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Queue growing and growing and growing...


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Well said. I do not think that getting what you´ve paid for is asking for too much.


He hasnt paid for anything other than a measly 5$ for pre-order at this junction. He is getting exactly what he paid for. EARLY access to a game that got a crapton of pre-orders.

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Wrong, in so many ways. That came off your total. You did not "pay" for EA, you put down a deposit to pre-order.


It doesn't matter, it doesn't make a difference.


I payed... so I want what was paid for.


I'm a computers engineering student, I'm aware of what it takes to deal with a game launch like this but ffs, the guys at bioware had the advantage of studying how other mmorpgs were launched (WoW, Aion, whatever) and THE LEAST they could do since they're "coming out later" was to NOT make the same mistakes... god I don't remember playing any mmorpg with queues as long as these.


I don't mind waiting 10-15 even 30mins... BUT 4 hours ?!!?


I haven't played today yet cause after 3 hours of waiting my ISP went down, lost connection... guess what? i've been waiting for 2 hours now.... and still got 1200+ ppl in front of me.


I KNOW this can be solved. Thing is, big companies are always more worried about keeping their schedules and priorities because of the BIG PICTURE rather than worrying about the present.


And right now i'm feeling like an idiot for "feeding" this kind of behaviour.

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This does seem slightly odd, really. I can understand them holding back some space, either by capping the population limits on the servers or by holding back servers until release day, so that people that have bought the game can get onto it - but that's only if they realise that they've seriously underestimated the number of people that will be playing.


Thing is, the game has been in pre-order since July - so they knew how many people were going to be logging on at the start - so I'm amazed that they haven't tailored their servers to match. I could understand it with Blizzard - when "The MMO That Shall Not Be Named" came out, its popularity took them by surprise - this souldn't have caught out BW.


The only thing that I can think is that BW are uncertain of how many players will stay "long term" - and have set the number of servers to the level that the population will stablize at. Thing is, if that's the case, then it'll be a self fulfilling prophesy - they'll pee off enough players that they leave and the overall population will decrease the an acceptable level.


If they want a world beating game - they'd better get the server situation sorted pronto!

Edited by Colow_Leper
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Still no response from BW?



Btw, logged in 2 hours ago. Still 400 people in queue..


What do you want BW to say?


"OK lets violate quality assurance and artificial inflate the server sizes so more people can play, creating the illusion of lower pop servers, and consequently compound the problem even more?"


Just give it time. Things will balance out. ALL big MMO release are like this, welcome to the real world.

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I've paid over £100 so far and all I'm getting is a 4-hour queue.


That is what you get for picking an over populated server.:sul_eek::wea_02:


The server caps will go up over time, you people need to chill. I can really tell how many of you kids have never played an MMO @ Launch.

Edited by Eggowaffles
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Spent more time in Queue than in-game over the last 3 days. I've been waiting 4 years for this game and this Queue is actually making me want to uninstall and never play it again. **** you Bioware, for ruining an amazing game with something so stupid.
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Fatman why u always so fat =(


Right? Currently waiting as well, but with no qualms. Go go pos:155....Least its not as bad as last night, jesus got home from work at 8pm position in queue = 1256


Just did other stuff that I was procrastinating on....I am a decemberist after all.

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That is what you get for picking an over populated server.:sul_eek::wea_02:


The server caps will go up over time, you people need to chill. I can really tell how many of you kids have never played an MMO @ Launch.


But previous MMO lauches didn't have six months of pre-orders. They KNEW how many people were going to be playing!

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Again... they WILL... I'm not paying to play "when things get settled"...


Besides, I'd be much more relaxed if they would try to solve this instead of putting up "Smuggler vs Sith warrior" videos ...


Oh ffs..


Are you that dense to realize they have separate teams to handle things?

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That is what you get for picking an over populated server.:sul_eek::wea_02:


The server caps will go up over time, you people need to chill. I can really tell how many of you kids have never played an MMO @ Launch.


What if you were assigned to one of the overpopulated servers before they got overpopulated, and are already close to level 30? Not exactly going to reroll and leave all my friends and guildmates behind.

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Given that Bioware knew how many people would be playing AND even had us in Guilds for which they chose which server we would play together on I find it very annoying that nothing is being done about the queues.


I believe low server capacity is a deliberate tactic by Bioware to spread people across servers but size of the queues and no formal response leads to question if there is a problem. Am I going to pay a sub for a 1-2 hour queue ... not a chance.


Will I pay for 5-10 min queue during peak time ... probably.

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But previous MMO lauches didn't have six months of pre-orders. They KNEW how many people were going to be playing!



LOL are you serious? Yes they did, some had even MORE than 6 months. I remember pre odering WoW and Rift far earlier than 6 months. They knew how many ppl were playing but making a ton of servers isn't a viable solution, it just makes ghost towns. You keep a set # of servers, keep queues in to make sure the servers can handle it, and increase the cap a little bit at a time. Soon there will be twice as many ppl on these servers with no queue.

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