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Update on Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2


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Dammit Blizzard, why would you take out a key thing like PvP before the release of Diablo 3. It's like you have idiots for coders. Why would you even announce such a thing if you're not going to give it to us.


Oh wait, wrong forum. I guess its easy to mix up developers who delay a key feature because they care enough not to release a sub-par feature. I mean, lets be serious, no game developer has ever delayed their product in the history of video games. At least that's what I'm assuming by the cavalcade of angry sentence fragments I'm seeing on this thread.


Nobody paid a single CENT to Blizzard about Diablo 3 before they announced they were nixing PvP, so there goes your argument.


EA waited until 12 hours before patch day, after thousands of players had resubbed specifically to play in Rated Warzones.

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This is the problem here from my perspective.


It is not that there will be no ranked warzones. Yes, this is disappointing however.


The problem is that they waited until the last second to tell the community AFTER THEY ANNOUNCED THE DATE. Just enough time for people to resub and then break the bad news. This is boarder line criminal in my opinion: Selling a Product while withholding devaluing information until after the product is purchased.


THIS is unacceptable and frankly could get them into legal trouble.

Edited by Volcan
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you cant kill star wars. 99 percent of the players are not typing in the forums. lol. the ones that are and are complaining, are a very low number compared to the numbers they have. if ever single person that threatened to rage quit actually did, they would lose what.. like a couple dozen of you?
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Haha Jandi, I think you've hit the marker closer than you think. Except you left out the part of the ebil EA whispering in their ear, "remember, the 3mo subs are just about done and we need to get back some of the pvp base" and which point EA waves their hands "these are not the Rated Warzone patch notes you are looking for" (at least not until the 11th hour)


I lucked out, my 3MO sub was going to get renewed in 6 days, got it just in time to cancel it.

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Then they'll just come and be like "woah, why didn't they call this game 'ghost town'? There aint nobody here."


Depends on what you call a ghost town I guess. My server has been steady since launch and I don't see it dropping in the least. Only a VERY small percentage of players will rage quit over this. The vast majority will keep playing and having fun. :)

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Nobody paid a single CENT to Blizzard about Diablo 3 before they announced they were nixing PvP, so there goes your argument.


EA waited until 12 hours before patch day, after thousands of players had resubbed specifically to play in Rated Warzones.


i doubt half those subs would of stayed.and good riddance to them leaving


this game doesnt need a bunch of whiney spoiled brats in its community,and thats probably who the people who unsubbed were in the first place


as far as diablo 3 goes,have fun with a community not much better then sw tor's.annual pass casuals must be great right.....

Edited by CrunkShizzle
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This is going to go into the lesson books of MMO History of How not to manage your game.



This thread is pretty epic, I don't think I've ever seen anything like it in any game.


sadly though the pvp dev team will not read this book they are making pretty much the same mistakes they made in warhammer online.

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Nobody paid a single CENT to Blizzard about Diablo 3 before they announced they were nixing PvP, so there goes your argument.


EA waited until 12 hours before patch day, after thousands of players had resubbed specifically to play in Rated Warzones.


Valid argument. /applause.

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See the thing is that I think the actual code for the Rated Warzones is still in the patch. If you read the first few comments by him he states that we wont be able to queue for the rated warzones, but no where does he mention that that part of the code was pulled.


Me thinks the code is already on the server, they just toggled off the ability to queue for a rated WZ.


Here is the Rub. There is NO WAY you guys did not know this wasn't going in. You would of had to Rewrite the Entire patch to remove the Ranked WZ and Que system and Build a Alternative means of getting the gear that was suppose to be tied to the Rated WZ. Then you would of had to send that ReWriten patch threw testing and get it cleared to be launched...
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you cant kill star wars. 99 percent of the players are not typing in the forums. lol. the ones that are and are complaining, are a very low number compared to the numbers they have. if ever single person that threatened to rage quit actually did, they would lose what.. like a couple dozen of you?


QFT.... Very true. :)

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sadly though the pvp dev team will not read this book they are making pretty much the same mistakes they made in warhammer online.


or its because they relize that,with all the community feedback that has been given.about 95 percent of it belongs in the trash can

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inb4 rage.


I'm glad it's getting more time. As it was it didn't really encourage group play. Was just a second way to Q which was breaking up the pvp population.


This guy nailed this on the first page. Why are we still discussing this?

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Ah, I don't really care honestly. I'm eager to try out the new WZ, regardless of whether or not Ranked WZ's are in place. Can't miss something you never had anyways, I'm just glad it's in the works and will be here eventually.


Day of patch and you queue: Huttball, huttball, huttball, hu....you see where I am going with this? hehe

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Here is the Rub. There is NO WAY you guys did not know this wasn't going in. You would of had to Rewrite the Entire patch to remove the Ranked WZ and Que system and Build a Alternative means of getting the gear that was suppose to be tied to the Rated WZ. Then you would of had to send that ReWriten patch threw testing and get it cleared to be launched.


The fact that you are now sending it all back to the Development team and we are now once again Months away before this is even close to going live, just reenforces the fact that you guys knew the situation. Not to mention you are now completely changing the fact that unless you are in a large guild and can field a full team of 8 consistant, you won't even beable to participate in the Ranked WZ when they do go live. Is even a large confirmation that you knew there was Major issues that you were never going to get resolved in time.


Everyone would preffer a Fine tuned release instead of another Failed Ilum attempt but atleast be honest about this whole thing and not pretend that you did not know. Based on a Month plus of Hyping this to the public and Guild Summits and Cons round tables that this was going to be a Signigicant hit to the population and you waited to the last second to annound so you could milk as many of the 1 month of Subs out of people coming back to the game for this one aspect as you could before you let the players in on it.


All this did was create a new Gear Grind to replace the bags rng and removed all aspects of open world pvp that was dead anyway.


My personnel opion is you have been watching the Que times for standard WZ continuely growing longer and longer and saw the pop on the servers dropping and since you can not do Cross Server Ques. You chose to hold it out so you can accomplish server mergers and try and build more healthy server balances before you released it. Again though, you would of known this Long before hours before the launch.


The only real question is, Do you really believe that adding in 1 new WZ and opening up a old WZ to same side play, is going to satisfy the pvp community for the next couple months before you can get the Ranked WZ out to them? I do not believe it is.



Pretty much this.


I love TOR. It's my favorite game. But ... pretty much what this guy said. The devs knew, and they didn't communicate. Maybe not ALL the devs knew. But the one working on rated warzones at least knew. It's mega bogus. The initial announcement should have been much more apologetic. And we should have been communicated with back in March when the target-date was first missed.




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Ah, so following that logic, then the political polls they take for any sort of election are meaningless right?


How I see it, yes you are correct, only a minority of the player base actually post on the boards (although a greater amount are lurkers). However, I'd imagine that the sentiments espoused here are somewhat reflective of the general population at large, +/- a hefty margin of error, but "good enough" imo.



you cant kill star wars. 99 percent of the players are not typing in the forums. lol. the ones that are and are complaining, are a very low number compared to the numbers they have. if ever single person that threatened to rage quit actually did, they would lose what.. like a couple dozen of you?
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