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Queue growing and growing and growing...


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Actually that is straight up not true, I've played WoW for a very long time on a very high pop server and worst (even on BC, Wrath and Cata) launches ever got was a 40 min wait time.


That's a bit different than a 4 hour wait time so please don't exaggerate.


Dont tell me i'm wrong, BR had 4-5 hrs queue times for the intitial 3 months at launch of Wotlk. Since you want to throw around expansions I played them all, 7 year veteran here.


Learn some patience kiddies or go back to wow I hear it's instant access atm, deserted even.

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The people ************ now, have never seen a launch before, This one is going amazingly well, when you get into the game, the servers arnt crashing every hour,


In short, Cry more noobs.


Nope, the queues make this launch one of the worst in the MMO history. When many thousands of players cant play the game for hours its no better then emergency patching or lagged out servers.


And game isnt even officially launched. They have total controll on how many have been invited to the game. And still get queues way over an acceptable wait time.


The queues will resolve themselfs. It will translate into developers getting less subscriptions. If this is the normal weekend and evening rutine, I can promise SWTOR wont get my creditcard details...


In a game that already implement instancing I would rather see a few servers with hundres of instances of each zone then hundreds of servers with initial queues and then empty zones once people get tired of spending their time in the leveling threadmill - or queue.


As a casual player I will have limited options to play. Family and real life first, then get a few chances to get some gametime in between. That means those few hours a week is very high valued. Queues are unacceptable.

As a hardcore player I would need to know that I could get online whenever the guild is doing something. With queues I can see having to sit out raids because queues where longer then expected - or wait for hours while key members get stuck in queues. Again, unacceptable.

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see what i dont understand is people are saying it is to be expected.. well if its to be expected why the hell is there even a problem at all? you would think they would be on top of it instead of just letting it be like every other launch...
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you say you heard other MMOs had worse LAUNCHES pls name them?????
Various friends told me that this launch is the best they've ever seen.



WoW's launch was worse.


Warhammer's Online was worse.


I see someone mentioned SWG's launch as being worse.




Of course launch isn't over yet, we'll see what hits on 20th Dec.



I suspect I'll have some hellish (relatively) queue times Sat and Sunday, seeing as it's the weekend.



But there are very few server crashes, bugs, etc...it's DAMN smooth.

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Pre-Order numbers should have given a hint of what was expected. I don't imagine it will get better when the game officially releases. People are leaving other mmo's to come here, this is it for them. And 2 to 3 hour queue time is not reasonable, period. Besides that, great job on an swesome game :p
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Anarchy Online, <<OGOD THE QUES +disconnect fun

SWG. << but where r teh servers?

WoW, << YAY *crash 2000+ que

Age of Conan, << Cool untalkable to NPC's bro.

Rift, << Burn it, burn it now.




age of conan= never had that issue, still playing it from open beta.

rift= only few servers had wait rest had no wait still playing it now and thn from open beta.

Edited by joemladic
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I have been apart of every modern MMO launch as of date and yes ques can be expected but it was also fixed within a day or two of happening! That and the bug that causes some people to get disconnected from the server after about 15 minute sof playing and then you're forced back to the que!
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There have been servers (checking US only) available every time I looked (4 times this evening at decent intervals). There is little else BW can do. They have the servers set for what the believe will create a healthy population once the game is beyond release explosion.


It's queues now or empty servers when the initial rush is over. Deal with it, and be happy in the long run. I don't see anyway around it.

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I don't understand why people are threatening to switch servers... Do you think it is any better on the other servers? Yes, there is a queue and it blows, I am only on here typing because of it, but what can you do? Keep your characters where they are so Bioware can get a handle on how many players are where. There is no need to be bouncing all over the place. You are going to have to wait no matter where you are.
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Unacceptable ? lol

Ever play Wotlk for 3 months after release? the queues were 5 hrs long. Learn to turn your comp on and log a couple of hours before you are ready to play. Crowded servers = popular game.......also dont expect it to always be like this it's always at its worst for 1 - 3 months after release.


liar i played wotlk and there were minimal queues at best never more than 20 minutes nice embelishment

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****, so after waiting 3+ hours to get onto sureswift and play my main i get to number 1 in the queue and it freezes for half an hour with me at 1. so i re-queue on wound in the force, wait another hour starting at 600 in queue, it gets to 1st and says server unavailable, error code 1005, see knowledge base, which has no info on this error. this is frustrating to say the least, been trying to play the game for about 5 hours now.
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age of conan= never had that issue, still playing it from open beta.

rift= only few servers had wait reset had no wait still playing it now and thn from open beta.


This launch has been smoother than all of those, The ques are there for a reason, and they will get dramatically better as people clear out of the lower level zones.


To all the people throwing their arms up screaming abuse and saying they will quit? Do it. If you have no patience you don't deserve to play this great title.

The ques will get better, the crying, probably won't...


for shame.

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you say you heard other MMOs had worse LAUNCHES pls name them?????


Seriously? Have you been to an MMO launch before?


This launch is one of the smoothest I have ever seen. Largely bug-free (though not totally), largely memory-leak-free (though not totally), very little server lag, and no major crashes yet. Yes, there is a queue, but it's not that bad.


As was mentioned before, the SWG launch was a nightmare. The server wasn't accessible for quite a long time after launch, and the game was buggier than all get-out.


Age of Conan was a frikkin nightmare. WoW was a nightmare. UO was okay, but not as smooth as this. SWG was a nightmare. Don't even get me started on Darkfall or Mortal Online. I missed the EVE launch, but from what I am told it wasn't exactly smooth.


So SW:TOR has a queue. Yes, it is a problem. Yes, it will be resolved.

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I will say the performance on an average internet connection is pretty good. I have yet to see any significant lag, even in populated areas. Overall, I'd say that's pretty good for early access.


thats very nice to know but no one is even complaing about the performance or lag in game.

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