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SWTOR Twitter Updates = Cryptic


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Could we get an official answer on the following requests for clarification? Currently they leave a fair amount of confusion and naturally ensuing frustration.



SWTOR The Old Republic

If you were not invited during today's invites, don't worry! We will continue to invite more people as Early Game Access continues


Does this mean you are finished with Wave invites for today and will not continue until the next business day (Dec. 14), or will you continue doing them throughout the day/evening? Is there a time today when you will cease wave invites and resume again tomorrow?


SWTOR The Old Republic

The third wave of Early Game Access emails have been sent, one more to go!


Does "One More To Go" mean one more total and early access invitations are complete, or one more for the day?


It's understood you have a character limit on Twitter, but please try to be more concise with your updates or follow them up with clarifications. Thanks.

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5 minutes after the "If you were not invited..." was a clarification, "SWTOR The Old Republic

Don't worry, there are still more invites coming today! We will announce when the next wave is sent.".


One more to go seems to mean that yes, only four waves are going out today, and then no more invites will be sent until tomorrow. At least that's what I've gathered from what I read on the forums.

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I don't get why you people don't understand that nothing is set in stone.


They could easily say one more wave and then look at metrics in the late afternoon and decide to send more out.


Just relax and step away from your computer for a while.

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My guess is there will be four (although that would disappoint me that they only did four) and that it will start again @ the same time tomorrow.


It is possible though that, due to the response, they will add a few more waves later in the day to compensate.


Don't know, but I do care. If they put too many people into it, will reduce the whining and I won't be able to enjoy the nerd rage comments

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4 Waves were originally planned for today.


According to this tweet by SR:


Four waves planned so far - day isn't over yet. We're already seeing fairly full servers, so it's going great so far.


Source: http://twitter.com/#!/Rockjaw




They had originally planned to only have 4 waves. That doesn't mean if things are going well they won't have 5 or 6. With the size of the invites tho, I don't expect them to get out of July today.

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If four waves are planned, it doesn't guarantee that only four will be sent. Food for thought.


Except for the fact they want to take it slow. Which could mean they want to just let in 10% of the population in on day one just because they feel like it.

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See I read those updates quite differently...


"One More To Go" has a tone of permanence attached to it. It "could" mean one more in total until we're all in, or it could one more for the day. Which is it, and if it is for the day, do they resume again at 7:00am EST tomorrow?


The next post does not read as a clarification to me, but rather an entirely new thread that almost sounded like the 4th and possibly final wave of the day went out?


Naturally everyone knows waves will continue if there are pre order people not yet in the game so I'm not sure simply that warrants a tweet of its own unless it means something entirely different.

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See I read those updates quite differently...


"One More To Go" has a tone of permanence attached to it. It "could" mean one more in total until we're all in, or it could one more for the day. Which is it, and if it is for the day, do they resume again at 7:00am EST tomorrow?


The next post does not read as a clarification to me, but rather an entirely new thread that almost sounded like the 4th and possibly final wave of the day went out?


Naturally everyone knows waves will continue if there are pre order people not yet in the game so I'm not sure simply that warrants a tweet of its own unless it means something entirely different.



Maybe you didn't see this:

Four waves planned so far - day isn't over yet. We're already seeing fairly full servers, so it's going great so far.


Four waves played so far, day isn't over yet. It's not really cryptic, it means they planned 4 waves today, but the day is still early. Things are going well so we might see a few more today.



I'm not trying to be rude, but maybe it's the reader who is the problem (not understanding) and not the writer. You can infer that waves will be going out day by day, because if there were 4 total he wouldn't have used the world "today". Also, it's been said 100 times there will be waves each day. They don't have to keep saying it, it's implied because of previous information.


It's only has hidden meaning if your looking for something.

Edited by ruktuim
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I am not happy at all with the Twitter Posts, I feel like they are coming from a politician. No straight answers to anything.


Yeah I agree completely. Its rather annoying when someone has a cryptic response just to avoid answering a question. Usually this is because we're not going to like what they're about to say. :)

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Thanks for @Rockjaws feed link. I was not following that one, just the official feed. Even still, that doesn't help to clarify things.


