


When this game goes from good to best.


Most mmoers wont notice cause they'll be too busy derping out with werewolves and elf vampires.


But we will get to enjoy it.


Itll be like waking up early to watch the sun rise.


Exactly my view on the matter.

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All I can say is wow. This game has gone from a game I like to a game i frikkin love.


Solid job Bioware, its awesome now. everything feels so much better. ONE thing I want to add on the ui refurbishment is that your target window should dissapear when not targetting anything, that is all i can nitpick on.


love it.


Humph, you must not be one of the hundreds if not thousands of people randomly CTD... or have issues with any of their MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY bugs and issues that they aren't working on either

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