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Update on Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2


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Way to sway your statement to into emphasizing your point. I'm sure all of the pre-orders for Diablo 3 were payed for by gamers only wanting the single player experience. I'm sure the figures could match, or even surpass you're quoted demographic of players who ignore every aspect of SWTOR, (even the existing PvP) except for rated PvP.


Yes, it sucks that this announcement came so late before the patch implementation. But from my perspective, their decision shows they truly care about the state of quality their game is in.


The dev team isn't purposely trying to swindle the small percentage of people who only want to play rated PvP. They've been busting their asses trying get this patch out as soon as they can. They noticed towards the end of testing that the rated PvP wasn't where it could be. God knows they're not going to take any chances on PvP after all the raging about Illum. They knew that this would be a blow to the PvP fans, but they still made the adult decision to not release an inferior product.


Good game developers want to make their games better; and that means holding some things back until their ready. It's a very common story in this industry. Yet in this case, we still have this huge mountain of content to see while we wait for this feature to come out.


My original comment was a statement to tell everyone who's raging to calm down, and stop complaining as if BioWare stole your first-born child.


How was the game at launch? enough said.

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its k for me to wait more stabilized rating system, but what about 8 ppl PREMADES. Is it possible to create 8 ppl team to join wz in 1.2 or its not? Thats the question to cancel sub or not.


It is not. There was a yellow post in the topic about that. U can queue in 8 ppl team only for the rated WZs.

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because what they were gonna release was exploitable, and would give experienced seekers of glitches uncommon advantages. this is mostly why.


They had since january to start work on this and they waited until now to let everyone know that they can't handle making it work as intended...

Edited by ChrisLoL
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you could have - but you didn't - now look how many more people are going to leave and that means we are gonna queue for even longer in the pathetic thing you call war zones - too repetitive, not gonna pay for the the same rubbish sploit ridden boring joke of an excuse for content everyday, your loss.................................. jesus, read what we write for god sake. (like what i did there?)
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So if ranked isnt coming out, will the speeders atleast say in game so that I can buy em once im Rank 65? :D


Oh and so many funny people unsubbing because of this...crymeariver *eyeroll*, so much hate and flames because of something this small

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I don't really know what to say, I am playing on a DEAD server right now (cho mai) where ALL my RL friends have quit the game around 2 month ago. But me being gullible and dedicated to this game STAYED because of all the promises given. Finally I hear about all the rated and fancy stuff that are gonna be released and in my head I was thinking "omg u guys quit now all the cool stuff gonna come out and am gonna lol in ur face". Therefore I took a leave from my job and told my family I was going on a work trip for a week to try and have some time to do some serious rated wz with friends but now am told that it is not gonna be released... I don't really know how to explain myself, sadness flows through me. I think the worst feeling that a video game can bring me has been archived by BW, giving me HIGH hopes before slamming me down. I have spent countless hours on this game but now even though I don't wanna unsubscribe maybe it's the only thing left for me to do to protect myself from being HURT from this video game. Ye sorry guys about being emo and etc but it's just how I feel...
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So if ranked isnt coming out, will the speeders atleast say in game so that I can buy em once im Rank 65? :D


Oh and so many funny people unsubbing because of this...crymeariver *eyeroll*, so much hate and flames because of something this small


I'm assuming you were not here for early game access.

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They had since january to start work on this and they waited until now to let everyone know that they can't handle making it work as intended...


it takes some serious game play on the test realms to make sure stuff works.. you got any fifties there?. i dont

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So if ranked isnt coming out, will the speeders atleast say in game so that I can buy em once im Rank 65? :D


Oh and so many funny people unsubbing because of this...crymeariver *eyeroll*, so much hate and flames because of something this small


Something this small? You like to know something is coming in a game for months then 12 hours before patch is dropped they say yea you're not getting this

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Thank you, Digitalclover.

I'm glad that there is someone else who respects the process involve with making a game great. Most people (granted that it is just human nature) just want something to complain about to.

So again, thank you for a rational view Digitalclover, and thank you for making a good game great Bioware.

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Can't we all just hold hands and repeat this mantra over and over again:


"It is only a game, we DO have a life outside this game. We have wives/husbands, kids, friends and jobs that are more important than this game which we play only for fun. People are starving, dying from Tsunamis, easily curable diseases and wars are going on. Why oh why are we rageing over something this trivial? We know better than this."


No? Well i guess it was worth a try.

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I don't really know what to say, I am playing on a DEAD server right now (cho mai) where ALL my RL friends have quit the game around 2 month ago. But me being gullible and dedicated to this game STAYED because of all the promises given. Finally I hear about all the rated and fancy stuff that are gonna be released and in my head I was thinking "omg u guys quit now all the cool stuff gonna come out and am gonna lol in ur face". Therefore I took a leave from my job and told my family I was going on a work trip for a week to try and have some time to do some serious rated wz with friends but now am told that it is not gonna be released... I don't really know how to explain myself, sadness flows through me. I think the worst feeling that a video game can bring me has been archived by BW, giving me HIGH hopes before slamming me down. I have spent countless hours on this game but now even though I don't wanna unsubscribe maybe it's the only thing left for me to do to protect myself from being HURT from this video game. Ye sorry guys about being emo and etc but it's just how I feel...

wait you told work you were going on vacation and you told your family you were going on a work trip... so you could play an MMO?

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it takes some serious game play on the test realms to make sure stuff works.. you got any fifties there?. i dont


If it takes so long then they shouldn't have told us its coming in 1.2 unless they were sure it could be finished exploit/bug free, its not like these guys rush to release things or anything *roll eyes*

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Do you only mention the beta and launch of the game as if it's a valid argument?


"Good game developers want to make their games better; and that means holding some things back until their ready. It's a very common story in this industry. Yet in this case, we still have this huge mountain of content to see while we wait for this feature to come out."


I honestly would of waited even longer for a launch but after they released a P2P BETA, what you said doesn't apply to the genius we call Bioware.

Edited by dsingh
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Its a bait and switch move, they waited until the patch date was announced, every hardcore pvper that was unsubbed resubbed, and got a slap in the face announcement like this


boarder line criminal activity. Promising a Product and then withholding devaluing information until after the product is purchased...

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I understand your frustration, but that's just not the case.


While I can't give you a window into the studio other than my word, the decision to cut this feature was made very recently. There was no deliberate delay and we brought you the news as soon as it was known. It was a very difficult decision for the development team, and not one that was taken lightly. The PvP team is hard at work on reinstating Ranked Warzones right now.


The simple solution to this was to have taken the time and effort to copy enough level 50's over which was not done and I know it isn't a perfect process but if you expect people to test something properly for you you got to make the effort to make it happen not just give up when it becomes too hard.

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