I have other things to keep me busy but I will also be the first to admit that I was prepared to work around today's launch too. I'll also admit that there is nothing more frustrating than waiting something that could happen any time within a time frame of 5 days. It's kind of like waiting for a package from Fed Ex before shipment tracking was available as a service.

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Two questions that I think also deserve an answer are:


1. Why stagger the invites and not just allow people to log in? The stream of people will be staggered over the course of the day because not everyone is able to play at this time. Also if the servers can't handle everyone logging in right now how will they handle it tommarrow or the next or all the pre orders and thousands more on the 20th?



2. What really was the point of the stress beta? Were the servers caving and now two days are tacked on early access to buy more time to fix the problem?

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My question is - would it have killed them to let us know this stuff ahead of time?


Look, they knew months ago what their preorder distribution looks like. If 50% of total preorders is from Jul 21-Aug 1, they could have easily said "NOBODY August and onwards is getting in until Thursday". How hard is what? I realize it's not a "set in stone thing" and that they want to "remain fluid", but really, how hard is that?!


If they PLANNED for 4 waves, why not tell us about it? I woke up at 7am, saw the first wave didn't even get everyone from July 22nd. But I thought hey, maybe there's 10 more waves today? Had I known it was just 4, I'd have planned my day utterly differently, because there's no way in holy hell they'll finish July today.


They could show some respect for their customers and provide some information on the front page instead of dribbling tidbits of it over on Twitter. That's just my take on this whole fiasco.

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Maybe you didn't see this:



Four waves played so far, day isn't over yet. It's not really cryptic, it means they planned 4 waves today, but the day is still early. Things are going well so we might see a few more today.



I'm not trying to be rude, but maybe it's the reader who is the problem (not understanding) and not the writer. It's only has hidden meaning if your looking for something.


You will note that I was referring to the official SWTOR feed. I was not aware of that developer's feed until this post.


Even still, "Four waves planned so far, day isn't over yet"... While an update of any sort is welcome, this is again rather cryptic. We know there have been Three and are waiting for the Fourth... and that the SWTOR feed mentions "One More To Go". It sounds like they mean four total for the day. Again, if so, when will they resume again tomorrow?

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Thanks for @Rockjaws feed link. I was not following that one, just the official feed. Even still, that doesn't help to clarify things.


I have other things to keep me busy but I will also be the first to admit that I was prepared to work around today's launch too. I'll also admit that there is nothing more frustrating than waiting something that could happen any time within a time frame of 5 days. It's kind of like waiting for a package from Fed Ex before shipment tracking was available as a service.



You have a window of expectation. The 13th - 19th, it's like waiting for the cable guy or as you put it a package.




Biowares doesn't want to get pinned down by giving hard information. It's the reason they didn't give us dates for early access. For the same reason we won't get information telling us how long to expect between waves.




Biowares wants to be able to be able to adapt to the server stress as needed. Giving numbers, like saying the next wave is in an hour, handcuffs them. It builds expectations that may need to be crushed.



People would go crazy if their early access date was for example the 14th and it got pushed back to the 15th. People will go nuts if the next beta wave is in 1 hour and it gets push backed 4 hours.


Keeping the community in the dark, while annoying, gives people less to be angry about, well other than angry about being kept in the dark.


Moral of the story, humans are angry angry creatures.

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Biowares wants to be able to be able to adapt to the server stress as needed.



They need to be able to handle the server stress of the 20th when more than double the people will be logging in ALL AT ONE TIME.


If the servers are able to handle that, and according to bioware after the stress beta they are, why do the staggered multi-day entrance for a smaller population?

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Nobody is asking for anything that goes against policies already covered by official announcements. We don't need to understand the metrics of their launch deployment strategy, and that's not being asked for here. This post is asking for simple clarification of communication already made. I think you're reading more into this thread than was intended.

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They need to be able to handle the server stress of the 20th when more than double the people will be logging in ALL AT ONE TIME.


If the servers are able to handle that, and according to bioware after the stress beta they are, why do the staggered multi-day entrance for a smaller population?



You don't know that double the amount of people will be logged on all at once. You don't know the amount of people logged on right now.



It's a reasonable approach to slowly leak in the population and adapt to the increase in players with new servers or increased server capacity.


I've been in countless MMO launches from small to big and the approach of flood gating every single people at the exact same time causes unplayable lag, crashes servers and leads to 4 hour ques.


