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Swiftsure , Free Transfers OFF NEEDED!


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Please understand, the summary of what you're doing is.

I don't like this X about the game BioWare, can you please change Y for me?


The main focus of bioware right now is aimed at getting the game primed for launch, not for worrying about a few people who have spent a few hours on a server, that they no longer wish to play on any more (but want to save there characters).


No doubt they will implement character transfers after launch, but this is almost as silly as complaining that beta characters are got wiped. Players spent weeks playing SWTOR and they lost there characters, i'm sure you'll be fine

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Having long queues on many servers doesn't seem very primed for launch to me considering the player base will only increase from here. Wasn't the point of early access to fix this probably to begin with? I would understand one or two servers, but it isn't just a couple.
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Having long queues on many servers doesn't seem very primed for launch to me considering the player base will only increase from here. Wasn't the point of early access to fix this probably to begin with? I would understand one or two servers, but it isn't just a couple.


As i have said, having population caps is actually getting the gamed prepped for launch.

It's spreading out players across servers, so that when the population cap lifts and the heavy influx of players join servers. There will already be a healthy population of people on multiple servers.


This minimises dead servers (servers that nobody wants to join because empty).

This reduces strain on servers (discouraging people to join high queued servers).


Very advantageous for a game launch's success

Edited by cinaxanic
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The main focus of bioware right now is aimed at getting the game primed for launch, not for worrying about a few people who have spent a few hours on a server


it aint just a few bro its 1900!! people that are in que to play on this one server. 30 to 40 minute wait on other high pop servers is to be expected, as with any popular high population server in any MMO and thats fine but having to log in just to wait 3 hours to play is totally ridiculous especially for those of us who want to continue to play with our guild mates. but not have to move because of the time put forth already.


for example a handful of people from my guild are already 34. we have put in some crazy hours to get ahead of the massive wave of players and to be able to help out our not so dedicated players when its needed, but we never see them on as of right now because the time they would spend playing is spent waiting in que.


and the argument that this will be solved when it launches it mute, if anything it will just increase because the Australian have deemed the Swiftsure as "Their" UN-offical PvP server. so if anything there are just going to be more people trying to log in and play.


and not saying just remove people who ask for it but take entire guilds that are like yeah GET ME THE FRAK OUTTA HERE to one with a lower population. and while honestly it isnt BW's fault by any means one would hope that as great a company as they are, they would take it upon themselves to fix this issue.

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You are wrong on many fronts.


1. Australians do not have access to the game in store (pre-order through amazon). You will hardly notice an increase of australians playing the game on launch because we do not have it as a commercial product.


2. The servers are population capped. This will lift and the queues will go down. Exponentially decreasing queue times.



Right now. The queue is BW's friend. Having a 3 hour queue does one thing only. Makes people say '**** this'.

Than people do one of three things:

- wait and helplessly complain

- join another server.

- simply wait

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your forgetting most people wont leave though so this issue will continue to be seen, because the majority of the sheeple will be saying


"the others can go, i don't want to start all over"


the server is allready seeing the effects of the Aussie's show me any other server with a 3 hour que time at all hours of the day. when launch day hits there will just be more people than there is today because those who did not pre-order and waited for it to hit shelves or for it to go on sale will just increase the numbers. hell they might not even be aussies they could be from anywhere but the problem still comes in that they are going to join this server to play with their guild mates and friends, and in doing so create even longer que times

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Do you not think that BioWare are doing things for a reason, that they have a launch plan. I can guarantee they'd know exactly how many people are trying to join servers. They'd know everything there is to know about it and they'd be completely prepared and expecting it.


Don't undermine BioWare by thinking that they are just horrible at managing server queues etc. It's all part of the plan. Trust me :p

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your forgetting most people wont leave though so this issue will continue to be seen, because the majority of the sheeple will be saying


"the others can go, i don't want to start all over"


the server is allready seeing the effects of the Aussie's show me any other server with a 3 hour que time at all hours of the day. when launch day hits there will just be more people than there is today because those who did not pre-order and waited for it to hit shelves or for it to go on sale will just increase the numbers. hell they might not even be aussies they could be from anywhere but the problem still comes in that they are going to join this server to play with their guild mates and friends, and in doing so create even longer que times


The goal is not to force people to leave the server. It's to discourage new people from creating characters on it.

A new player is most likely not going to wait 3 hours just to play the game, i can guarantee that.

