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Would Bioware remove PvE content from 1.2 if it was bugged?


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why all these ppl who threathen to unsub. never really unsub?????


They want to feel a part of something and want to share in the spotlight. They wear their "unsubbed" status like a badge of honor as though they are a part of some elite group of individuals. Mostly, people do not care if you are "subbed" or "unsubbed", especially when stated on the forums because really, who thinks anything said on forums is truthful?

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looking into my soul

out the window

out the door

knowing that you wont see


certainly it will only be me

laughing by myself ofc

oh so lonely

so much more than before

everytime i see this game

leaving me in shame

y bioware? y!


for the love of god what is going on here?

i don't get why they would delay this patch

really i was hoping that i could grp with my friends and do warzones.

either way, its not going to be fun anymore, i'm tired of waiting.


doomed i tell ya, doooomed.!

absolutely wrong in all way shape and form.

no way is this going to be good for bioware/swtor

i really hope this is an april fools joke

ending my sub prolly.

leap of faith, i have none with bioware anymore.. none at all!.


]eating some cereal hoping it was a joke.

really pissed cause it isn't

i hope the people make the devs change their mind.

cause i like to pvp.

killing people in ranked 8v8 would be so much fun.

so thats why i'm sad

oh well, i guess i'll have to unsubb

night night swtor,


wise words my friend.

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I'm just curious. In light of the removal of ranked warzones on the imminent release of 1.2 I'm wondering how PVE players would feel if Bioware removed the new Operation or Flashpoint because they felt it wasn't working properly?


How would the PVE players react to this type of thing and do you even think Bioware would risk it since the PVE playerbase is larger and from everything I have seen is valued more by Bioware.


Do you think they would release the content with the bugs in it or would they delay the entire 1.2 patch until they fixed the issues?


1.1 was delayed for a week or so but it only had one new flashpoint. I'm just wondering what people think as a whole to the difference between how PVE and PVP are treated and if cutting content from a major content patch is acceptable if some of the features are ready to be released.


shrug, move on, continue to play the game for the story and wait.


Its not a big deal, does it suck they waited to pull it. maybe it does. Does it end the world. No. Personally I barely PVP in the game, and RWZ is something I have ZERO interest in, so it too doesn't bother me, I Shrug and move on.

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No one who plays this game is entitled to anything other than what is there when we log in each day.


I agree with this statement, that is why I have unsubscribed. I don't agree with the content that I pay for. I just don't. I want to feel this universe and live in it. My opinion doesn't matter to anyone else. I have not played a MMO since CoH and even then they had minor things like UI customization. I think this game is going to be great in a few months / years but, right now I don't have the money to invest in something that is not holding my interest. I don't think I am entitled to anything other then my opinion on a game that some want to support and some like me will support in the future when it feels like a living universe.

Edited by Guilty_Verdict
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Oh no! Ranked Warzones are delayed until they fine tune the auto match making for Cross Server Warzones!


The end is nigh! Screw this attempt at making it fair for all who PvP! I demand to farm groups with lesser gear then I to stack rating until they implement the proper match making!


Heavy Sarcasm for that rant, just in case people are too thick to notice.

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