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1.2 is Here - Time to switch Companions - Advice?


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I've ran exclusively with Dr. Lokin since unlocking him, he is extremely well geared, and I never, ever die while running around solo.


Because of my preference for Lokin while I dropped bombs on mobs as a Concealment Operative, I have neglected to gear any of my other companions.


Since 1.2 is here now... I have been forced to respec to a Medic and this will obviously prompt a change in companions (though who knows maybe running double healer quests will be the next big thing).


Assuming each companion is running with excellent gear, who would you recommend gearing and using if you could only pick one companion?

Edited by HanfordBlows
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I currently use SCORPIO, I've got her decked out in orange gear with level 50 purple armour and mods, plus enhancements from 'Poisonous Strategy'. She's no better than Kaliyo, but she's got a much more amusing personality and the moddable parts are easy to find, whereas finding moddable belts/bracers for non-light-wearing humanoid companions is near impossible.


I suppose you could use Vector, who will doubtlessly do more damage, but he won't be very tough, lacking heavy armour, taunt or tank-stance that your two tanks have. The one advantage he does have is that you can fully equip him in orange-gear. I think Kaliyo or SCORPIO is the safer choice, however.

Edited by Canis_Anubis
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I leveled with pretty much an even split medicine and concealment and used Lokin as soon as I got him. I did enough damage to fly through the content and was able to do a lot of the harder 2+ missions without help. I wouldn't worry about dropping Lokin. Plus you can make him go dps if you hurting for damage.
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I found it pretty easy to gear up Kaliyo with spare fp/op gear. I even have cybertech, but too lazy to actually spend the time crafting droid gear when I have can have a tank wearing full columi/rakata.


My second choice would be Temple...I find that melee dps companions just tend to like to stand in stuff and take extra damage.

Edited by chuixupu
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I found it pretty easy to gear up Kaliyo with spare fp/op gear. I even have cybertech, but too lazy to actually spend the time crafting droid gear when I have can have a tank wearing full columi/rakata.


My second choice would be Temple...I find that melee dps companions just tend to like to stand in stuff and take extra damage.


All companions like to stand in fire. They have no concept of self-preservation.

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This is true, but I have noticed ranged dps companions just do it less, especially when I'm in a group of two and I spend most of the time healing the other person's melee companion taking all kinds of cleaves and aoe around the mob while my ranged one stays at full health. Edited by chuixupu
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Vector. He's not noticeably less durable than the tank companions and does a lot more damage. You may get healing agro on stuff he hasn't hit, but you can just hit yourself with surgical probes when need be.


Honestly this is the way I'm leaning... Just turning on all his AOE spells and letting him go to town... I don't want mobs that he hits to pull to me after like one heal. That's my only concern.


His DPS is so much better than everyone else's, it is why using him intrigues me most... I just want to burn stuff as fast as possible. I am plenty geared and have no issues rolling hots on both of us. For mobs it's not like I'm worried about interrupts either. My #1 goal is for stuff to die... Quickly.

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Raina Temple.

If you deck her out with good gear, she is a beast, critting 'aimed shot' for over 3k.

Mine has 18.5k hp, all orange armor pieces with lv 58 armor from ops and lv 56 mods and enhancements from stripped champion pvp gear.

I do Ilum dailies in 17-20 minutes with her (not counting in pois. strategy).

I'm hybrid 18.0.23 so not medic, but i can imagine, it would be similar.


I use Kaliyo and Lokin only for special occasions (if i party with someone).


If you aggro because of heals, you still have enough CC to manage.

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Healer Op checking in. When I started running the harder daily missions, I decided to gear up Kaliyo. initially I had her with blue 50 mods plus the Daily Pistol.


I slowly upgraded her mods to purple 50s, and then decided to start runing Hard Modes. If I got lucky on a greed roll, she got the Columi piece.


Now, with three Columi pieces and the remainder in purple 50 mods, I can solo Raxus. Kaliyo is a great tank. I opted for Kal over Scorp due to the lack of an orange techstaff.


If I don't need the tank, I will use Temple (who is virtually full Columi Enforcer). The DPS is very nice!

Edited by QuiJonPed
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Orange techstaves have been added to the game, and a full set of mods can be removed from columi/rakata/tionese gear. 1.2 makes gearing Scorpio easier than ever, and I never have to listen to Kaliyo's grating and irritating voice ever again.
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My first toon was a Merc and I found there really is only one choice of companion, Mako. One of the many things I love about the OP Healer is how many situational companions I have to choose from.


I use DPS mostly for speed so I pick vector when I dont want to risk AOE and Temple when AOE is exactly what I want. Kaylio is equally effective I just go into part time healer mode. Lokin is perpetually benched however, he is just not needed as his role is the same as mine. Scorpio I am sure is fine but gear is a pain in the *** to get for her so I dont bother.

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Give Lokin (in DPS mode) or Ensign your current DPS gear while you are switching to healing gear. Problem solved. If you want to run with SCORPIO because you are cybertech, that also works, but you don't have to and for people who don't run cybertech using Lokin or Ensign works just fine. If you opt for SCORPIO run him in DPS mode, not tank mode.


If you run a tank, they do less DPS, and require less healing, which means you gotta DPS more.


You run a DPS, they do more DPS, and require more healing, which means you gotta DPS less.


The former works great if you are a DPS (tho a healer companion also works just fine, especially Lokin since he does a CC). Since you're now a healer, running a DPS is the optimal strategy unless you stumble upon a long fight where you would not be able to outheal the damage your DPS character receives. Examples of these fights include: <none>. There is no such fight. It simply boils down to you doing less damage, and healing more.


PS: Written by someone who leveled first char sage/seer fully as healer from 1 to 50, using Nadia ever since (who received all old gear, and upgraded later healer gear with DPS gear).

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All companions like to stand in fire. They have no concept of self-preservation.
I remember on my sage/seer with my level 20 "PvP" gear as lvl 29 my class quest. I completed the quest, but there was an elite. I wanted to kill him. My tank kept dying. He stood in the crap. Eventually I switched to my healer companion. He would just heal me up while I heal myself up and slowly damage the opponent. The healer was of use. The other character died right at the beginning (and no, one cannot interrupt all that). Moral of the story: if your companion keeps dying try to switch to a ranged one.
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I am seeing a lot of praise for Ensign Temple... Admittedly I have not used or geared her properly and therefore, I can't make an educated comparison between her and Vector.


For those of you who have geared and tested BOTH Ensign and Vector, how comparable is the DPS and survivability? I don't mind having to actually heal, or be challenged by content - I'm not looking for an "easy mode", just a companion that makes sense to use as a healer and one that can drop mobs quickly.


Someone mentioned Ensign's Aimed Shot critting for 3K... That sounds bad ***** :)

Edited by HanfordBlows
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Temple has a lot of area/cone attacks so her DPS will be the highest. Temple/Vector survivability is about the same meaning I cant tell the difference although its a pretty unscientific assessment. Just remember, if you are grouped with another player and part of the plan is to cc a strong mob, Ensign Temple will not go along with the game plan.
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You can't CC strong mobs (Elites) anyway. Ensign works fine, she uses 2 blaster pistols (MH and OH) but for the rest you can give her your DPS gear. Lokin would also work just fine. Just try them out both and see what you like or which weapons you can easier get a hold on.
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You can't CC strong mobs (Elites) anyway. Ensign works fine, she uses 2 blaster pistols (MH and OH) but for the rest you can give her your DPS gear. Lokin would also work just fine. Just try them out both and see what you like or which weapons you can easier get a hold on.


You can absolutely CC elites. You can't CC Champions.

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