Everything will be fine, stop complaining, it's not going to get you anywhere

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No offense, but I think you put too much faith in some places where questions should be asked, considering other promises made by BioWare, and other issues that have come up thus far. So yes, forgive me if I do questions a 4 hour long wait time and expect that to be gone when this magical population cap is removed.
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No offense, but I think you put too much faith in some places where questions should be asked, considering other promises made by BioWare, and other issues that have come up thus far. So yes, forgive me if I do questions a 4 hour long wait time and expect that to be gone when this magical population cap is removed.


Than please, do the server a favour and lower the population.

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not doubting you. in the slightest i have alot of faith in BW i love their games and from what i have played of TOR so far its amazing. they have done a great job im just here to be like hey there is this issue and yeah something needs to be done, cause if you dont speak up no one ever knows there is a problem with what may actually be happening, and just say hey they dont mind if its like that. so no worries boss
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I encourage you guys to stick it out for about a month. I know it's hard, but once queues die down and more servers open up and the population caps are increased, Swiftsure will be one of the healthiest, most liveliest communities out there (same goes to any other server in this same situation).


It sucks guys I know, but I agree here. It's not going to be an easy launch but I'm going to stick it out as best I can. I really enjoy the game so if it means these problems can and will be resolved, I'll do it for a month.


I'm not going to stomp my feet and threaten to quit like so many are doing. I have a good group of friends here and we enjoy playing when we can. I'll just work around it as best I can in the meantime and trust that Bioware can pull this out.


Although I definitely would like to see some kind of acknowledgement of the problem by the Devs please. I know you're busy with preparing for the launch, but just give us a quick heads-up, please!

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A "Low Population Cap." Makes sense, if you follow the logic crumbs...Join me...


They already have a butt load of server up and they are already all FULL?!


If they are full why do they keep inviting people who pre-ordered?


What about the people who are going to be playing for the first time at launch?! Where are all those people going to go?!


So there must be a popluation cap, no?





Things will get better. Just gotta give it time. This week is going to be a ruff ride for sure.

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yeah for sure its crazy that at 2 am pst there is still a hour and a half wait to log in.. where as other servers are at like 10 minutes.. hopefully they will take notice that this server has a wait time 7 times longer than every other server by far.
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the queue time is approaching six flags rollercoaster rides.


I'm pretty certain the pop cap is intended to have population spread out across existing servers.


But one thing for sure they need to input soon, having D/Ced and rejoin within a minute only to see the queue again is just ridiculous. Implement a recognition system for accounts that were already in the server and reserve the slot for about 3 minutes will solve this problem.


OR, stop being stingy and make oceanic/SEA servers. You've seen the amount of 'oceanians', it isn't hard to set up a few servers for those guys.

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I have to agree with everyone here a queue of 355 after a long day of work and having to wait to play is totally UNACCEPTABLE!!!!!


Just to play I went to another server. I use SWTOR to unwind after a long stressful day at work and having to wait just makes it worse.


This is ridiculous. I'm giving you the month to fix this then I'll have to reevaluate my options.

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"Nice" Idea to force coustumers to go to other servers - set server on low population cap.


Is that really the BEST idea you had Bioware?


So take a look at a common casual player.

At Thursday we have started with some friends to play SWTOR.

Meanwhile server get more and more full.

Now we come home after work, eat with our family and bring children to bed.

Now we want to play SWTOR with our friends again, but we cant,

we must wait an hour (mostly more) to get access.


So and now speak with your publicrelation department and ask them how good this is for public opinion if this goes on for some days. Its only headstart, but people tell it at work, in school, in pub - good advertizement if a lot of them tell "i cant play, servers are full"


@Nooze Nice to say "wait a month" - yes its pure logic, but this is a game and not the only game and a lot of people want to play now and with their friends. All the people who dont have preordered and wait till launch, because they want to hear the first tests and opinions and than decide to buy it.


I think this is an own goal for bioware and cost them a lot of future coustomers and some good points from the players now. Sure in a month the servers would look better, but maybe only because many have gone.


They should had made more before to give out servernames so that enabled guilds could share themselves over the server.

And the had made the popcap a big bang message before headstart, so that everyone knows it and take another server.

All new player should get at top of serverlist the server of their land with the fewest Accounts registered on them.

And for a good service make one free character and guildtransfer (in the first month) - yes its some more work for your guys and ladies but the more customers you will hold.


And last - its really a bad idea to put "pressure" on a free coustomer who pays for a bit relaxation after his hard day.


You hade made a lot of beta test, stress test have made your own test, why didnt you test THIS effect know if this is your best idea?

Or are the leaders who decide this are not from the MMO business?

Edited by Wyrmdale
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This is insane, Bioware please launch Oceanic servers and offer Oceanic players free transfers off of the server, my Gf comes home from working 10 hours and can't even play this game due to a 4 hour que at 11pm pst. Something needs to be done ASAP!!!
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