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Queue growing and growing and growing...


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I was at launch day for both Aion and Rift. I had 2 plus hour queues for both games. Here the most I have had is about 15 minutes. It is really not that bad. I am on the Kaas city server which is at peak hours always listed as very heavy or full. So yes queues stink, but I have never been though a new MMO launch without one. Lets just be very very thankful that once you get in the servers seem very stable. I know I may just be lucky, but I have not gotten kicked off yet even in 4 or 5 hour play sessions.
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Also, why are americans using EU realms?


Probably because official advice from Stephen Reid is to play at off-peak times, which generally means playing on a server the other side of the world so that your peak time coincides with their off-peak ...


Just saying.



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Just don't buy the game. This is beyond silly and shows total lack of technical skill and proffesional attitude from Bioware.


Blizzard must be laughing his *** off. 7 years ago they managed to cope with server queues 100x better than you.


I am really trying to not let my emotions talk but seriusly - Bioware folks, if you let that happen (2h queues and queue again every time game crashes or you dc) - then YEAH - you are total noobs.




What? Wow didnt launch with nearly as many orders as Bioware has. Secondly, do you even play WoW on a populated server? Play on Illidan or Tichondirus will ya? Cause every expansion release, and almost every new patch will have ya waiting around for about an hour or more (especially on expansion releases). Oh,an the game is 7 YEARS OLD.


The queues are not biowars fault. Its the new people who keep choosing a full server instead of one of the newer servers that bioware keeps releasing.


Nonetheless, its not biowares fault.

Edited by Azureas
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Started queuing an hour ago. The estimated time was 1 h 30 mins, place 1400 something. I now have place 955 in queue...

Tbh, I feel cheated on my early access. I want to play on the first character I made, not making a new one on a server that has none of my friends on it and starting over.


I know the game isn't officially released yet, but I really hope that they will increase the pop. cap on servers or something. Like many others, I have waited for this game for several years, and I just want to play and continue the experience. Not spending 3/4 of the time I had intended to play today on being frustrated.


IF these queues continue after release I imagine that I will feel cheated on the money spent on the CE as well.

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And all on the same account? So what difference does the server make...what advantage does having all your characters on one server give you?


I assume the main thing is that you cant be in the same guild if it is linked to a server.


you can mail things between em. like havin a biochem and a artifice. so you can benefit from both. Just got an epic with willpower? sent it to you inquisitor.

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part of the problem is people who are using macros on expensive game pads to keep themselves logged in all day and night while they aren't actually playing, I hope Bioware starts cracking down on people who do this it shouldn't be that hard to see accounts that have been logged in for days and for large periods only jump every so many seconds.


But it's a bit of a chicken and egg situation isn't it? Why are they staying logged in? Because the queues are horrendous so it is better to stay logged in. Why are the queues horrendous? Because a number of players are staying logged in and not freeing up slots.

Oh and also the small matter of BW filling the servers with too many players ...

Tell the world #swtor_fail

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Oh and also the small matter of BW filling the servers with too many players ...

Tell the world #swtor_fail


The servers did not hit their full cap yet. There is an artificial cap in place right now which will get increased as time goes on.

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It comes down to this :


Pay to queue or pay to play, i guess time will tell.


I know we have alot of fan boys around, but not paying attension to the serious account issues Bio have atm, where peoples real live money is at stake scares me.

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you can mail things between em. like havin a biochem and a artifice. so you can benefit from both. Just got an epic with willpower? sent it to you inquisitor.


Thanks for the info.


I do agree that que times do need some work, but hopefully it will all sort itself after a while...this early access time is a bit like a server beta test for Bioware.


Today is the first time i have had to wait for a significant time, and i imagine that is just because it is Saturday night and lots of folks now have the free time to play. This morning it was fine, as was most of the week.


Fingers crossed.

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Well this thread is up to 231 pages without a reply from BW. Let's see which comes first the next "This thread is to long" split or a response from BW. My bet is on the former but I will see when I get up. Good night/morning/day everyone.


This is the 2nd thread.. It's already had 1k replies without a response :|

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The servers did not hit their full cap yet. There is an artificial cap in place right now which will get increased as time goes on.


So you're suggesting that BW are creating these 4+ hour queues for fun then, and not for any technical reasons?

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I don't understand why isn't a system for server migrations. It would mend the problem and even it'd help to get similar populations between different servers.


Now i'm living in a hall of residence, and here there is a problem with the connection. I'm experiencing connection breakdowns every 2 hours, so the game is unplayable for me, I spend more time on he queue than on the game itself!


Please BW, fix it ASAP . I'm begging D:

Edited by MMalkavian
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What? Wow didnt launch with nearly as many orders as Bioware has. Secondly, do you even play WoW on a populated server? Play on Illidan or Tichondirus will ya? Cause every expansion release, and almost every new patch will have ya waiting around for about an hour or more (especially on expansion releases). Oh,an the game is 7 YEARS OLD.


The queues are not biowars fault. Its the new people who keep choosing a full server instead of one of the newer servers that bioware keeps releasing.


Nonetheless, its not biowares fault.



EHhh...you didnt make sense. How isnt it BW fault, that new characters can/allowed to be created on full servers? And i was nt playing MMO's back in WoW's launch but if BW couldnt/cant learn from Blizzards launch = Fail. BW should have a rough estimate of how many possible ppl will be palying, i mean its not like every one just logged on to their servers all at once is it?


Bad thing for me, no word from BW on the issue. Thats just insulting

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It's incredibly unfortunate that they created a situation in which 4-5+ hour queues (Tomb of Freedon Nadd, apparently also the 'unofficial spanish server') are even a possibility - but what's even worse is how unforgiving the system is when it comes to disconnects and crashes.



The grace period window at least needs to be greatly extended as it's a complete joke and apparently prone to randomness.


It's outright amateur handling of a system that has been tweaked and modified for a decade now, how is it even possible something so basic is left uncorrected for this long?


I have no intention of re-rolling, I expect the service I paid for to be provided with a bit more professionalism.


If this isn't something you are absolutely devoting yourselves to correcting, your priorities at this time are misplaced - people not being able to use the service without waiting 4-5 hours *daily* is a pretty weak service.

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