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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

why is my launcher allready downloading patch?


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You guys seriously dropped the ball on this one. Now, because of no error on our part, we can't play the game until tomorrow ( and even then, after a huge download ) unless we download 12 gigs. What about those people ( like my 64 year old father ) that have really restricted internet packages and speeds? You have screwed him out of the game....


For a company trying to impress people and keep customers - you screwed up. Whoever was in charge of this should be fired.

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So what you are saying is that we should go play WoW for today.


Got it.

Or read a book, paint a picture, step out side and play the ultimate game that is in real 3d called life lol.:D I hear its a very fun game and very addicting. I would go check it out but in stuck at a desk right now.

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"Hey everyone, sorry for the brief confusion. Here’s what happened and how it affects you.


Some patch-related changes were mistakenly deployed early. Luckily, these changes only affected players for a very brief (less than 15-minute) window. We corrected this unintentional change very quickly."


Only 15 minutes? I saw posts from very early on of ppl complaining about this issue. I didnt patch untill about an hour ago and then started having this issue.. 15 minutes my ***.

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FYI everyone's not like you or on the same connections. So you may want to take that into consideration before throwing suggestions like these out there...


My home connection downloads at 300Kbs so a full DL would take a FREAKING long time. Luckily I wasn't affected.. My connection as well as MANY others as of late have Bandwidth caps added and things like this can easily push you over.


in short..some connections will take all day to do this or longer, and it could cost them even more money from their internet provider.



Sorry, abnormally slow/capped connections are outside of Bioware's span of control. Get a better ISP or pay for a higher tier of service. If gaming is important to you as a hobby, fund it--don't skimp then throw blame at developers.


And seriously, who would go with a digital download instead of box copy knowing they are so abnormally bandwidth capped?



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I"m sorry, but this is complete BS.


You accidentally screw up your release times, and now a small handful of people, including myself can no longer play the game today. Normally, I could over look this, but I"m coming to the point of sheer frustration with your company and the plethora of bugs, customer service issues and general deployment issues you have had since release. To further increase my unhappiness, I am reminded that once again, I am paying monthly for a game that unless I want to waste a whole night re-downloading THE ENTIRE GAME I cannot play. Hell, even if I did re-download it, I would still be unable to get into the game trying to re-download all the patches and everything else needed.


Please Bioware, get your stuff in order, and find some way to compensate the players who you have done a complete and horrid disservice to today.

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Or read a book, paint a picture, step out side and play the ultimate game that is in real 3d called life lol.:D I hear its a very fun game and very addicting. I would go check it out but in stuck at a desk right now.


I thought Life was a board game. You know nothing.



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If it was a mistake and corrected why does it require an entire client download for some and not others? Or did I miss something?


Because you can't revert to a previous version of the game, there is no option for that. Hey BW, why don't you add that little feature? Or say, a repair function. Most of the games out there have something like that to repair corrupted files. I'd call this a corrupted file.

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Error message on the launcher!


"Network error while downloading the patch data. Retrying..."


What is this?


The small number of people downloading the full game is collapsing the server now....

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I"m sorry, but this is complete BS.


You accidentally screw up your release times, and now a small handful of people, including myself can no longer play the game today. Normally, I could over look this, but I"m coming to the point of sheer frustration with your company and the plethora of bugs, customer service issues and general deployment issues you have had since release. To further increase my unhappiness, I am reminded that once again, I am paying monthly for a game that unless I want to waste a whole night re-downloading THE ENTIRE GAME I cannot play. Hell, even if I did re-download it, I would still be unable to get into the game trying to re-download all the patches and everything else needed.


Please Bioware, get your stuff in order, and find some way to compensate the players who you have done a complete and horrid disservice to today.


I personally cancelled my subscription citing this as the issue.

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Sorry, abnormally slow/capped connections are outside of Bioware's span of control. Get a better ISP or pay for a higher tier of service. If gaming is important to you as a hobby, fund it--don't skimp then throw blame at developers.


And seriously, who would go with a digital download instead of box copy knowing they are so abnormally bandwidth capped?




Wow your mean-spirited post just reminded me that I backed up a copy of the game from like two weeks ago. Thanks! I'll just backup this 1.2 version, copy back the older version and patch up to 1.1.5 and be able to play today. You rock, troll poster!

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You are of course free to cancel, but the number of players affected is very small given that the incorrect patch release was up for ~15 minutes and many canceled the download when they got word to do so.


I'm aware that I am free to cancel. I was merely pointing out it is poor customer service. If I had a physical copy of the game, I wouldn't mind as much; I'm less than happy that I have to re-download and install the entire game because of Bioware's error, however. This just isn't something that ever happens in other games, in my experience.


I pay 15 dollars a month for this game so it's reasonable to expect that it will work. I don't see how I'm the bad guy here.

Edited by DestructorSR
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