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Patchnotes 1.2?


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Oh, they don't know what they are bringing live? They just log in after they patched it and write down all the changes they notice? Riiiiiight...


Not at all, they never release the patch notes until the patch has gone live, usually its not until the morning even sometimes right after the servers go up it still has notes from the last patch.


This isnt something new.....


Obviously they are ready, but right now the whole team is busy getting 1.2 ready for us on the servers, once its up the patch notes will follow. Calm down

Edited by Samborino
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I find this odd. I'd like to see patchnotes before something goes live. I'm used to this in every other MMO I tried. I see no reason to delay patchnotes to after maintenance. At some point before the update there is a halt to development, this is usually days before, but at least hours. At that point, final patchnotes should be posted.


I can't even find the 'test' patchnotes. Bad business.

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Good business. If something goes wrong during implementation and need to pull that aspect of the patch, then they will have time to adjust the notes accordingly as well as the patch.


Knowing gaming communities very well, if something was 'promised' then not delivered, there'd be tears, much wailing and gnashing of teeth.

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That's actually very bad business. It proves Bioware do not have an adequate test mechanism in place.


They should know everything they are changing, run it in beta or a pilot for a period of time (during which they can play with patch notes.) then publish confirmed patch notes and then publish the patch.


Its not hard, but clearly there is a gap in resourcing and/or management. Is it worth pissing customers off?

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Sigh, the 56th notes thread.



Since when is torhead the official SWTOR site? Thanks for the help, but it's not the proper source for the patchnotes and not somewhere I would look for them.


Good business. If something goes wrong during implementation and need to pull that aspect of the patch, then they will have time to adjust the notes accordingly as well as the patch.


Knowing gaming communities very well, if something was 'promised' then not delivered, there'd be tears, much wailing and gnashing of teeth.

It's horrible business if they have to pull parts of a patch right before (or after) patching. I've never seen this in any other MMO. You make a patch, test it, iterate on it, finalize it, hold development, post patchnotes and then patch (often days later). You don't develop until minutes before patching and then scramble the patchnotes together depending on what is working and what is not.


Well, at least I'm not the only one surprised and disappointed by this. It's very customer unfriendly, to say the least.

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Since when is torhead the official SWTOR site? Thanks for the help, but it's not the proper source for the patchnotes and not somewhere I would look for them.



It's horrible business if they have to pull parts of a patch right before (or after) patching. I've never seen this in any other MMO. You make a patch, test it, iterate on it, finalize it, hold development, post patchnotes and then patch (often days later). You don't develop until minutes before patching and then scramble the patchnotes together depending on what is working and what is not.


Well, at least I'm not the only one surprised and disappointed by this. It's very customer unfriendly, to say the least.


likely they found a late stage exploit with ranked warzones, if i had to make a guess it would be an issue similar to the one that gave full xp to a wz that ended early. so instead of delaying the entire patch they put off releasing that part until they could fix it. shoddy work ya... bad business ? no.. people would freak if ranked wz ranked them improperly...that of course is just speculation on my part, but it seems both logical and understandable considering they messed up wz' once already.

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Not at all, they never release the patch notes until the patch has gone live, usually its not until the morning even sometimes right after the servers go up it still has notes from the last patch.


This isnt something new.....


Obviously they are ready, but right now the whole team is busy getting 1.2 ready for us on the servers, once its up the patch notes will follow. Calm down


That's not true at all, patch notes are ALWAYS available while the servers are down. Considering it's going to be a long read, we need to have them asap :).


Also, there's usually a link in the launcher to the correct patch notes, as it is at the moment, the link there shows an incorrect date, Apr 3rd, and goes to patch notes for 1.1.5e or something.


A lot of stuff have been going wrong for the past about 24h :) they must be really busy deploying 1.2 to live :D I just hope it's worth it.


Between ranked WZs going MIA, my class's huge nerfs and our server being practically dead .. let's just say I am not too optimistic about this. :D

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That's not true at all, patch notes are ALWAYS available while the servers are down. Considering it's going to be a long read, we need to have them asap :).


Also, there's usually a link in the launcher to the correct patch notes, as it is at the moment, the link there shows an incorrect date, Apr 3rd, and goes to patch notes for 1.1.5e or something.


A lot of stuff have been going wrong for the past about 24h :) they must be really busy deploying 1.2 to live :D I just hope it's worth it.


Between ranked WZs going MIA, my class's huge nerfs and our server being practically dead .. let's just say I am not too optimistic about this. :D


that link is updated after the patch goes live.. that link goes to the news and updates patch page on swtor.com which is updated after the game is..

