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Queue growing and growing and growing...


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People need to just stop acting like 5 yr old who have had their favorite toy taken off them.


Sorry mate that me and many others are upset for paying an amount of 180$ Plus for a game we can barely enjoy, glad to see your so caviler with your money or did you just buy standard edition, be sympathetic to some of us, some people work more then others, some have children wives and families, not to mention the closer to chrissy less time for games,


May sound stupid, but i took an annual leave day yesterday to play the game and had to wait two hours then, I work 6 days a week and LONG days, I waited for years for this game i wanna be able to enjoy and voice my frustration when i forked out hard earned dollars for a game i am not fully capable of enjoying, I get your trying to help us calm down, but its too far past that, so just stop.

Edited by TrinityRaven
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There should be a feature where you can queue for your Normal server whilst playing an Alt on another server


this is ridiculous ...... over 5 hours of my day spent in queues that could've been playing because the damn client crashed


I would defiantly be for this I started playing republic on another server but I really want to play my empire toon.


And really, how come the people that decided two servers, The Swiftsure and The Harbinger, would to be fine for the entire Unofficial Oceanic area. Pretty poor planning on their part if they would have expanded it to maybe 5 or 10 servers the load might have been better balanced.


Thanks guys

Edited by Shadoerider
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The queue for The Swiftsure is over 4 hours long now. No, I didn't get stuck in the queue. I logged in at 7am to zero queue, but guild members logging in during the day have certainly expressed their frustrations.


I feel sorry for the Americans who were deployed to this server, because they have been railroaded. The Oceanic community asked for Oceanic labeled servers in their efforts to daisy chain guilds, and this hasn't been delivered. So this is what has happened. Don't expect the Oceanic community to leave either. We're here for the long haul, long queue times and everything.


But something needs to be done, by Bioware to address this. Hundreds of people are actively not logging out of the game either. They will simply leave their computers and set up their G15 keyboards to automatically jump for them and afk for long periods of time. Again.. with a 4+ hour queue, can you blame them?

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Yeh because nobody wants to line up times to play with their friends, getting dc'd after logging in and having to wait another 3 hours is a joke.


To me you might say we are whinging but you sound like a fanatical fanboi who will take any sort of service shoved at him.


Bottom line is we paid to play like others we are not excluded to play as stated by the devs, service is service for all.


Hahaha i'm to old to be a fanboi and in fact quite the opposite you could call me critical and cantankerous. But i'm used to this and have seen it all before in extremely popular games. As a result I manage my time better


Your right we werent excluded but we werent invited either, doesnt it seem somewhat childish that the child not invited to play is making the most noise?


Seriously though log in before you want to play, go do some chores or spend time with the family and then comeback and play.

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Server queues are huge problem ATM, and the game haven't officially launched even!

I really hope you guys can fine some fix to this ASAP.


What I find really frustrating is doing heroics with group, crashing to desktop and than being forced in queue with 1+ hour wait time.

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Seriously though log in before you want to play, go do some chores or spend time with the family and then comeback and play.


Yeah, and then go back to your computer a few hours later to see that your internet has hiccuped when you were only 3 people away from getting into the game, only to have to start over in the 3 hour queue. (yes this just happened to me) It's not acceptable. I don't mind logging in a little early then going and getting some things done while I wait, but the fact that there is no feature to save your place in line when you log back in within a few minutes of getting kicked from the server is ridiculous.


If at all possible they need to raise the server caps. If there were shorter queues then people wouldn't worry so much about staying logged in as long as possible, which would make the queues move faster and then eventually there wouldn't be any at all. Right now, not only are the queues super long, but they aren't moving very fast because people aren't logging out. I tried to log in at 7 oclock, and at 10 oclock i still wasn't in. When I was 3 people away I received an error and had to completely start over, which there is no way I was going to wait another 3 hours to even start playing.


They need to either allow free server transfers, or increase the server capacity. Like now.

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I can't help but feel the people saying to calm down and wait somehow don't realize how long these lines are getting? Yes I expect wait times for some, not every single server and especially for Early Access. I would like to stick with atleast ONE character rather then keep jumping servers.
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I wouldn`t be so upset with the que times if I knew that they were addressing the issue by releasing some sort of statement *I haven`t found the twitter statement if you can find it can you link it?*


Most MMO`s have a good understanding of how to react to concerns on the forums. All we get is OOOOOOOOH looks like you filled the thread! Here, fill another... and another... and another....


Can we get some sort of information addressing this issue from a forum administrator? That`s all I`m asking for...

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I can't help but feel the people saying to calm down and wait somehow don't realize how long these lines are getting? Yes I expect wait times for some, not every single server and especially for Early Access. I would like to stick with atleast ONE character rather then keep jumping servers.


On my third server! Upon my entry- Low. End of the day- Full


I must be really cool, or something.

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When I first picked my server "Iron Citadel", it was light traffic. Now I just had to wait through a que of 700, this makes me sad :( I'm at lvl 18 so I kinda dont want to reroll my characters. Most of my friends haven't started playing yet, but I'd be sure to want to end up on the same server as them.


I shall wait patiently.

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You make me ashamed to be Australian, people like you give the rest of us bad names. Your one of the entitled crowd, the kind that believes own selfish needs comes before anyone or anything.

/ignore Welcome to my **** list


So go play with your kids and dont bother posting here while you wait lol.

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Problem is, the servers are empty or at least they seem to be empty. When questing I rarely see another player, Coruscant feels like a wasteland. Push up the server population, that's the only answer. It an M(assively)MO, at least I heard so ;-)
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SO what exactly do you expect them to do? Just remove the cap on the servers and let everyone on one server? The way they have it setup KEEPS the servers STABLE. 99.9% of you complaining have no idea what they are talking about.


Keep second guessing there ol mate. I am Australian but I am in a SWG guild that was placed here by BW, I am the only Aussie in the guild btw. There is a little bit more to it then what you suggest, but thanks for your valuable input

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Keep second guessing there ol mate. I am Australian but I am in a SWG guild that was placed here by BW, I am the only Aussie in the guild btw. There is a little bit more to it then what you suggest, but thanks for your valuable input


You didn't counter his point though so it remains valid.

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You didn't counter his point though so it remains valid.


They can open up more instances in the server to increase the load actually, the point being they are not doing this atm...Valid or not there are options available that have not been implemented.

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Most of the servers have queues exceeding 20 minutes. Not just a few. Honestly, it's inexcusable. EA was bragging about TOR pre-order numbers months before release, yet this is what we get. Server queues like WoW launch. Let's party like it's 2004.
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I totally agree with you about the fact the game isn't released yet but the small problem is the fact some people where placed on server they are on because of guild placement AND bioware also knew how many people pre-ordered the game and should have made servers / guild placement accordingly.


Bioware has an estimate only of pre-orders. People can go and pre-order the game immediately on Origin and queue up, but Bioware can't immediately add more capacity to the existing servers.

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