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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

why is my launcher allready downloading patch?


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am i understanding this right.... if you complete the patch and want to play tonight you have to reinstall from your disc.....???????????


No...You can restart the launcher and re-download the client (11gb)...though it seems some people are having issues with the download.

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Everyone, I've compiled some answers to questions we're seeing frequently and put them in a response to the sticky about this issue. Please see this thread for answers to common questions: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=400099


Can you also give a response to the people that where affected and the way to compensate those people. Because this human error is doing your reputation no good.

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You know what, I love this game they've done a decent job so far for launch, but ffs it is my only godamn day off and i can't even play this game cuz i would have to wait about 4-6 hours of download, yea i could go outside and meet ppl but you see im married the wife works on wednesday afternoon like any of us not doing shift work and its my only afternoon of gaming a week it's not like i got no life, i pay for this can i just play for christ sake c'mon now...:mad:


I know how you feel, it's my day off too. :(

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Lot of people in the thread that have never made a mistake in their lives. Good for them.


Cut Bioware some slack folks, they've made an amazing game that you obviously value or you wouldn't be nerdraging so hard over what amounts to a few hours of downtime for a small percentage of players.


That said, it would be cool of Bioware to give out a free day-- it would be a classy touch, but we certainly don't "deserve" one. Take it down a notch drama queens.


I invited a friend last night for a 7 day free trial -- had plans to roll new characters and level up with him today. So yes, for me, this snafu is incredibly irritating. And since I have digital edition without super fast dload speeds, I'm pretty SOL. I'm not trying to be overly-negative here, but don't defend this huge company that just made a huge mistake to a small % of its playerbase and act like that is okay. Maybe you're not SOL because of this, but I AM. Even a free day wouldn't be worth the cost of this mistake to me -- it just irritates me that their customer service is so incredibly piss poor that they'd rather ignore/marginalize those affected than redress a legitimate grievance.


I won't be dramatic and say that this will cause me to un-sub, but it's heavily pushing me in that direction. And if this is standard operating procedure, I don't feel compelled to recommend TOR to friends, either.

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You know normally I would agree with your statement but in this instance I must disagree.


People set their monetary budget according to what fits their needs. In this case his bandwidth consumption was within his needs. The fault here was created by BW. How was he supposed to plan for an issue caused by BW? Yes he can limit the rate of his consumption as the month goes along if he sees he's near to capping out, but this is an issue induced outside of his ability to plan.


As far as being outside of BW's span of control, you're right, but we also live in a modern internet world. Scenarios such as these must be taken into consideration when preparing a mitigation for their own screw up. Anything less reflects their own lack of professionalism.


I agree with your last statement. Someone who has such limited bandwidth constraints should of taken that into account.


Sorry, abnormally slow/capped connections are outside of Bioware's span of control. Get a better ISP or pay for a higher tier of service. If gaming is important to you as a hobby, fund it--don't skimp then throw blame at developers.


And seriously, who would go with a digital download instead of box copy knowing they are so abnormally bandwidth capped?



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Or read a book, paint a picture, step out side and play the ultimate game that is in real 3d called life lol.:D I hear its a very fun game and very addicting. I would go check it out but in stuck at a desk right now.


I'm an artist, painting pictures is my job. The game is my break from that job.

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Well I'm one of the 'few' people that were screwed over by this patch blunder by bioware.

I'm not going to spend my download limit on a re-install of the game, even tho I will probably have to do that tomorrow anyway, because of this mess.


So yeah I'm pissed off, was really hoping to play tonight (finish things before the patch)


And what do we get from Bioware..

We apologize for the confusion, but only a very small number of players were affected by this unintentional change. Thank you for your understanding.


You should apologise for messing things up, not 'the confusion'..you are the cause of the confusion..apologise for the cause!

Edited by Hadronn
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So because of your failure I am left either re downloading an entire client or waiting until tomorrow? How is this a solution? I don't understand how your "amatuer hour" now results in my wasted day? I will waste most of my day redownloading a client I had but your lack of attention requires me to suffer for it? And of course no talk of any compensation to those of us affected. But I guess thats just more tears for Mr. Reid to care less about. You are a horrible company who treats your players like garbage.
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Actually, people have every right to blame the developers. People expect, as customers, that their products are being delivered properly. This patch was not supposed to be delivered until tomorrow, and the only way to fix it for some players today is to re-download the entire game. This is beyond the norm--i.e. people should not have to expect to download so many GBs of info for this game in such a time span (i.e. today and tomorrow). BioWare dropped the ball. They may try to dismiss the problem as just a "small number" but should these players, as a matter of principle, not have the right to direct blame at BioWare?


You are missing the point. It is completely idiotic for someone that knows their connection is absurdly slow to have to re-download the entire game because..... wait for it.....they were idiotic enough to only buy the digital copy. Make sense now? Future reference, bad connection means you gotta buy the box. Every MMO needs to be repaired/installed again from time to time. Your rage should be directed at yourself and your shortsightedness. This thread is just your vehicle to add to the angst of people that have legitimate concerns. Righteous indignation-not yours.

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