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That's actually very bad business. It proves Bioware do not have an adequate test mechanism in place.


They should know everything they are changing, run it in beta or a pilot for a period of time (during which they can play with patch notes.) then publish confirmed patch notes and then publish the patch.


Its not hard, but clearly there is a gap in resourcing and/or management. Is it worth pissing customers off?


In most MMOs the live and test environments differ very slightly, at a min the difference is that the test server has some extra test parameters in. The problem is that in the case of software even the tiniest of changes can have massive issues often in seemingly unrelated areas.


Taking something live can therefore show up during launch maintenance, and there tends to be a lot less fuss if the final patch notes don't change.


In general the final patch notes on the test server tend to be pretty much whats intended to go live, anything not in them may well have been turned off during maint.



To avoid the ranked warzones being pulled so close to launch they would basically have to have change locked the patch earlier relative to launch, so basically pushed the entire patch back for everyone, and still not have put the warzones in.



Late decisions are a pig, but the alternative is even buggier content, or even more delays to the content.

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They probably just have dozens of teams working on different aspects of the game and aren't told what they are implementing. So each team just makes up whatever they want on the fly. Makes the game more fresh and surprising.






So many people that know EXACTLY how the patch protocol works - they must have been VERY surprised when they saw a thread "Patchnotes 1.2?". Knowing the patchnotes can't possibly be out, why would they have the compulsion to open a thread that most certainly DID NOT have the patchnotes and therefore must be something else.


We have multiple folks saying they are coming, they always come late, (or on time - your point of view) because even the devs don't know what the patch will be (they know what it could be, to be fair, but they aren't going to commit until they see how the patch goes). Saying, "Calm down, take comfort in knowing the random bugs you have experienced are about to be compounded." And explaining this is the paragon of business acumen.


Further stating its going to be ok, its best to decide on the fly where a patch will most probably lead to days worth of "fix" patches and a prolonged 1.2 patch - 8 hours turning into 12 hours.


We have another who says, "Just another complaint thread that there are no notes (rolls eyes) of course there are notes and links a random site. I say random because SWTOR has a forum - that there are other sites popping up to fulfill a need suggests there is a NEED.


So yes, calm yourself there is nothing wrong, it all makes perfect sense. All planning is a waste of time because eventually you come to accept things the way they are - screwed up or not.



It's ok - say the trolls - and so - this billy goat will have to accept that.

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add to that a very clueless player base, took me all of 6 seconds to find the 1.2 patch notes.


They cant put them on the live notes yet, cause the game is not live yet, and the whiners will call them liars..... again.


Things are the way they are, because this is how the immature playerbase demands that they be.

Edited by Dayln
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In most MMOs the live and test environments differ very slightly, at a min the difference is that the test server has some extra test parameters in. The problem is that in the case of software even the tiniest of changes can have massive issues often in seemingly unrelated areas.


Taking something live can therefore show up during launch maintenance, and there tends to be a lot less fuss if the final patch notes don't change.


In general the final patch notes on the test server tend to be pretty much whats intended to go live, anything not in them may well have been turned off during maint.



To avoid the ranked warzones being pulled so close to launch they would basically have to have change locked the patch earlier relative to launch, so basically pushed the entire patch back for everyone, and still not have put the warzones in.



Late decisions are a pig, but the alternative is even buggier content, or even more delays to the content.



So a locked thread "Patchnotes 1.2" on the day before launch, followed by a one line update "Pulling WZ ranking system" would be an "out of bounds" expectation?


This expectation isn't out of the ordinary for any relationship - personal or professional - it's called communication. It is bad business not to communicate what will eventually be discovered either way.


This issue is apparent with Bioware - they had a "Communication" error that lead to a patch launch a day early. I'm not trolling them for it - I'm making my case that improved communication with consumers strengthens a relationship and helps reinforce internal communication.



I am a manager - I can neither do nor teach ... but I'm willing to tell you what to expect.

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Where are they? Shouldn't they be in the menu under the heading 'patchnotes'? Or at least on the forum? I can't find them.


The patch notes have been posted and updated for weeks in the test server forum and only removed about 7 hours ago. If you were that interested in whats in 1.2, you had plenty of time to read them...all 28 printed pages of them. hehe. Yea, that much.


HUGE update. I don't think there is one element of the game that wasn't modified in some way.


OR, you could have played on test like I and others have done to experience the new content.


Awsome stuff!

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