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Update on Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2


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Its there mmo its there license they can do what they want. if u do not like it go back to wow..who are u to whine and complain that they did not disclose it.. They knew there was a problem and they posted it when they decided to not release it..where do u get off telling our forum readers that they r baiting..No its not baiting its letting u know...ITS NOT READY


You kind sir are the most blinded little fanboy I have ever seen. Bioware cuts a MAJOR part of the first big content patch HOURS before its supposed to be live. That is completely unbelievably ridiculous. I play on EU servers and my self and the rest of my guild spent a fair deal of last night chatting about our premades for today with the launch of 8-MAN RANKED WARZONES. I wake up six hours later to find out that Bioware has kicked us in the mouth and pulled the "imo" <------- (VERY IMPORTANT) BIGGEST ATTRACTION of update 1.2!


I would have been fine waiting for later in the month for 1.2 or waited for Ranked Warzones and 8 man Queing, but saying it's all coming and telling us hours prior to playing is *&@$%^@#%$*&@%#$*&@^$%*@%$!!!!!!


I just cant believe what you did bioware... I am so so SO dissapointed in your decision makers.



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Interesting point... I think if a game turned into F2P we would all unsub as there would be no more subscriptions as it would be FREE to play?


Have you tried LotRO, DC online, Aion etc? those are F2P games but to enjoy all their features you must pay a monthly fee. All of them were P2P at some point. Why did they turn F2P? Because of the awesome number of substitution that they had? Because the games were doing good? NO, they did it because their games failed and they wanted to save them somehow.

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I dont get why people are mad, i love pvp and would love to see rated matches, but i want a system that works.

This only shows bioware wants as little errors as possible by holding back a broken system


I want a system that works, too. We all do. But I think what has most people irked is that BW had to know before the last minute they were not going to be able to implement this feature in this patch.


And yet they never said a word and went ahead and pretended it would be implemented.

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Damn these paying customers and their unreasonable expectations of a company delivering value for money and on their promises!


This would be the best MMO in the history of a galaxy far, far away if it wasn't for the whining and complaining of these people.


They should just consume, be silent and die.


Priceless. :)

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Get over it people. you would rather play bugged material than wait for it to be ready? quit crying like a little kid and be patient like an adult. so one feature didnt make it into the game. boo hoo. This is update legacy, not update PVP. Wanna leave the game? then do it. you wont be missed.
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The guild summit live stream was the first time, when i thought "i don't know if this game is right for me". it just seemed unprofessional to me, if you have to make fun of your game because it just isnt that good, thats really something to think about. devs saying things like "yea we know the Auction house sucks" or "wait what? we dont have a ready check function in game?" is just really really sad. If you know it sucks, why did you bring it out that way? Not enough time to test the game? And you should know what functions are the game you are working on, how can you not?!


Sadly, I agree. The Youtube videos from the guild summit looked unprofessional and confirmed my impression that we are not gonna see major changes to the game core elements anytime soon because the team is not experienced enough. "target of target... I don't know how to turn it on, but it's definitely in the game" - that coming from the Lead Systems Designer or "Auction House is now 80% less stupid" or "you can make your ops window huge so the buff icons get huge as well".


Now, on top of that - misleading information on 1.2. Not good at all.

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Get over it people. you would rather play bugged material than wait for it to be ready? quit crying like a little kid and be patient like an adult. so one feature didnt make it into the game. boo hoo. This is update legacy, not update PVP. Wanna leave the game? then do it. you wont be missed.


You miss the entire point...like ALOT.....i'm an adult, iv'e worked in retail for 19 years, my shop doesnt advertise a tv for $99 for months on tv and then just hours before the sale write or advertise 'sorry' i have none..... it's called bait advertising and it's illegal

Edited by gorgenator
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They had a poll taken on facebook what people were most excited about 90+ % was pvp hahaha wow lol everyone pre buy ur guildwars 2 lol


what if it's the same for GW2? contents are announced, you pay, but well fianlly, there's only gonna be 1 lvl, full gear at first log in and first person shooting gameplay.

Let's all get back to CS!

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I really thought people who played this game were adults who should realise that not everthing will go as planned.


Like many I was looking foward to Ranked PvP/WZs and am disspointed they didn't make the final build but given how people over react on the forums it a good idea they didn't.


I do have to wonder amongst the 100s of "I quit" threads how many of those leveled a character on PTS and bothered to check to test ranked warzones.


I would rather they are delayed than be released bugged and we end up with an Ilum sitauation and other 1000 whine threads about them being borked.

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You miss the entire point...like ALOT.....i'm an adult, iv'e worked in retail for 19 years, my shop doesnt advertise a tv for $99 for months on tv and then 12hrs b4 the sale write or advertise 'sorry' i have none..... it's called bait advertising and it's illegal


Car lots do it all the time its not illeagal if you sell out, its only illeagal if you dont offer them a per-say rainchack on the same product.

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This thread in a nutshell:


Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling!

Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes...

The dead rising from the grave!

Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria!


Seriously if you resubbed, not for the 99% of what is getting delivered, but for the 1% that is ranked WZ's, well then you baffle me, it's a non-issue in my eyes, but hey, everyone has different tastes, that's why there were 4 solo Kiss albums to choose from. If ranked WZ are really that important to you, you should absolutely put your money where it does you the most good.


I am curious though, why is ranked WZ so important that you'd unsub without it? I mean ok you get a different look armor, slightly...and? No really, and?


I'm not interested in "they promised, they lied, that is why I am all ragey, so I quit", if that is your mindset I don't care. Nor am I interested in, "well they coulda/shoulda notified us earlier", being in the QA world, maybe I am more sympathetic to products getting pushed back at the last second because of development delays, not saying everyone else needs to be sympathetic, I just don't find it interesting.


But if you really are unsubbing because the ranking system is not in place...yeah I don't get why. It just doesn't seem to add so much to the game that anyone could find it a deal breaker. I mean what did you expect to get out of it?

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Closing in on 300 pages of rage and unsubs (and the occasional pve/rp'er whining about whining). The funny part though is that probably around 40% of the posts got deleted for foul language. mine did >< Surely, we can reach a thousand by the end of the day? :)
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Seriously if you resubbed, not for the 99% of what is getting delivered, but for the 1% that is ranked WZ's


4 majors contents in the update:

- a new WZ

- a new OP

- the legacy system

- ranked WZ.

To me it makes 25% of the patch MINIMUM and not 1%.


Considering im not doing PVE and not interessted in rolling thousands of toons, then what's left? A new WZ and ranked WZ, making it 50% of the patch.

So for pvp players attracted to a ranking system it's like removing half of the patch content!

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of course it's not illegal if you sellout, BUT they NEVER HAD ANY


but they are gonna deliver just not today, and if your in retail you'd know sometimes shipments get delayed wich means you cant sell the specified product. well BW's product got delayed people are gonna have to wait for it, they never said IT'S NEVER GONNA COME OUT, they just said not today.

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