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tips for sentinels PvE


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Watchman is amazing for pvp, but combat is much more efficient for pve. You have tons of abilities, use them. My particular build is based on cooldowns, so stacking alacrity and power is beneficial for me, many abilities already provide critical strikes under combat spec.


Handling Mobs


First, if you have centering stacked, use inspiration prior to the fight, along with a power and/or critical relic. If you are not in combat, you can swap the top relic from a quickslot just by triggering, so long as it is in your inventory. You can also disable a droid and stasis another enemy prior to even jumping.


when you jump use opportune strike if possible, if not, use zealous strike > precision > Blade Storm > Master Strike (let it finish) (precision should last through both abilities). If you are getting slammed, hit rebuke > Stealth (which also raises alacrity) > Medpac (even saberward or guarded by the force if needed). Now that you have a few things on cooldown use Valorous call > Zen (increases alacrity, reduces global cooldowns), Call on the force (which reduces the cooldown of saberward)


While under zen, use Zealous strike > Precision > Cauterize > Blade Rush (repetitively) Use zealous again to keep using blade rush while under Zen. When zen is up, use reposite (which was highlighted by cauterize)


Other short rotations


Force Sweep > Pummel or Force sweep > Pummel > Cyclone slash (repetitively) for large mobs.


awe > Pummel or Precision slash > Blade storm > Pummel


Kick > Leg slash and/or Saber throw > Opportune strike.


Do not negate combat spec, the only things that can live through these rotations are operations, hardmodes, or world bosses.


hope this helps anyone doubting their class. (reusable stims, adernals, and medpacs are a world of difference also)

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Both specs work perfectly fine in pve... and pvp. A good player can make either work very well in either setting. A bad player... may still be ok at watchman :)


The only info i gleaned from OP is that he needs to learn more about the game and his spec.

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Most of the stuffs you write can be done the same with Watchman too. And why would you use Rebuke then stealth? Alacrity is for?


watchman don't get precision or blade rush and combat does not get damage reduction under stealth. Use an alacrity relic and watch your ability activations, you can check this stat under "force" on your character screen.

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As far as I'm aware, the only thing alacrity does is reduce the casting time for abilities. It does not reduce the cooldown for them. Highly useful for classes that have activation attacks, completely and utterly useless for sentinels. Just looked it up, here is the official definition:


Alacrity Rating – Decreases activation time for all abilities. This does NOT affect the global cooldown, and only reduces the time on casted abilities.


So yeah, sorry OP, but you've still got a lot of learning to do. =/

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Well last night I was doing some testing over on the Gav Daragon Bridge Deck on the Boss Dummies and I managed to pull 1468dps according to ACT parser with swtor plugin. I didn't get much time to last night cause my computer crashed and had to reinstall stuff..


So if anyone has some rough numbers for the dps of Combat and Focus spec I'm all ears. I will be doing some more testing once the servers come back online with Combat and Focus, that's if the dummies are still there because of the mess BW has caused.


But i'll still put my money on Watchman DPS. still don't think Combat nor Focus will surpass the capabilities of Watchman.

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someone else posted on here somewhere that combat actually edged watchman on the dummies in equal gear, but it was very miniscule and that also factored in a perfect blade rush spam... which in most cases won't happen due to enemy movement. I'd say they are pretty much equal, but watchman pulls considerably ahead because of self heals on crit DoTs and party-wide heals from zen.
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