Biowares is simply taking the safe approach. It might be annoying, but it's not the end of the world.


If they let everyone at once instead of posts about waiting people would be posting not being able to play because of instability/ques.


You can't please all the people all the time.

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Nobody is asking for anything that goes against policies already covered by official announcements. We don't need to understand the metrics of their launch deployment strategy, and that's not being asked for here. This post is asking for simple clarification of communication already made. I think you're reading more into this thread than was intended.



Nah, I understand, I was just ranting about something a bit off topic.



I didn't find their message to be confusing or cryptic, like I posted above. It was pretty straight forward, 4 waves planned for today, those went well, we might get more.

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You don't know that double the amount of people will be logged on all at once. You don't know the amount of people logged on right now.



It's a reasonable approach to slowly leak in the population and adapt to the increase in players with new servers or increased server capacity.


I've been in countless MMO launches from small to big and the approach of flood gating every single people at the exact same time causes unplayable lag, crashes servers and leads to 4 hour ques.


Biowares is simply taking the safe approach. It might be annoying, but it's not the end of the world.


If they let everyone at once instead of posts about waiting people would be posting not being able to play because of instability/ques.


You can't please all the people all the time.


Its not about pleasing everyone its about the reasons behind what you are doing. I don't want another WoW launch where the game was down for the first 6 months.


Its a fact more people will log in on the 20th and beyond than will during the EGA phase. There are 950,000 pre-orders and I believe they are expecting 2,000,000 players around the 20th. If the servers can't handle 950,000 players trickling in throughout the day now then they won't last 10 minutes when 2 million log in all at one time on the 20th.


The stress beta is over and the servers are supposedly capable.

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Its not about pleasing everyone its about the reasons behind what you are doing. I don't want another WoW launch where the game was down for the first 6 months.


Its a fact more people will log in on the 20th and beyond than will during the EGA phase. There are 950,000 pre-orders and I believe they are expecting 2,000,000 players around the 20th. If the servers can't handle 950,000 players trickling in throughout the day now then they won't last 10 minutes when 2 million log in all at one time on the 20th.


The stress beta is over and the servers are supposedly capable.



Your grasping outside of your knowledge to claim double the numbers will log on the 20th. You don't know that on the 20th 1 million people will all long on at once.


Biowares knows the amount of units they shipped and they know the amount of digital copies sold. It's something you or I don't know. To claim 1 million people will log on the 20th and there will be more people who buy the game on the 20th instead of pre-ordering is simply fantasy.

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My question is - would it have killed them to let us know this stuff ahead of time?


Look, they knew months ago what their preorder distribution looks like. If 50% of total preorders is from Jul 21-Aug 1, they could have easily said "NOBODY August and onwards is getting in until Thursday". How hard is what? I realize it's not a "set in stone thing" and that they want to "remain fluid", but really, how hard is that?!


If they PLANNED for 4 waves, why not tell us about it? I woke up at 7am, saw the first wave didn't even get everyone from July 22nd. But I thought hey, maybe there's 10 more waves today? Had I known it was just 4, I'd have planned my day utterly differently, because there's no way in holy hell they'll finish July today.


They could show some respect for their customers and provide some information on the front page instead of dribbling tidbits of it over on Twitter. That's just my take on this whole fiasco.


I completely AGREE with this sentiment. Bioware has done such a good job of managing expectations up to this point. Why they dropped the ball on their communications on the details of EGA is baffling.


I'm not sure if it was a post in this thread or another, but someone else posted that relying so much on Twitter today makes all of BW's communications sound like a bunch of politicians.

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Your grasping outside of your knowledge to claim double the numbers will log on the 20th. You don't know that on the 20th 1 million people will all long on at once.


Biowares knows the amount of units they shipped and they know the amount of digital copies sold. It's something you or I don't know. To claim 1 million people will log on the 20th and there will be more people who buy the game on the 20th instead of pre-ordering is simply fantasy.



The servers go down at the end of EGA and then everyone will be logging in for the actual launch. So almost all the pre-orders and people who are going to the midnight releases will in fact pretty much be logging in all at one time.


You can't dispute that more people will be playing at launch than will be during the EGA.

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