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The Chosen One?


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I'm sure there is no way I am the first to bring this up, but I am interested in other fans' opinions on Anakin being the chosen one.


After thinking about it and rewatching PE the phrase "the one who will bring balance to the force" seems condemning to the Jedi. As the galaxy stands in PE, (Prior to DMaul being seen) the council believes the Sith to be extinct. Given that fact, the balance between LS and DS should be tipped heavily in the LS favor, and if there is truly a balance, we would expect it to be a balance in the middle ground, say 50:50 LS: DS. In this case the Balance the chosen one is referring to would be to tip the balance back towards the DS since only the LS holds a significant presence in the Galaxy at the time of PE (within the movie knowledge).


No one can argue that Anakin's rise to DVader did not tip the balance in the DS's favor. But I think the balancing act of the Chosen one took time, like the balancing of a seesaw.


This is just the tip of the iceberg of my thoughts and explanation but what have you thought in this regard? Is this completely a misinterpretation of the prophecy, or is it a viable possibility?


And what if Vader never rose? would Palpatine have tipped the force completely to the DS or would he have failed and the force remained unbalanced toward the Light?

Edited by BlitzJG
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I'm sure there is no way I am the first to bring this up, but I am interested in other fans' opinions on Anakin being the chosen one.


After thinking about it and rewatching PE the phrase "the one who will bring balance to the force" seems condemning to the Jedi. As the galaxy stands in PE, (Prior to DMaul being seen) the council believes the Sith to be extinct. Given that fact, the balance between LS and DS should be tipped heavily in the LS favor, and if there is truly a balance, we would expect it to be a balance in the middle ground, say 50:50 LS: DS. In this case the Balance the chosen one is referring to would be to tip the balance back towards the DS since only the LS holds a significant presence in the Galaxy at the time of PE (within the movie knowledge).


No one can argue that Anakin's rise to DVader did not tip the balance in the DS's favor. But I think the balancing act of the Chosen one took time, like the balancing of a seesaw.


This is just the tip of the iceberg of my thoughts and explanation but what have you thought in this regard? Is this completely a misinterpretation of the prophecy, or is it a viable possibility?


And what if Vader never rose? would Palpatine have tipped the force completely to the DS or would he have failed and the force remained unbalanced toward the Light?


cause he did bring balance to the force as he wiped out all the jedi and the sith in the end there was just luke and leia neither were true jedi yet

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Honestly...Lucas blew it out his ***.


The force did have destiny swirling around beings before EP1 guys....


not a great example, but an example none the less, Dark Empire, Luke and Leia were destined to defeat the reborn emperor.


Lucas was too lazy to come up with any new story lines so he Copy Pasted things from EU and put different faces + names + style of environment around everything....bah

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First off , people always think Force as DS/LS as Sith/Jedi only. Its not. Its good and evil. Right and wrong. DS doesn't just mean Sith.


In Ep1 Yoda and Mace talk about the Sith being extinct , yet we know that in the book Darth Plagerious(sp) they talk of a sith lord that casts a spell and the Jedi KNOW some dark force user is out there. They knew before Ep2 that there was a Dark Force user out there that was "shrouding the light in darkness" This doesn't mean a Sith to them , just a Dark side user. Thats another example of how lopsided the "Force" was. Even as we see it , there was only 2 Sith (lets say 6 total just for arguments sake , after all we have Maul , Dooku , Palp., Plagerious(sp) , Auria Sing , and a few other Jedi and ex Jedi running around at the same time) Yet those few evils were shrouding the light side with darkness. That alone suggests either the DS was very very powerfull in just these few individuals or the Jedi and/or LS of the force had lost its way.


Either way , the force as a whole was unbalanced. Vader did bring balance to the force in 2 ways. As Vader he got rid of the corruptness and short sightness in the Jedi (due to being complacent and how some of the Jedi teachings had failed) and the Republic as a whole. In doing this it was now just Palp and Vader. That then tips the Froce back to the DS right? No , in doing this Palp and Vader think ALL Jedi are gone. Period. (we know they knew some escaped and they hunted them down , but over all the most powerfull that could cause them trouble were gone) Thus leading them into a false sense of security.


The next way he balances the force is when he faces Luke and makes the choice between his son and Palp. Without him helping Luke , Palp. woulda either killed Luke or turned him.


In the end , Vader did bring balance to the force for a time. (without spoiling anything) Flash foward yrs later and guess who's back? Life is a cycle, right. lol

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no that can't be right because true balance is just that equal on both sides in this case light/dark


Not true depending on your perspective


The Jedi are guided by the force, therefore in balance with it,


the dark side uses the force to manipulate things to their purpose, therefore out of balance with the force



When Jedi die, they become one with the force, the true darksiders dont.

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